
The Texas Spirit of '17
Ellis County U.S.A.
This information was extracted by Lori Russo from an original copy of Pictorial and Biographical Record of the Gallant and Courageous Men of
Ellis County Who Served in the Great War published in 1919 by Army and
Navy History Company, Dallas, Texas.
ADAMS, LT. JOHN J., son M/M L. W. Adams, Ennis; attach 42nd (Rainbow)
Div; gassed and wounded France.
ALLEN, PVT. Joseph E., son J. F. Allen, Ennis; Co H, 138th Inf, 35th Div;
overseas May 1918; wounded 3 times and gassed.
ALDREDGE, Pvt. J. Chester, son M/M P. Aldredge, Ennis. Enl June 1918;
5th Co. 1st Regt
ALDREDGE, PVT. J. Fletcher, son M/M J. P. Aldredge, Ennis. Enl June 1918;
877th Aerial Sqdn, Aviation Repair; sta Love Field, Dallas; disch April
ALEXANDER, Pvt. Lee C., son L. R. Alexander, Waxahachie; enl Sept. 1914;
14th Inf and 88th Inf; 2nd Inf March 1919
SGT, W, R, ALEXANDER, son Mrs. anna Flhy, Waxahachie; enl July 1915;
trained camp Travis; sent to France; discharged after Armistice.
ALEXANDER, Bugler Wade H., son Mrs. Anna Fly, Waxahachie; enl July 1916;
atttach Co B, 111th Engrs, 36th Div; overseas to France.
ALLEN, Pvt William T. T., son Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Allen, Ennis. enl. Aug.
1918; Co C, 85th Inf, 18th Div; disch Feb 1919.
ALLISON, Pvt. L. D., son R. C. and Rosy Allison, Crisp. Enl. Sept. 1918;
Disch after Armistice.
ALLISON, LT. W. C., son R. C. and Rosy Allison, Crisp. Enl. Aug 1917;
Bugler, Cpl; later promoted to Lt. Discharged end of war.
ARMSTRONG, Jesse Edgar (Gun Pointer) son Mrs. Sarah Armstrong, Venus.
Enl. Navy June 17, 1915; assigned U.S.S. Yorktown. Trained San Francisco,
Cal; service in France; disch June 17,1919.
ARMSTRONG, Lt. James E., son M/M T. S. Armstrong, Ennis. Enl. Sept. 1917;
359th Inf., 90th Division; Cpl Oct. 1917; Sgt, April 1918; 2nd Lt. Aug. 1918;
39th Fld Art, 10th Div, Camp Funston. Disch Feb. 1919.
ARMSTRONG, Pvt. James T., son G. M. and Mrs. Matty Armstrong.Alma; enl.
Sept. 15, 1915; Battery A, 3rd Anti-Aircraft Battn, 3rd Division. In hospital
Fort McPherson when data collected.
BAKER, Pvt. Leland S., son M/M J. B. Baker, Waxahachie; enl June 26, 1918;
33rd Field Art; disch Nov 1918
BAKER, Pvt. W. Buford, son E. L. and Sallie Baker, Ennis. Enl Aug. 6,
1918; 85th Division; disch May 1919.
BALLEW, Pvt. Loren L., son J. R. and Lou Ballew, Ennis. Enl Aug. 27, 1918,
93rd Balloon Co; where stationed duration of war.
BALLEW, Cpl Julius R.. son J. R. and Lou Ballew; Ennis; enl July 1917
BALLEW, Sgt. S. C., son J. R. and Lou Ballew, Ennis. Enl July 1917; 144th
Inf, 36th Div; overseas July 1918; battles Champagne and Meuse-Argonne. Disch
end of war.
BANNER, R. J., son Mr/M C. M. Banner, Ennis. Enl First Officers' Tng School,
Leon Springs, Tex. June 1917, but did not receive commission; minor physical
BARNUM, Pvt. H. B., son M/M G. J. Barnum, Waxahachie; enl 11 July 1917;
Co. L, 144th Inf, 36th Div; overseas duty
BARNES, Pvt John Fletcher,. son J. F. and Susie Barnes, Ennis. Enl.
Sept. 1918; Students' ATC; Co. 20, Motor Transport Corps, Camp Mabry, Austin.
Disch Dec 1918.
BATCHLER, Sgt Henry G. son W. W. Batchler, Ferris. Enl Aug. 15, 1917;
to France June 1918; disch after Armistice.
BATCHLER, Pvt. J. M. Jr., son W. W. Batchler, Ferris. Enl. Sept. 20, 1918;
Co. D, 359th Inf, 90th Div; No overseas duty because of war's end.
BATCHLER, PVT J. M. Jr., son W. W. Batchler, Ferris; enl 1918; attach
Co D 359th Inf, 90th Div; signing Armistice prevented overseas duty.
BATCHLER, Pvt. John R., son W. W. Batchler, Ferris. Enl May 3, 1917; overseas
August 1917, active duty in France.
BEASLEY, Sgt. Thomas R., son M/M J. D. Beasley, Waxahachie; enl April
3, 1917; 1st Natl Gd, Okla; transf 131st Machine Gun Battalion, 36th Div.
BELL, Pvt. C. D. BELL, son M./M C. A. Bell, Midlolthian, Tex; enl Aug.
26, 1918; Co D 86th Inf; Camp Travis until disch end of war.
BELL, Lt. John O., son M/M W. S. Bell, Waxahachie; enl Oklahoma City 2
Apr 1917; commissioned 2nd Lt Sept. 1918; still in service Aug 1919.
BELEW, CAPT. DAVID. son M/M J. F. Belew, Midlothiam; entered OTC at Leon
Sprmgs. Tx amd commissioned 1st Lt. Attaced to Co A, 357th Inf, 90th Div;
overseas June 1918 wounded in St. Mihiel drive; service Belgium and Germany;
promoted to Capt. overseas. Diosch.
BENTON, PVT. ARTHUR, Waxahachie; enl during war period; attach 29th co.
8th Batt, 165 de[pt Brigade; sta Camp Travis; disch after end war.
BERRY, Cpl Ernest E., son Mrs. M. S. Berry, Crisp. Enl April 28, 1918;
Co B, 359th Regt; 914th Div; overseas June 1918; wounded Meuse-Argonne.
BICKERS, Cpl. Howard B., son C.B. and Sarah Bickers, Ennis. enl. Aug.
27, 1918; Co. C. ROTC., Trans SATC, Univ. of Texas Oct. 01, 1918. Discharged
Dec. 06, 1918.
LT. CHARLES A. BLIND, son MM Philip Blind,Waxahachie; enl Dec. 1917; Aviation
Corps; trained Military Aeronautics austin and Brooks Fld; disch at end of
BOREN, Pvt. Alfred Jr., son M.M Alfred Boren, Waxahachie; enl 1 May 1918;
sta Camp Stanley; disch Feb 1919.
BOWDEN. Pvt. Travis P., son Thomas and Mollie Bowden, Waxahachie; enl
Sept 1917; active service in France; Co F, Batt E, 345th Fld Art
BOWMER, LT. George D., son R. E. Bowmer, Ferris. Enl June 4, 1917, commissiond
Nov. 17, 1917; Co. L, 144th Inf, 36th Div. Overseas July 1918. Active duty
BOWLING, Pvt. Thomas Earl, son James S. and Lona E. Bowling, Waxahachie;
enl 19 July 1917; Co L, 1144th Inf; 36th Div; overseas July 1918; still in
BRADSHAW, PVT. CLIETT Y., son Mrs. H. Cordell, Ennis; enl April 1918;
3rd Battn, Trench Artillery; Stationed Le Havre, Langres and Vitrey, France.
Disch Feb. 4, 1919.
BRANCH, Pvt. W. E., son of W. H. and Carrie Branch, Ennis; enl. Aug. 1918;
sch auto mech as Ignition Expert until end war when disch.
BRAZIER, Charles Alexander Sr., son F. H. and Nancy Ann Brazier, Crisp,
Tex. enl 28 June 1918; disch 26 June 1919 Pvt Quartermaster Corps Wagon Co.
302; served in France
BREWER, Sgt Gordon W., son M/M C. H. Brewer, Kemp, Tex. Enl Sept. 1917;
Supp Co., 359th Regt., 90th Div; trans 18th Div because of broken leg.
Recommended for 2nd Lt. Leon Springs O.T.C.
BROCK, Pvt Thomas Marion, son M/M John T. Brock.Ennis. Enl. Aug. 1917,
Co. L, 144th Regt., 36th Div;died of pneumonia Dec. 1917.
BROWN, Lt. Lee F., son Mrs. L. M. Brown, Ennis. Enl July 1917; Co. A.,
111th Eng., 36th Division; overseas July 1918; St. Mihiel and Argonne.
BUSH, Sgt. Robert M., son M/M H. W. Bush, Ennis. Enl Sept. 1917; Co. D.,
359th Regt., 90th Division; service England and France.
CALDWELL, Lt. J. F., son M/M R. L. Caldwell. Ennis; enl June 1918; 38th
Field Artillery; No overseas duty because of Armistice.
CAMPBELL, Capt. W. E., son Dr. S. E. and Mollie Campbell, Ennis. Enl Nov.
10, 1918; assigned to Fort Riley, Kansas as physician and surgeon. Discharged
after Armistice.
CANTWELL, Pvt. L. L., son Mrs. Dora Breeland, Ennis. Enl June 1918; Co.
F., 13th Regiment of Marines; France Sept. 1918. Disch April 1919.
CARROLL, Pvt Abe, son Abe and Hattie Carroll. Ennis. Enl Aug. 26, 1918;
Co. 43, 165th Depot Brigade; trans Camp Surgeon Detachment, Camp Hdqrs; disch
after Armistice.
CARTER, Sgt. ROBERT FOSTER, son Mrs. N. s. Richardson, Midlothian; enl
April 26, 1918 6th Tex Cav; at end of war enl USN as radio operator Feb.
7, 1919.
CASHION, Pvt. Willie B.,. son J. C. and Della Cashion, Crisp; enl July
1917, 144th Inf, 36th Div; overseas Aug 1918; disch end of war.
CASSELS, Pvt Andrew H., son Mrs. F. C. Cassels, Ennis. Enl May 1918; 111th
Regt., 36th Division; to France July 1918; disch March 1919.
CATES, Cpl. Pat, son M/M. J. R. Cates, Bardwell; enll. April 1917; 3671st
Coast Art; trans. heavy ld art; overseas service; disch March 1919.
CAVE, Cpl Marion, son Ben and Ella Cave, Garrett; enl May 1917; Co G,
45th Fld Art.
CERVENKA, Sgt. J. F. son Joe and Barbara Cervenka, Crisp; enl 28 June
1918; Motor Transprt, 88th Div; disch end of war.
CHENAULT, Cpl. Thomas J., son M/M J. C. Chenault, Ennis. enl Oct. 1915,
Coast Arti; later transferred Hospital Corps. Disch Dec. 1918
CHILDERS, Pvt. Byron, Waxahachie; enl July 1917; Co B, 131st Machine Gun
Battn; 36th Div; overseas July 1918.
CLARK, Cpl Sanford G., son M/M W. F. Clark. Ennis. enl June 1918; Co.
A, 87th Engineers. Had orders for overseas duty when Armistice signed.
CLICK, Pvt Allie T., son Mr. T. I. Click, Ennis. Enl July 1917, Co. L,
144th Inf., 36th Div; ovverseas July 1918; wounded right leg and lost four
fingers right hand by shell fragment Battle of Champagne; disch Feb 1919.
COLE, Pvt William B., son M/M W. Cole, Bradwell. enl. May 1918,
153rd Co, 1st Regt, Marine Corps. participated restoration of order after
Haiti rebellion; Disch July 1919
CHENAULT, Pvt. Ellis F., son M/M J. C. Chenault, Ennis. Enl. May 1917;
100th Regt; to France July 1917.
COBB, Observer Paul H., son M/M Albert L. Cobb. enl April 1918; 12th
Anti-Aircraft Battery. Fought Verdun, France; gassed Oct. 1918.
CONNALLY, Gordon K., son A. L. and Susie Connally, Waxahachie; sent to
shipyards Seattle, Wash 1 June 1918 where served as helper to asst ship
CONNALLY, Rex C., son A. L. Connally, Waxahachie; entered shipyard service
March 1915; served as Foreman of Dry Docks Seattle, Wash. Still in service
CONNALLY, Bandsman Ernest L., son of A. L. Connally; enl 09 Nov 1918,
sta Fort Sill, Ok.a and Cp Bowie, Tex; disch Dec 1918.
CONNOLLY, Cpl John Thomas, son Owen and Sarah Jane Connolly, Ennis. Enl
April 1918; Co. 73, 66th Engineers. To France June 12, 1918.
CONNOLLY, Pvt Patrick Joseph, son of Owen and Sarah Jane Connolly, Ennis.
Enl. Feb. 1918; Co. K, 21st Inf., San Diego, Cal.
COOK, Pvt Henry D. Perryman, son J. G. Perryman, Ennis. Enl. Jan. 8, 1917;
141st Inf., 36th Div.To France July 1918.
COOK, Pvt Robert Henry, son M/M Letch Cook. Enl Sept. 20, 1917; Co. G,
110th Ammunition Train, 95th Div.; in ammunition train Meuse-Argonne and
St. Mihiel sectors. Disch May 1, 1919.
COOPER, Sgt George C., son Mrs. Mary Cooper Sealy, Ennis; enl. May 26,
1918, Co. 1, 134th Div.; Camp Cody, Camp Dix and Camp Lee.
COUNTS, [VT JAMES C. son M/M Robert W. counts, Waxahachie; enl apri; 15,
1917; attach 144th Inf, 72nd Brig; 36th div. Trained Camp bowie; Overseas
July 18, 1918; in battles of champagne and Meuse-Argonne; disch June 20,
COX, Pvt Wm J., son Mrs. Eunice Cox, Ennis. Enl May 27, 1918, 47th Inf,
4th Division, trained Camp Cody, N.M. Overseas Oct. 13, 1918
CRAWFORD, Yoeman B. W., son M/M W. H. Crawford, Palmer; enl Navy May 1,
1917, assigned U. S. Naval Training Station, Newport, R.I.; 12 months' sea
duty; disch end of war.
CREDILL, Pvt. Aobert Ray, son Mrs. Mary Credill; enl 10 Oct 1917l attach
machine gun Battn 359th Inf, 90th Div. Action overseas.
CRISLER, Sgt. Walter., son M/M P. T. Crisler, Waxahachie; enl 18 June
1918; attach to ASC, tng at A&M College; overseas Sept 1918.
CROWLEY, Cpl John H., son M/M W. M. Crowley, Ennis; enl. July 1917; Cop
L, 144th Inf, 36th Div; trained Camp Bowie; to France July 9, 1918; Champagne
and Meuse-Argonne.
CRUMPTON, Pvt Robert D., son W. A. Crumpton, Howe, Okla. Enl May 26, 1918;
Co C, 126th Regt. 34th Div. and Fort Sill. Overseas Sept. 1918; disch January
DANIEL, Pvt Roderick C., son Mrs. J. E. Daniel, Ennis. Enl Sept. 1917;
Co. M, 314th Regt, 79th Inf. Overseas Feb. 1918, broke ankle near Verdon.
DAVIS, Pvt. Street, son G. G. and Annie Davis, Alma; enl July 28, 1917;
Co F, 142nd Inf, 36th Div; disch 16 June 1919.
DAVIS, PVT. S. D. son G. S. and Annie Davis, Alma; enl 7 Aug 1918; 15th
Supply Co 79th Inf; disch March 10, 1919.
DECK, Hudson E., son M/M W. K. Deck, Waxahachie; enl June 1918; OTC, Paris
Island, Marine Corps; disch June 1919.
DIXON, Pvt Romer, son Mrs. Maggie Dixon, Crisp. Enl June 1918 102nd Regt,
23rd Div.; trained Camp Travis; to Frances Oct. 1918 short time active
DONOHUE, Pvt. Terryu, son M/M Terry Donohue, Alma, enl March 1917; Co
B, 22nd Engrs; 90th Div; service France and Italy; wounded twice in action;
still in service when data collected.
DOVER, Pvt. William L., son W. H. and Elizabeth Dover, Badwell enl April
1917; Devel Battn, Coast Art, 3rd Div; disch Jan 1919.
DOVER, SGT. W. L. son R. H. and E. H. Dover, Bardwell; enl Jan 1 1917;
3rd Co Coast Art Corp; disch fr base hospital cp Shelby Miss.
DOSS, PVT. JAMES R., son J. P. and Carrie Doss, Seymour, Tex. Enl. June
28, 1918; Co. D., 355th Regt., 89th Div.; Overseas Aug. 1918; battle
Meuse-Argonne. With Army of Occup Germany.
DUFF, PVT. RAYMOND W. son M/M W. D. Duff, Ferris; enl Students ATC 1918;
disch after Armistice.
DUFF, PVT ROMER D., son W. D. Duff, Ferris; enl 1918; attach 19th Co [?]
disch after Armistice.
DUNCAN, Horace (Wagoner) son A. B. Duncan, Paige, Tex. Enl July 12, 1917,
Supply Co. 142nd Regt, 36th Div.; To France July 18, 1918; at Meuse and Argonne.
Disch June 1919.
DURHAM, Sgt. Sanders W., son M/M S. W. Durham, Waxahachie; enl 5 July
1917; att to Motor Truck Co E, 117th Supply Train, Rainbow 42nd Div; overseas
19 Oct 1918; disch 16 May 1919.
DYKES, Arthur Otto, son M/M J. H. Dukes, Waxahachie; enl day of signing
of armistice 11 Nov 1918; not called for duty.
DYKES, Pvt. Joseph I., son M/M J. H. Dykes, Waxahachie; enl 24 Jan 1918;
315th Fld Sig Branch; overseas duty France and Germany; disch 25 June 1919
EMERSON, Pvt. Albert B., Waxahachie; enl 23 June 1917, Co B 111th Engineers;
36th Div; service in France and Germany.
ERWIN, Lt. Frank Craig, son M/M Rufus King Erwin, Waxahachie; enl Jan
5 1918; Camp Pike Ark. disch after Armistice.
ESTES, Sgt. Hillyer, son W. D. Estes, Ennis. Enl. Dec. 14, 1917 1st attached
Q.M.C.;transf 344th M.T.C. by request.
ESTES, Pvt Sam L., son W. D. Estes, Mt. Calm, Tex. Enl June 15, 1918;
attach to Machine Gun service; disch Jan. 22, 1919.
EUBANK, Lt. Eugene L., son G. H. and Jessie Eubank. Enl May 14, 1917;
O.T.S. at Leon Springs; transferred from Field Art, to Air Service. Comm
2nd Lt. Feb. 13, 1918. Flying instructor Kelly Field, San Antonio.
FARRIS, PVT. JAMES R., son W. D. and Elizabeth Farris. Enl National Guard
June 1917; discharged Sept. 1917. Enlisted Coast Artillery June 1918; transferred
to 308th Trench Mortars, 32nd Division; in France at Verdun.
FELLERS, PVT. JAMIE L., son Eugene Fellers, Oklahoma City. Enl April 1917;
Co. L, 144th Regt., 36th Div; trained Camp Bowie; overseas to France July
FELLERS, PVT. WINSTON, son Eugene Fellers, Oklahoma City; enl April 1917;
71st Machine Gun Battn, 36th Div; active service in France.
FERGUSON, Pvt. James D., son John R. and Mary Jane Ferguson, Waxahacchie;
enl 9 May 1916 Co K 144th Inf, 36th Div; died Camp Bowie, Fort Worth, Dec.
20, 1917 influenza.
FINCHER, CPL. WALKER WILLIAM, son T. J. and Elizabeth Fincher, Ennis;
enl. July 23, 1918; Co. D, 165th Depot Brigade; overseas Oct. 14, 1918; disch
May 1919.
FINLEY, CPL LANE, son Olin A. and Marie Finley,Waxahachie; enl Jan 1918,
16th Co 4th Regt; Air Service; overseas July 1918; disch July 1919.
FINLEY, LT. WILLIS W. son Olin A. and Marie Finley, Waxahachie, Tex. enl
8 May 1917; sta Fortress Monroe, Va; disch Dec 1918; stayed ORC.
FLOWERS, PVT. MILTON B., son M/M A. D. Flowers, Waxahachie; enl 4 aApr
19176 143rd ?ambulance Corp, 36th Div; overseas July 1918; disch June 1919.
FORREST, LT. THOMAS CARR, son M/M Thomas C. Forrest, Waxahachie; enl 5
June 1918; OTC; com 2nd Lt; disch held ORC.
FORREST, CADET EDWARD ERNEST, son M/M Thomas C Forrest, Waxahachie; enl
Sept 1918 Co E Students ATC; disch end of war.
FOSTER, PVT. RANDOLPH, Ennis. Enl. Jan. 1918; Co. B, 131st Machine Gun
Battn, 36th Div; active service in France. Still in service when data
FOWLER, PVT. HUGH, son J. W. and Sallie Fowler, Ennis. Enl Sept. 28, 1917;
Co. D, 359th Inf., 90th Div. Trained Camp Travis. Transferred Co. A, 138th
Inf. 35th Div; Alsace Lorraine; wounded Argonne; disch May 1919.
FOWLER, CPL. ROBERT A., son R. B. and Frances Fowler. Enl Aug. 28, 1918
Motor Transport Div., 18th Co; disch Dec. 18, 1918.
FOWLER, PVT. WILLIAM BASEL, son W. L. and Leora Fowler of Ennis; enl Oct.
1918; Students' Army Training Corps S.M.U.; disch end of war.
FUDGE, CPL. ELWOOD E, son M/M A. O. Fudge, Waxahachie; enl 11 Oct 1917
Co H 144th Inf, 36th Div; Franch July 1918; disch June 1919.
GAILEY, Cpl. John R., son Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gailey, Bardwell; enl Aug.
5, 1917; Co. L, 144th Inf, 36th Div; to France July 18, 1918; Meuse-Argonne;
discharged June 21, 1919.
GERAULT, PVT. JOSEPH H., son Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Gerault, Ennis; enl Aug.
26, 1918; 96th Balloon Co. Trained Camp John Wise. Disch Jan. 15, 1919.
GERMANY, PVT. PORTER L., son Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Germany. Enl Sept. 3,
1918; 138th Engineers; trained Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind. Disch Dec. 9,
GILLEY, SGT. MORRIS, son Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gilley. Enl June 28, 1917;
Co. L, 144th Inf., 36th Div, stationed Camp Bowie. to France July 18, 1918.
GILMORE, SGT. CECIL P., son Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gilmore. Ennis; enl. April
1917; Co. I, 19th Inf.; trans Central Officers' Training Camp.
GOODE, PVT. MARQUIS, son Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Good, Ennis; enl Sept 1917;
Co F, 359th Inf; 90th Div; to France June 20, 1918; wounded at St. Mihiel;
returned U.S. March 1919.
GORE, seaman WALTER R., son M/M T. H. Gore, Milford; enl USN July 1918;
assigned to NT Sta, San Diego, Cal; disch end of War.
GRIFFIN, PVT. MILLARD E., son Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Griffin, Ennis; enl May
1918; Battery F, 56th Field Artillery.
HAMBY, W. A., son of Mrs. P. J. Rolinbury, Milford; enl Navy July 17,
1918. Assigned to Naval Tng Sta, Goat Island, Calif. Several trips overseas,
to France and other countries. At time of compilation of data was serving
on U.S.S. Cleveland.
HANDLEY, PVT. ALBERT, son Mrs. Mattie Handley, Waxahachie. Enlisted
Sept. 1917; station Camp Travis during war period. At end of war granted
discharged and returned to civilian life.
HARPER, PVT. FRED DUNKERLY, son L. c. and Jessie M. Harper, Ennis; Student
Army Training Corps, Univ. Tex. Oct. 1, 1918. Disch after Armistice.
HARRIS, Lt. JOSEPH C. son M/M W. T. Harris, Waxahachie, Tex; enk July
17,, 1918; QM Corps; comm. 1st Lt; still in service when data collected.
HARRIS, PVT. THOS. J., son Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harris, Ennis; enl Aug.
26, 1918; Co. B, 86th Inf. 18th Division, sta Camp Travis. Promoted to First
Cook. Disch after Armistice.
HARRISON, PVT. JOHN R., son R. H. and Annie O. Harrison; enl 11 Nov 1918;
disch after Armistice.
HART, PVT. HARDIN, son Mrs. Martha Hart, Ennis; enl June 28, 1918; 195th
Inf 36th Div; sent England where d. there of pneumonia Oct. 1918.
HARVILLE, ERNEST E., son M/M J. E. harville, Trumbull; enl 1917; still
in service when data dollected.
HAY, CORP. BARNEY B., son Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hay, Ennis; enl Sept. 6,
1917; 1st A.S. Regt; trained Camp Travis. To France Feb. 15, 1918
HAYNES, PVT. JOHN P. son Mrs. R. M. Haynes, Ennis; enl April 1918; Service
in France.
HENSLEY, SGT. ALBERT, son A. B. Hensley, Ennis; enl Sept. 3, 1918; attached
to a Motor Transport Div; promoted to 1st Sgt.
HERRING, PVT. JOHN B., son John Stephen Herring, Waxahachie; enl 26 Aug
1918; 39th Co 10th Batt 165th Depot Brig; disch April 1919.
HERRISON, SGT. rOYAL son Mrs. M. E. Gatlin, Ennis; enl April 1917 as volunteer;
joined 28th Aero Sqdn; trained Kelly Fld, San Antonio; overseas Feb 25, 1918;
first to England; later France; participaed 5 battles; recd two citations
for bravery.
HODGE, CPL. CHARLES B., son Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hodge, Bardwell; enl April
28, 1818; Co I, 359th Inf, 90th Div; to France June 20, 1918; St. Mihiel
and Meuse-Argonne. Disch. end of war.
HODGE, CORP. GEORGE E., son Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hodge, Bardwell; enl June
28, 1918; 532nd Motor Truck Company;to France Sept 29, 1918; disch July
HODGE, PVT. ROBERT L. JR., son Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hodge, Bardwell; enl
Feb 24, 1918; Co D, 5th Engineers; to France July 1918; in battle Puvenelle
Sector; disch. end of war.
HODO, PVT. JAMES JOSEPH, son J. J. and Ida Hodo, Ennis; enl Oct 1, 1918
Students Army Tng Corps, A&M College; discharged after Armistice.
HOLDEN, PVT. FRANCIS NATHANIEL, son Mrs. L. Bridges, Ennis; enl April
26, 1918; Co. F, 308th Inf., 77th Div; Overseas Oct. 1918. Disch May 8,
HOMOLKA, MUSICIAN JOHN, son Frank and Mary Homolka, Ennis; enl Oct 1917;
359th Regt 90th Div. Overseas June 1918; disch when ret to States.
HONZA, PVT. E. T., son R. J. and Annie Honza, Ennis; enl Sept. 1918; Co.
31, 165th Inf. Disch after Armistice.
HOOPER, SEAMAN FRED, son M/M J. D. Hooper, Venus; enl July 1917; disch
after Armistice.
HOUSE, PVT. BARNEY E., son T. L. and Della House, Ennis; enl Nov. 11,
1918 disch when Armistice signed.
HOWARD, SERGT. James R., son Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howard, Bardwell; enl
Sept 22, 1917; attached Co D, 359th Inf, 90th Div; transf MP; disch Feb.
13, 1919.
HUBOCEK, PVT. JOE, son John and Carry Hubocek, Ennis; enl 2 May 1918;
305th Regt 15th Div, Camp Stanley, San Antonio, Tex; disch after Armiistice
HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM R. (Fireman) son Mr. and Mrs. Aaron C. Hutchison,
Milford;enl Dec. 15, 1917. Assigned Naval Tng Sta, Mare Island, Calif. Discharged
after Armistice.
JANICEK, PVT. CHARLES S. son Frank and Frances Janicek; Ennis; enl June
28, 1919; 334th F.R.S.; trans. QM Corps.
JOHNSON, Pvt. LEON W. , son w. G. and Zula Johnson of Waxahachie; tex; enl
Aug 28, 1918; attach co 18 Moter Trans corps; sta Camp Mabry; promoted to
Cpl; d. Austin, Tex. Oct 9, 1918.
JOHNSON, PVT. ROY. Roy. son M/M J. T.. jOHNSON, Crisp; enl June 10, 1918;
attach Co. B., 167th Engrs; still in service when data collected.
JOHNSON, Seaman Stanley F., son M/M G. F. Johnson, Ennis; enl Navy 8
July 1917; NTS San Diego, Calif. Disch after Armistice. JOLY, CORP. AMBROSE
V., son Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joly. Ennis; enl. May 5, 1917; 412th Signal
Corps, .working with 4th British Div; overseas Dec. 1917. Disch March 1919.
JOHNSON, POvt William F., son J. T. and Georgia Johnson, Crisp; enl Nov
15, 1917; atttach 190th Aero Sqdn. Disch end of war. JONES, SGT. JAMES F.,
son Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Jones, Ennis; enl Sept. 1917; Hdqrs Co. 344th Fld.
Art., 90th Div; trans Signal Corps; overseas July 1918.
JONES, PVT. JOE A., son W. C. and Alice Jones, Ennis; enl April 24, 1914,
Troop D, 1st Texas Calvary; transf. Co. E, 117th Supply Train, 47th Div.;
Service Luneville, Baracat, Esperence, Champagne, Argonne-Meuse; with Army
of Occupation.
JONES JOSEPH E., son M/M R. M. Jones, Alma; enl Navy July 1916; disch
July 1919.
JONES, LT. JOSEPH E., son M/M Jasper Jones, Waxahachie; enl 11 May 1918
Med serv; 302nd Cav and 32nd Inf; disch after Armistice.
JONES, PVT. ROBERTl. son W. R. and Della Jones, Ennis; enl 26 Aug 1918;
Co 31 165th Depot Brig; overseas Nov. 1918. Disch after Arministice.
enl 1917; 40th Aero Sqdn; sta Fort Leavenworth and Kelly Fld.
KEENOM, PVT. JAMES D., son J. L. and Augusta Anna Keenom, Waxahachie;
enl Sept 1917 Batt E 103rd Fld Art 26th Div; France 1918. Disch Sept 1919.
KEENOM, SGT. LEWIS CLYDE, son J. L. Keenom, Waxahachie; enl 26 Feb 1918;
assigned QM Corps Ft Leavenworth; disch 3 July 1019.
PVT. JOE A. KELLEY, son Tom M. and Martha A. Kelley, Waxahachie; enl Sept.
10, 1917; co D. 33rd Emgrs; overseas May 1918; disch June 14, 1919.
KENNON, SGT CLYDE B. son M/M S. E. Kennon, Bardwell; enl March 1918
Hdqrs 19th Div; disch Feb 1919..
KILBOURN, PVT. GROVES M. son Rev. C. and May G. Kilbourn, Waxahachie;
attach Students ATC Trinity Univ, Waxahachie 1 Oct 1918; disch after
KIMBALL, LT. AGEE, son Mrs. C. E. Kimball, Ennis enl Aviation Service
May 10, 1918; In Reserves time data collected.
KING, CORP. CHARLES P., son Mr. and Mrs. J. C. King, Ennis; enl April
1918; trained Camp Travis; 90th Division; transferred 315th Supply Train;
to England June 1918.
KING, PVT. ED. R., son Mr. and Mrs. J. C. King. Ennis; enl Nov. 6, 1918;
Co. N, 21st Regt; no active duty due to Armistice.
KING, CPL FRANK S. son Charles W. and Lillie D. King, Waxahachie; enl
15 Aug 1918; Co 16 Motor TC; disch after Armistice.
KING, PVT. LEONIDAS, son T. L. and R. O. King, Ennis; enl. Oct. 1918;
Co. B, Students Army Tng Corps, UT, Austin. Disch after Armistice.
KING, SGT WILLIAM V., son W. R. and Ida King, Ferris; enl 1917; attach
17th Div, QMC, as Baker; disch Dec. 1919.
KIRKLAND, SGT. ELMER ODELL, son O. B. and Eugina Lee Kirkland enl July
4, 1918; trained Camp Mabry. Assigned to Motor Truck Repair Unit No. 312;
to France Nov. 11, 1918; Disch May 20, 1919.
KRUTILEK, PVT. ALBERT, son Andrew Krutilek, Ennis; enl Oct 1918, Co 21,
Sch Auto Mech; disch when war over.
KOUBA, PVT. G. A. son George & Lizzie Kouba, Alsdorf, Enl June 1918
Batt B 14th Field; disch after war ended.
KRUTILEK, PVT. H. A., son Andrew and Agnes Krutilek, Ennis; enl May 1918;
Co. B, 111th Ammunition Train, 36th Div; overseas July 30, 1918; disch end
of war.
KUCHER, PVT. EDWARD, son Mr. and Mrs. A. Kucher of Ennis. Enlisted May
26, 1918; Co. D, 133rd Inf. Trained Camp Cody. To France Sept. 15,
1918;discharged April 1919.
LACIK, CPRO. FRANK, son John and Vlasta Lacik of Ennis. Enlisted Sept.
20, 1917; Co. D, 359th Inf., 90th Div. Trained Camp Travis. To France June
230, 1918; discharged June 1919.
LATIMER, LT. PAUL D., son Mr. and Mrs. Mark Latimer, Ennis. Enlisted First
Officers' Training Camp, Leon Springs, May 1917; transf, to Camp Logan and
then to Hdqrs Co. Camp Bowie, where remained until end of war.
LEACH, PVT. BUFORD F., son N. B. and M. C. Leach of Ennis; enl. June 28,
2919; Co E, 309th Inf 78th Div; to France Sept 1918; wounded Verdun.
LEWIS, Pvt. J. P. son F. M. and M. L. Lewis, Crisp; enl June 28, 1918;
Co G, 355th Inf, 89th Div; Overseas Aug 1918; disch on return to US.
LEWIS, PVT. LEONARD, son M/M F. M. Lewis Crisp; enl Aug 26, 1918; Co B
86th Inf, 18th Diuv.
LINDLE, SGT HERBERT, son M/M L. P. Lindle, Alma; enl 1916 attach 2nd Co
Coast Art Corps; overseas July 1918. Still in service when data
collected. .
LINGO, CORP. CICERO A., son Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lingo, Ennis; enl 1916;
11 months' active service on Mexican border; re-enl April 1917; 61st F. A.LIKINS,
PVT. BEN F. son Sam and Mary E. Likins, Waxahachie; enl 13 Aug 1917; Co D
111th Ammun Train; overseas Oct 1917; disch June 18, 1919.
LOGGINS, PVT. JAMES C., son Mrs. Laura Loggins, Ennis; enl Students' Army
Tng Corps, UnivTexas, Austin, Oct. 1, 1918; discharged Dec. 10, 1918.
LONG, SERGT. O.E. JR., son of Mr. and Mrs O.E. Long, Ennis. Enlisted May
29, 1918, Inf Div; trained Camp Cody, N.M. Transf to Hdqrs Battn. Sent to
O.T.C. Nov. 20, 1918 but discharged December 1918.
LUMMUS, PVT GEORGE, son M/M R. S. Lummus, Alma;enl May 1918 Co I, 359th
Inf Div; overseas June 1918; wounded in action; disch May 1919.
LONG, PVT. WILLIAM M. son J. W. and Martha M. Long, enl 29 Dec 1917, Co
D 7th Mach Gun Battn; disch after Armistice.
MACK, PVT. J. P., son of Joe and Rosy Mack of Ennis; enl. Sept. 20, 1917;
Co. D, 359th Regt, 9th Div., Camp Travis; overseas June 1918; service England
& France; St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. Discharged April 1919.
MAHEETY, SGT. REDFORD F., son R. C. Maheety, of Ennis. Enlisted Sept.
1917; attached to Ordinance Dept. Trained Camp Travis and Fort Sam Houston;
sent to Ft. Beard, N.M. by U.S. Government for health reasons.
MALLORY, PVT. CECIL, son M/M J. B. Mallory, Waxahachie; enl 26 June 1918
154th Inf; overseas Aug 1918; disch after Armistice.
MARCHBANKS, PVT. OWEN, son Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Marchbanks, Ennis. Enlisted
Sept. 14, 1918; Co. 35, 165th Depot Brigade. Trained Camp Travis. Dhscharged
Dec. 21, 1918.
MARCHBANKS, PVT. SYLVESTER, son A. C. and Annie Marchbanks, Waxahachie;
enl 8 Sept 1917; Co B Gen Hdqrts; overseas March 1918; was in escort of Wilson
Staff on his first trip to France. Still in service at time book
MARTIN, Pvt. DOUGHERTY EXLINE, son John W. and Ann Martin, Waxahachie;
enl Nov 1917; attach 211th Engineers; tng Camp Lee, Va., where sta ungtil
after Armistice.
McCALL, PVT. WILLIAM W., son Mrs. W. P. Bland of Ennis. Enlisted Sept.
21, 1917; Battery B, 345 Fld. Aart, 90th Division. Trained Camp Travis. Overseas
June 1918 and saw active service in France.
McCALLEY, SGT VERNON R. son M/M George McCalley, Waxahachie; enl 7 Nov
1917; disch 1 March 1919.
McDUFFIE, PVT. ARCHIBALD DWIGHT, son M/M W. J. McDuffie, Waxahachie; enl
Aug 1918 Co E 85th Inf; disch following Armistice.
MARTINEC, CORP. FRANK, son John and Veronika Martinec, Ennis; enl.June
28, 1918; 44th Co., 165th Depot Brigade; stationed Camp Travis; discharged
end of war.
McDANIEL, PVT JODIE A. son James A. McDaniel, Ferris; enl through Tx Mil
Sch at Terrell; disch Nov 11, 1918
McDANIEL, CORP. PRENTICE E., son James A. McDaniel, Ennis; enl Apr 28,
1918; assigned Camp Augusta where remained throughout war. Disch Armistice.
McELROY, OVT. HARRY GEORGE, son Harry and Jennie McElroy of Ennis. Entered
Students Army Training Corps, Univ. of Tex, Austin, Oct. 1, 1918. Discharged
shortly after Armistice.
McKAY, PVT. RICHARD H. son R. H. McKay, Ferris; enl 6 Aug 1918, Co M 58th
Inf 4th Div; to France Sept. 1918.
McKINNEY, SGT. MAJOR CHARLES P., son of W. M. and Mary McKinney of Ennis.
Enlisted Oct. 3, 1917; Co B, 344th Machine Gun, 90th Division; trained Camp
Travis; active service on front lines until end of war; Army of Occupation
in Germany.
McCULLOGH, PVT. CLIFFORD H., son Mrs. Delia McCullogh of Ennis. Enl. Sept.
16, 1918, Co. 1, Students Army Tng Corps, A&M. Discharged Dec. 20,
McCULLOCH, PVT. ROBERT LOYD, son of G. G. and Mary A. McCulloch of Ennis.
Enl, Aug. 13, 1917; trained Medical Dept, Kelly Field; overseas March 1918;
service at an American Army Base; discharged Dec. 24, 1918.
McGOWEN, PVT JOSEPH E., son Robert and Susie McGowen, Crisp; enl 1917,
attach Co L 144th Inf, 36th Div; overseas 1918; wounded three times; disch.
McDANIEL, CPL PRENTICE, son James A. McDaniel, Ennis; enl 1917; assigned
duty Camp Augusta; disch after Armistice.
McLAMORE, SGT. WILLIAM D. son J. D. & Anna McLamore, Ennis;l enl 4
April 1916; 143rd Inf, 36th Div; in France; disch after Armisstice.
McNORTON, POVT. JOSEPH WELDON, son W. R. and Lillian McNorton of Ennis.
Enl, May 24, 1918; trained Camp Bowie; Co. M, 142nd Inf., 36th Div.. Overseas
July 20, 1918. Discharged Feb. 1919.
MEARS, PVT. WILEY W., son Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mears of Ennis. Enl, May
1918; trained Camp Mabry; Battery A., 133rd Field Art., 36th Division; service
in France.
MILLER, SGT. ELDRED M., son Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Miller of Kaufman, Tex.
Enl. Jan. 1918, 1st Construction Co., Air Service. Trained amp Savier,
Greenville, S. C., to France March 1918.
MITCHELL, CORP. GEORGE K., son Rev. G. G. and Blanche Mitchell. Enl. May
20, 1916, Co. L., 144th Inf., 36th Div.; stationed Camp Bowie. Overseas July
10, 1918
MOORE, Pvt. JACK. L. son M/.M Bob Moore, Ennis; enl 5 Sept 1918; attach
165th Depot Brig; disch 20 Dec 1918.
MORTON, SGT. JOHN T., son of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Morton of Ennis. Enl.
Aug. 23, 1917; Air Service; trained Kelly Field and Ft. Leavenworth; 105th
Aero Sqdn; service England and France; overseas Nov. 1917.
MOYERS, SGT J. H., son J. M. Moyers, Ferris; enl 1917 attach Co (, 345th
Mach Gun Battn, 90th Div; overseas 1918; active duty in France.
MULKEY, PVT. JOHN, son J. A. Mulkey. Enl. July 1917; 359th Regt, 90th
Division, as Musician. To France Jan. 1918; with Army of Occupation. Still
in service at time of writing.
NEWELL, PVT. ROY O., son Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Newell of Ennis. Enl. Oct.
1, 1918; tank Corps. Trained Camp Colt, Gettysburg, Pa; overseas Oct. 23,
1918; England, France and Italy. Promoted to Military Police; with Army of
NORMAN, Nathaniel S., son W. R. and Mary E. Norman, Italy. Enlisted
1918 Wagon Co. 302 Quartermaster Corps in France. Discharged June 1919.
NORWOOD, PVT. R. C., son T. D. and Martha Norwood of Ennis. Enlisted Jan.
1918. Trained at Medical Officers Tng Camp, Camp Grant, Ill. 32nd Engineers;
overseas June 15, 1918. Served hospital at Bordeaux and Camp Hospital 66,
Camp Surpice. Assigned to Casualty Co. A. for return. Discharged April
NYCUM, PVT PRICE H. son M/M Sam H. Nycum, Waxahachie; enl Sept 1917; att
137th Transp Corps; overseas Sept 1918; disch end of war.
OWENS, PVT. ZED P., son Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Owens of Ennis; enl. Oct. 8,
1918; 345th Fld Art; 90th Div, Camp Travis; for duration war; disch March
19, 1919.
OZYMY, PVT. LESLIE, son Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ozymy of Ennis. Enlisted Sept.
5, 1918; 165th Depot Brigade. Trained Camp Travis. Discharged Dec. 18,
PAGE, Pvt. Alvin E., son M/M L. S. Page, Alma; enl 8 Sept 1917; Co K,
144th Inf, 36th Div; in France, serious eye injury due to gas.; disch April
PARK, PVT OMAR B., son M/M W. T. Park, Waxahachie; enl Aug 1918 Inf brans
ballon serv; disch Jan 1919.
PARKS, CHAUFFEUE ALBERT E son W. A. and Ida Parks,Waxaacie, Tex; enl Dec
15, 1917; attach 26th Aero Sqdn; trained Kelly field; overseas Feb 10, 1918
with 3rd a. L. c. ; disch June 11, 1919
PEARCY, PVT. TOBIE CLIFTON, son of Mr and Mrs. P.E. Pearcy of Ennis. Enl.
April 28, 1918; Co. G, 359th Inf., 90th Division. Trained Camp Travis. Wounded
at Meuse-Argonne and St. Mihiel and later gassed. Discharged June, 1919.
PERRY, PVT GEORGE W. son M/M C. W. Perry, Waxahachie; enl 1918, Co E 109th
Ammun Train to Franch Nov 1918; disch after War.
PERRY, PVT. MARSHALL E., son H. H. and Nora Perry of Ennis. Enlisted Sept.
12, 1918, infantry; unassigned; detached service at State Hdqrs Austin,
PERRYMAN, HENRY D. (cook) son Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Perryman of Ennis. Enlisted
Jan. 8, 1917; 141st Inf, 36th Div; trained Camp Bowie; to Framce July 1918.
PETEET, DR. JAMES W., son of S. W. and Cora Peteet of Ennis. Enlisted
Jan. 1918; Dental Co. No. 1, Camp Greenleaf, Ga; discharged Dec. 16, 1918,
after Armistice.
PORTERFIELD, PVT. THOMAS E., son M/M J. D. Porterfield, Waxahachie, enl
July 1918; Co A 45th Inf. attach Co A, 45th Inf; tng Camps Travis, Sheridan
and Gordon.
PURCELL, PVT. JOHN W., son Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Purcell, Ennis. Enlisted
June 18, 1918; trained Camp Travis and Fort Benjamin Harrison; Co. A, 87th
Engineers. No active duty because of Armistice.
PVTR. HENR QUAITE, son Mrs. Otto Quaite, Waxahachie; enl. feb. 10, 1918 679th
aero SSqdn; stationed Cam;p dix; disch after Armistice.
RANSOM, PVT. JOHN A., son of Mrs. Cora Ransom of Ennis. Enlisted June
28, 1919; trained Camps Travis, Bowie and Sill; attached to 19th Ammunition
Train. Recommended for Cpl.
RAPHAEL, PVT. RAYMOND J., son Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Raphral of Ennis. Enl.
Oct. 1, 1918; Co. A, Students Army Training Corps, Southern Methodist University,
Dallas. Discharged Dec. 23, 1918.
REED, WADE LYNCH, son M/M W. M. Reed, Palmer; enl USN 1917; in Eng, France
and Scotland; att to Navy Med Corps when data collected.
REYNOLDS, PVT. HENRY LEE JR., son of H. L. Reynolds of Ennis. Enl. Dec.
12, 1917; Aerial Squad 169. Trained Love Field, Dallas. Overseas February,
1918; service England and France. Discharged May, 1919.
RICE, PVT AMZI W., son Mrs. R. I. Rice, Ferr;s enl 1918; attach Supply
Co 360 Inf 90th Div; overseas 1918; still in service time data compiled.
RISS, PVT. RUDOLPH, son Tom Riss, Ennis. Enl. May 1918, Aviation service,
trained Love Field.
ROBERTS, CAPT. AARON L., son J. D. and Mary Roberts of Ennis. Enlisted
Aig/ 21, 1917; overseas Oct. 1917; worked with Corps Hospitals Nos. 14, 13,
7, 56 and 463rd Aero Sqdn. Also with 53rd and 51st Coast Artillery Corps.
Discharged April 1919. Wears 3 gold chevrons.
ROGERS, PVT. CLIFTON N., son Mrs. L. E. Rogers, Ennis; enl June 26, 1918;
students Army Tng, Austin; later Camp McArthur; did not receive commission
because of Armistice; disch. 1918. ROGERS, SGT. JAMES T., son Mrs. L. E.
Rogers, Ennis; enl July 9, 1918; Co 19, School of Automobile Mechanics; Camp
Mabry; disch. Dec 8, 1918.
ROGERS, Hubert C., son Mrs. L. E. Rogers, Ennis; enl June 26, 1918; disch
8 Dec 1918.
ROLLINS, SGT. ALLEN KIMBALL, son Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Roberts of Ennis.
Enlisted Oct. 18, 1917; Co. A, 133rd Regt., 36th Division. Trained Camp Bowie.
Machine gun instructor Camp Hancock. Military Police.
ROLLINS, PVT. CLAUDE E., son Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Rollins of Ennis. Enl
Dec. 1917; trained Fort Sam Houston; attached to Motor Truck Division; overseas
Sept. 1918; England and France.
ROSS, PVT. WILLIAM C., son Mr. & Mrs. A. B. Ross, Ennis. Enl Nov.
21, 1916; MP, Ringold Navy Yards; enl. regular army; still in service.
RUFFIN, PVT ALVIE, son George and Lula Ruffin, Alma; enl 1917 36th Inf
2nd Div; overseas May 1918 trans to 36th Div; woulded and disch 1919.
RUFFIN, Cpl Claud, son H. J. and Virginia Ruffin, Alma; enl Sept 3, 1917;
attach Co B, Central Records Battn; in France when data collected.
RUMBO, CPL. JOSH L., son Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Rumbo of Ennis. Enl Sept.
19, 1917; Co. D, 359th Inf., 90th Division. Trained Camp Travis. On front
Aug 20 - Oct. 9; in St. Mihiel drive. Transferred Infantry Candidate School;
no commission due war's end.
SANDERS, Pvt. HUGH, son M/M E. P. Sanders, Ennis; enl Aug 1918, Eng Cps;
overseas Sept 1918; died of influenza Oct. 02, 1918 Mosley Hill Hospital
No. 4, Liverpool, Engl.
SANFORD, PVT. OCIE L. son M/.M Elbert Sanford, Waxahachie; enl July 1917
Co L 144th Inf 36th Div; France July 1918; disch July 1919.
SCOGGINS, CPL. CHAS. M., son Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scoggins of Ennis. Enl
Sept. 17, 1917; Co F. 144th Inf., 36th Div.; Trained Camp Bowie. To France
July 1918; at Meuse-Argonne Oct. 9th to 29th 1918.
SCOTT, PVT. JOHN E., son Mrs. Elvin J. Scott, Waxahachie; enl July
1918; attach Hdqrs Co Camp Travis; sta until disch Dec 1918.
SEARS, JAMES A., son R. D. and Mary Sears, Wilmer; enl 1918; assigned
Medical Corps. Still in service when data collected.
SEDIVY, MUSICIAN FRANK, son Anton and Annie Sedivy, Crisp; enl 1917; attach
Hdqrs Co 358th Inf, 90th Div; overseas 1918; disch end of war.
SESSIONS, CHAP. 1ST CLASS LOYD R, son M/M/ C. R. Sessions, Waxahachie;
enl Nov 1917; assig Sq A, AS Love Fkd Tx; disch end of war.
SIMS, PVT. RUSSELL LEE, son Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sims, Ennis. Enlisted Oct.
14, 1918, Students Army Tng. Corps, Rice Institute, Houston; released from
service after Armistice.
SLADE, Lt. LLOYD C., son H. C. and Cora Slade, Palmer; enl USN 1917; assigned
Med Corps; overseas 1917; Still in service Sept. 1919.
SLOVACEK, PVT. L. C., son Anton and Carry Slovacek of Ennis; enl Sept.
1917; trained Camp Travis; Co D, 359th Inf. Overseas Oct. 1918.
SLOVACEK, PVT FRANK, son John and Mary Slovacek, Crisp; enl 1918; attach
166th Depot Brig; overseas 1918l; disch end of war.
SMELLEY, PVT. B. H., son Mr. and Mrs. John W. Smelley of Ennis. Enlisted
Oct. 10, 1917; trained Camp Travis. 360th Regt., 90th Div.; disch Nov. 1,
1917 minor physical problem.
P.SMITH, SGT. EMORY E., son Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith, Glendale, AZ. Enl. June
1917; 141st Supply Co, 36th Div. Trained Camp Bowie. To France July 1918.
SMITH, JESSE WM. (cook) son Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith. Enl June 28, 1917.
Trained Camp Bowie; Co. L., 144th Inf., 36th Div; transferred 116th Engineers,
41st Div
SOUTH, PVT. SAMUEL B., son Mr. & Mrs. S. W. South, Rice, Tex. Enl
Sept. 1918; assigned Hospital Corps, Camp Travis. Disch Dec. 22, 1918.
SPARKS, CPL. DANIEL C., son J. W. and L. E. Sparks of Ennis. Enl April
17, 1917; 3rd Ammunition Train. Overseas March 1918; wounded 2nd Battle of
SPENCER, PVT. FLOYD O., son Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Spencer of Ennis. Enl April
28, 1918; Base Hospital Corps, No. 19. Trained Camp Travis. To France Sept.
1918; disch May 15, 1919.
SPURGEON, CPL. JUDSON E., son W. P. and Melissa Spurgeon; enl June 21,
1917; Co. L, 144th Inf., 36th Div. Trained Camp Bowie. To France July 21,
SPURGEON, PVT. L.H. son of W.P. and Melissa Spurgeon, of Ennis. En. Oct.
26, 1916; Co. E, 3rd Infantry. Transferred Co. K,143rd Inf., 36th Division.
Trained at Camp Bowie. To France July, 1918.
SPENCER, PVT. FLOYD O., son Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Spencer of Ennis. Enl.
Apr. 28, 1918; assigned Base Hospital Corps. Trained Camp Travis. To France
September 1918 and discharged May 15, 1919.
STAPLETON, LT. GORDON C., son Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Stapleton, Ennis. Enlisted
April 1917, Co. A, 59th Inf., 4th Division of Regulars. Trained Camp Green.
Overseas May 3, 1918. Cited for bravery at Vilosnes, France, Nov. 6.
Distinguished Service Cross.
STEVENSON, SGT CHARLES F. son A. Stevenson, Waxahachie; enl 1918 SATC;
tng Cp Mabry, Austin Tx; disch Dec 1918.
STEWART, PVT. IRA, son Mr. and Mrs. Lon Stewart of Ennis. Enlisted Sept.
1917; attached Battery E, 345th Field Art, 90th Division. Stationed Camp
Travis. To England June 1918; later to France; with Army of Occupation.
Discharged after returning to States.
STORY, PVT. ARTHUR A. son M/M E. M. Story, Waxahachie, Tx enl June 1918
attach 329th Sup Co; France Sept 1918; disch July 1919.
STORY, PVT CHARLES M. son M/M E. M. Story, Waxahachie; enl May 1918 attach
Cpo G 158th Inf 34th Div; Overseas Oct 1918; dicsh May 1919.
STORY, SGT. FRANK J., son of J. A. and Ida E. Story of Ennis. Enlisted
Quartermaster Corps, Detached service December 11, 1917. Trained Camp Joseph
E. Johnston, Fla. To France May 1918. Promoted to Quartermaster Sgt.
STOWERS, PVT. SAM, son M/M G. E. Stowers, waxahachie; enl Aug 1918 attach
Co A 18th Inf; disch after Armistice.
SULLIVAN, LT. ELIJAH S. son MM W. e. sullivan, Waxahachie; enl april 1,
1918; attach Medical Corps. Sta fort Oglethorpe overseas Oct 1918; disch
May 17, 1919.
SWAFFORD, PVT LYLE, son V. T. Swafford, Rice; enl 1917 overseas 1918;
in France 8 mos; disch 1919.
SWAFFORD, Scott, son M/M V. T. Swafford, Rice, enl Oct 5 1917; assigned
USS Denver; serving in Panama at time of writing
SWEATT, PVT. LYNN A., son R. A. and Fannie Sweatt, waxahachie; enl April
1918; attach 64tgh Inf Med Dept 7th Div; overseas Aug 1918; disch July
TAULBEE, PVT. ROLAND, son D. J. Taulbee, Waxahachie; enl Aug 1918; attach
Co F 33rd Inf; sta Panama Canal Zone remainder war; disch May 1919.
TENNANT, CPL ASA A., son J. A. and Celestis Tennant, Waxahachie; enl May
1918 attach Co A Motor Truck Unit; on way overseas when Armistice signed..
THOMAS, WAGONER WILLIAM F., son C. L. and Susie Thomas of Ennis; enl.
Oct. 1917; Supply Co., 143rd Inf; trained Camp Bowie. Overseas July 1918.
Disch after Armistice.
THOMPSON, PVT. W. B., son M. T. and S. J. Thompson of Ennis; enl. 1918;
Batt. B., 345th Field art, 90th Div. Trained Fort Sam Houston. Overseas June
1918; in Germany with Army of Occupation. Disch June 1, 1919
THORNHILL, Pvt Ervin G. son M/M J. M. Thornhill, Ennis; enl
17 Apr 1917 regular Army; overseas with a Calvary Div.
TIMS, SGT WILLIAM PHILIP JR. son M/M W. P. Tims Sr, Ennis; enl Motor
Truck Co 508; overseas Aug 1918.
TOMLIN, PVT. HOMER, son Mrs. H. P. Duke, Bardwell; enl Feb 1918; Co B
5th Eng, 7th Div; overseas July 191000008; disch May 1919 TOWLES, PVT. HENRY
G., son Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Towles of Ennis; enl. July 1917; bandsman at Camp
Bowie and Kelly Fields No. 1 & 2.
TOLLISON, Seaman G. F., son M/M T. M. Tollison, Palmer; enl 1914; USN;
still in service when data collected.
TOWLES, PVT. HOMER W., son Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Towles of Ennis; enl. Sept
20, 1918, Students Army Tng A&M; disch after Armistice.
TROJACK. PVT. F. J. son F and Antonia Trojack, Ennis' enl June 28, 1918;
att to 337th Regt F R. Sqdn;contrated influenza in New York; died Oct.
14, 1918; made the supreme sacrifice for his country.
TROJACK, PVT FRANK W., son Anton and Barbara Trojacek, Crisp; enl 1918;
sta Camp John Wise; disch end of war.
VENABLE, Pvt. STERLING, son S. A. and Lula Venable, Ennis; enl June 1918;
attach Sqdn K Air Service Kelly Fld #2; still in service when data
WADLEY, CAPT. B. P., son George Wadley, Ferris; enl 1917; Co I, 358th
Inf, 90th Div; overseas 1918; active service France; recd Croix de Guerre.
WADLEY, Chief Yeoman ORAN GRANVILLE, son M/M George Wadley, Palmer, enl
1917; USN, in service at time data collected.l
VRLA, PVT. F. S., son M/M Frank Vrla, Ennis; enl Sept 1918; assigned Med
Dept Base Hospital Camp Bowie; remained there until disch.
WAID, PVT C. F., son M/M E. H. Waid, Bardwell; enl June 1918; Depot Brig;disch
Dec. 1918
WALKER, PVT. EUGENE. son Mr. and Mrs. James Walker of Ennis; enl. Sept.
4, 1918; Medical Corps; trained Camp Travis; disch. Jan. 3, 1919.
WALKER, Pvt. JOHN H. JR., son J. H. and Florence Walker, Ennis; enl June
1918; assigned 35th Balloon Co; killed in fall from balloon Newport
News Va., Oct. 133
WARREN, PVT ROBERT H. son H. E. and Mary Warren, Alma; enl July 1917 Co
F, 144th Regt 36th Div; overseas July 1918; dusch June 1919.
WEATHERFORD, SGT GUY, son C. A. Weatherford, Ferris; enl 1918, attach
32nd Co Depot Brig; disch after Armistice
WEATHERFORD, PVT. Q., son C. A. Weatherford, Ferris; enl 1918 Students
ATXC Trinity Univ; disch after signing of Armistice.
WEATHERFORD, PVT. WILEY F., son W. E. and Mary O,. Weatherford, Ferris;
enl 1918; assigned Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis; disch after Armistice.
WEATHERFORD, WILLIAM G., son Mack and Maud Weatherford, Ferris; enl 1918
Students ATC, T.C.U.; disch after Armistice.
WESTBROOK, PVT. HOLLIS LEE., son Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Westbrook of Ennis.
Enl. Marcy 1918; Co. E, 34th Inf, 7th Div.; trained Camp McArthur. Overseas
August 1918; France, Belgium and Army of Occupation in Germany.
WESTER, CADET FRED R., son J. T. Wester, ?Ferris; enl 1918; att Cadet
OTC; disch after Armistice.
WHEATLEY, CLARENCE (Fireman), son M/M T. E. Wheatley, Milford; enl USN
1917; overseas Nov 1917; saw service in North Sea; disch May 1919.
WILLIAMS, HOMER, son John and Julia Williams, Milford; enl USN June 1917;
overseas to Brest, France; still in service when data collected.
WILLIAMS, PVT. JOHN R. son John B. and M. C. Williams, Ennis; enl May
6, 1918; 504th Aero Sqdn, Langley Fld Va.
WILLIG, PVT. FRED D., son M/M F. W. Willig, Waxahachie; enl July 1918;
attach 144th Inf 36th Div; active serv France and Germany; in Germany when
data collected.
WILLIAMS, MAURICE, son M/M E. S. Williams, Milford; enl 1918 assigned
M. M. Sch Charleston SC; still in service when data collected.
WILLIS, CLIFTON D., son M/M D. A. Willis, Milford; enl USN July 1919;
assigned Camp D USNR Tng Sta, San Pedro, Cal; after disch enl Aero Sqdn,
Love Fld.
WORKS, LT. JOHN MORRIS. son Mrs. P. B. Works, Ennis; ent West Point 15
June 1916; com 2nd Lt Nov 1918
WORTMAN, PVT. TOM, son O. O. and Alice Wortman, Garrett; enl May 1918
Batt E, 127 Fld Art; overseas 1919; disch May 1919.
WRIGHT, CPL GUY, son W. L. and Martha Wright, Waxahachie; enl Oct 1917;
attach Co L 144th Inf, 36th Div. To France July 1918.
YARBOROUGH, PVT. VERN A. WORKS, son Mrs. P. B. Works, Ennis; enl May 1918,
attach Hdqrs Co 3rd Inf Camp Eagle Pass; disch March 1919
PVT. WARREN F., son J.M.B. and Hester Yarborough, Waxahachie; enl Nov
1918 as musician 144th F.A. Band; disch Nov 1918..
YOUNG, Sgtr. CHARLES R., son C. B. and Jennie May Young, Ennis; enl July
1918 assigned Motor Transport Service; Camp Funston, Kan; disch Dec 1918.
ZERWER, PVT JOHN A., son W. M. and Annie Zerwer, Alma; enl 1918; 53rd
Fld Art; disch 1919.
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