
Waxahachie Rail Car Company
Abstracted from "This Was Ellis County"
by Steve Wallace, The Junior Historian, Waxahachie High School
Contributed by Jean Caddel
Waxahachie Mule Cars
As Waxahachie prospered in the last quarter of the 1800's, it grew from a
frontier town into a small city. By 1890 the city was spreading out to the
West End and the East End. Large and beautiful homes were under construction
in these sections of the city. With this growth, enterprising, energetic
and civic-minded businessmen of the community saw a demand for some form
of public transportation other than public hacks. Within a two-year period,
Waxahachie had gained the service of two mule-powered street railway companies
which were capable of transporting passengers from the extreme east end to
the extreme west end of town.
Waxahachie Street Railway Company
In September of 1887, O. E. Dunlap, representing a group of local citizens
appeared before the City Council of Waxahachie to request permission to build
and operate a street railway.. The company, The Waxahachie Street Railway
Company, had been granted a charter by the State on September 5, the directors
being Dunlap, E. A. DuBose, R. G. Phillips and F. A. Ferris. The application
of the group was deferred by the council and it was August 9, 1889 before
final approval of the company application was given. the company was
granted right of way and use of the following streets upon which to lay the
tracks: College, Rogers, Marvin, Main, Kaufman, McMillan, Water, Washington,
Franklin, Elm and Jefferson. The company asked to be relieved from city tax
payments for five years because the expenses would be about equal to the
profits for a few years.
The capital stock for the company was $25,000 and the stockholders were Dunlap,
W. E. Lewis, M. B. Templeton, R. M. White, W. G. Williams, Phillips, T. R.
Anderson, J. F. Strickland and H. I. Manuel.
On September 9, 1889 the stock holders of the company met and elected officers:
T. A. Ferris, president; W. F. Lewis, vice-president; and Osce Goodwin, treasurer
and general manager. Directors elected were Dunlap, Phillips, Williams and
Manuel. Lewis. Work laying down the tracks was to begin as soon as
[possible.. For the next few months steady work was done on the preparation
of the line. D. Mahoney contracted with the company to build the one and
three-quarter miles of track to be completed by January.
After the purchase of Block 8, Lot 13, in the West End Addition, the company
built a barn (at the end of West Main near the West End Park) in
which to store the cars and mules. During the fall several homes were
under construction in the West End and the West End tracks were being laid.
In mid-December two streetcars (purchased from the Laclede Cart Company of
st. Louis) arrived at the M. K. And T. Depot. Quoting a reporter
from the Waxahachie Enterprise, "They are first class in every particular
and add very much to the onward march of the city. They are not only an object
of interest but a wonderful convenience in the city and an absolute necessity
in the development of our beautiful city."
On Saturday, December 21, the managers of the railway arranged for a trial
trip over the line at about 11 a.m. There was a large gathering of citizens
and business men of the city. Aboard the streetcar were the stockholders
and newspaper reporters. As the group reached the West End Addition (West
Main beyond the MKT tracks) there was a notice of vast improvement and the
reporter wrote that the area would soon be the most beautiful part of the
city. Dunlap, Goodwin, Phillips, Lewis and others were preparing to build
homes. When reaching the terminus of the line, the streetcar unloaded and
the people toured the stables and grounds which were located on a hillside
by a branch.
In the early part of January the company petitioned the city council for
permission to construct a waiting room at the railway terminus on College
and Marvin Streets. It was competed shortly and proved to be a great
convenience since it permitted passengers to stand inside when the weather
was bad and to have a place to sit while waiting for the car.
By February 28, 1890, rails were completed in the West End Park. Many people
would ride in the park on the mule car in order to take a stroll through
the park., and then board the care for a return trip to town. This
allowed them to see the beautiful homes that were beginning to appear in
the West End Addition. People were beginning to feel that the West End Addition
was to our city what Oak Cliff was to Dallas at that time.
The Waxahachie Street Railway Company constructed their rail tracks from
Park School (Marvin Elementary) south on College Street to McMillan, west
to Rogers Street and thence to the square where the tracks turned right on
West Main and extended to the end of Main to the car barn. - a distance
of two miles. In the summer of 1895 the tracks were extended from Main
Street north on Grand Avenue to the "Summit of Arlington Heights."
During the first five years of operation the value of the company's property
for tax purposes was about $5,400. The number of mules during this period
ranged between eight and twelve. Starting with the two cars the company probably
added two more in 1892, according to correspondence from the Laclede Company
to Osce Goodwin. A The 1895 Waxahachie City Directory listed E. H. Griffin
as manager with offices located at 215 Main.
In 1902 the company owned 2.71 miles of track in operation. Five cars - three
open passenger and two closed passenger and one work car operated along the
line. These cars were pulled by seventeen mules. and the company owned one
car barn.. During the same year,, the line was extended 11 miles eastward
to the new building of Trinity University. The line transported 70,244
passengers for the year ending June 30, 1902.
Lake Park Street Railway Company
Waxahachie's second mule car line, the Lake Park Street Railway Company,
was chartered by the state on May 18, 1891.
In the same month the city council of Waxahachie approved an application
of this company to operate on the streets of Waxahachie. They requested fifty
year permission and tax exemption for five years beginning January 1, 1892.
Directors of the company were E. H. Griffin, R. Vickery, F. M. Donnely, J.
C. Smith, J. E. Dunlap, L. H. Peters, J. C. Fears, W. E. Coleman and W. F.
Lewis. The company was authorized to operate over the following streets:
Washington, College Street, College Avenue, Oldham, Kaufman, Marvin, Vickery,
Rogers, McMillan, Water, Franklin, Elm, Main, Jefferson, Monroe, Williams,
Farley and Jackson Streets. Through the remainder of the year the Lake Park
Railway Company tracks were laid.
In December the city gave the company permission to erect a waiting room
shelter at Oldham and College Streets where the two street railways ran side
by side. A similar structure was built at the corner of Oldham and Kaufman
The Lake Park Railway tracks extended from the car barn at the end of Vickery
Street (East Marvin) down Marvin and Kaufman Streets to Oldham where the
tracks turned right and extended to College Street where they turned south
along College and Washington Streets (South College) to the MKT depot.
During 1892-95 the company's property was valued at about $5,000 for tax
purposes and the number of mules and horses ranged from seven to twelve with
four cars ini operation.. Track mileage was 2.03 miles..
B 1894 the Lake Park line was heavily in debt. It had mortgaged the line
to cover an indebtedness of $4,500 which it could not pay and thereby defaulted. As a result , the company was sold at public auction on the courthouse
steps on March 5, 1895 to Fount Ray, representing R. Vickery (who headed
a group which was to reorganize the company.) All property (the road,
franchise, the land in East End, twelve mules, four cars, house and barn
and other miscellaneous items), was sold for $5,000 in cash.
The new investors met a few days after the sale in the office of Langsford
and Phillips to perfect the organization of the company. New stockholders
for the company were R. Vickery, J. F. Strickland, J. F. Phillips, N. M.
Musgraves, W. J. Owens, J. N. Langsford, V. H. Shelton, W. A. Martin, B.
F. Thornhill, H. N. Nycum, W. F. Lewis, A. J. Kibler, A. P. Kidd, John Ralston,
M. B. Templeton, T. J. Davis, J. H. Crouch, Mrs. Mattie Smith, C. L. Kidd,
E. B. Kemble, W. H. Getzendaner, E. H. Griffin, R. L. Goodloe, J. H. Miller,
Robert Dowdy, R. J. Phillips, John Olsen, W. P. Davenport, F. I. Stevenson,
C. C. Wilson and W. E. Coleman.
The new company operated in a profitable manner. Special census report
records show that in 1902 the line owned a total of 2.03 miles of track of
which .06 miles were in sidings as well as three closed passenger cars ,
one open car, and one combination open-closed car. It owned no work cars.
For the year following July 1, 1901, that the line owned or operated a park.
Possibly this could have been what remained of the old Ellis County Fairgrounds
since the Fair Association property bordered the line's property. Records
show that a race track and zoo were located at "east end park."
In late 1903 the Waxahachie Enterprise reported that a track was built across
the north side of the public square from College Street to connect with the
East Main Street track at the corner of the Citizens National Bank (present
intersection of Rogers and Main Streets). This new track, about a block,
connected the Waxahachie and Lake Park tracks, thus as reports indicate,
both lines used each others tracks. The picture showing the car in front
of the city hall in 1906 was a Lake Park car so it might be assumed that
Lake Park cars went to Chautauqua Park and Waxahachie cars went to the East
When the 1907 Special Census Report was made, only one report was made by
the Waxahachie Street Railway Company. Statistics for the Lake Park Line
were included. This combined report showed the total track mileage for Waxahachie
was 4.74 miles with .2 of that in sidings. The report shows that there had
been no additions of track since 1902. According to the Texas Almanac, this
was the total amount of track ever built in Waxahachie for mule car operations.
At this time the company reported nine cars for the two companies - five
closed cars and four open ones. No work car was reported. During the calendar
year 1907 there were 131,734 passengers reported as transported by the lines.
The park at east end continued to be reported and only one car house was
shown. Probably this one was the east end barn.
In October of 1892 after Waxahachie had two mule-drawn street railways, the
city passed an ordinance regulating the companies.
Cars were to be drawn at no greater speed than seven miles per hour and when
a car turned a corner from one street to another, the mules were to be driven
no faster than a walk. Conductors of the cars were charged with not allowing
ladies or children to enter or leave the cars while they were moving. They
were also encouraged to announce to passengers the names of streets or places
where the cars connect or intersect any railroad tracks. Cars were also required
to be provided with signal lights after sunset. They had oil or gas lamps
for this purpose. Cars were not allowed to stop on a crosswalk or in front
of any intersecting street except to avoid a collision or prevent danger
to pedestrians. Violations of the ordinance provisions were subject to a
fine of not more than $100.
The ordinance made it unlawful to "encumber, obstruct, throw or place or
leave and impediment upon any street railroad...." or to disturb in any manner
the car, switch, turntable, track or other property of the railroad without
the owner's consent.
It was also unlawful "for any person or passenger in or upon any car or coach
of any street railway company to use profane, vulgar, or abusive language
or to be guilty of any indecent, lascivious or disorderly conduct, to smoke
any pipe, cigar, cigarette or to drink any intoxicating liquor after being
notified to desist." Fine for convictions of this type of misdemeanor was
no less than one and no more than $100.
The cars operated from about dawn until nine or ten at night. The fare for
a ride was five cents. The cars ran off of the tracks frequently but the
conductor used a special tool to place the car back again. Young boys would
hitch rides on the back of the cars until they were discovered and forced
to get off.
Reports differ as to when the mule car lines discontinued serving here. Some
indicate 1912 and others 1913 or 1914. Witnesses are sure that the tracks
from the MKT depot to the intersection of College and Main Streets were removed
before the lines ended their service. One witness related that the tracks
from Marvin Avenue to Oldham were removed a number of years before the lines
ended service. James P. Griffin, who was reared in Waxahachie and was president
of the Texas Electric Railway Company, recalled that the mule cars "continued
up until practically the beginning of the operations of the Electric cars."
Texas Electric records showed that electric streetcar operations began with
one car on December 20, 1913, and a second one on December 26, 1913.
The Daily Light reported on January 5, 1914, that the electric
car track to the Chautauqua was to be completed on that date and as soon
as poles were set and trolley wire could be strung, service to West End would
start. Cars were already running regularly to Trinity and East End.
A photograph of a mule car and the interurban on College Street has been
verified a having been made in April of 1913. Another photograph taken on
the public square pictured a mule car, an interurban and the new Rogers Hotel.
This hotel was completed and opened in early April of 1913.
It appears from the evidence available that the mule car lines discontinued
in 1913 some time between April and the end of the year.
It was years after the line discontinued operations that their business was
finally completed. In September of 1919, J. N. Langsford, president of the
Lake Park Company who was empowered to: "Finally wind up" the affairs of
the Company, sold the land (a little over 17 acres) , and the barn
area at East End to G. W. Coleman. The sale should have completed the affairs
of the company even though its charter was not forfeited until 1941.
Affairs of the Waxahachie Street Railway Company were completed in 1931 when
the company's property in the West End was sold at public auction to B. W.
Getzendaner after a court ruling on default of a note. The company's charter
had been forfeited in 1920.
The mule cars of Waxahachie were an important chapter in the story of the
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