
The Ennis Weekly Local
J.P. Hemphill, Publisher
Feb 9, 1901 - Vol XVI, No 6
Turk Bros & Webb, General merchandiese, Hamilton-Brown Shoe,
Ennis and Blooming Grove
Ennis Hardware Co., Geo Higginbotham and Tom Blakey
Bass Bros, Prescription Druggists, Main Street, Ennis
J.C. Castellaw, Prescription Druggists, Knox Street opp P.O.
R. L. Lowrance, D.D.S., Office over Ennis National Bank, Rms 3 & 4
Dr. James M. Bond, Dentist, Office over Turner's grocery store, Phone No
C.B. Lewis, Dentist
D.A. Carson, The old reliable Restaurant man; Well equipped lunch stand,
West Avenue
J. D. Bur Lumber Company
A.C. Joly - Finest Carriage Work in town
Craig & Dunkerley
Buck's Stoves & Ranges Up-to-date appliances
Cotton Seed Mill & Oil Mill
T.O. Fountain & Co - The Main Street Grocers
Wm Ellison & Co Groceries & Feed - 110 W. Brown
Caldwell Grocery Co - Dallas Street
"Wanted: your corn, hay, oats, chickens, butter
W.Hunt's Undertaker's building
North Main
Have your suits cleaned, dyed. Make them look like new
B.F. Sargeant
Architect and Contractor
Dealer in Paints and Wall paper
Knox Street
W.F. Gilbert - West Avenue - Second Hand Furniture
Hix McCanless - Architect & Builder
W.H. Brown, Attorney-at-law, Over Freemans' Store
Bernard B. Hemphill. Attorney at law Office upstairs in city hall
Two Friends Meet After Over 30 years
The meeting which occurred in the streets of Waxahachie Saturday between
J.S. Prince of Ovilla and C.R. Gibbon of this city, says the Light,
was a delightful one, as it was the first since the surrender at Appomattox.
At the opening of hostilities between the sections, these two men, then young
in years and full of youthful hopes, were friends and comrades in Alabama.
They enlisted together and both wore the gray through the storm that wreck
ed both life and happiness in too many instances.... Mr. Gibson learned that
Mr. Prince was in the city. He looked him up, and when the two met, those
who saw it will not soon forget the light of profound pleasure that spread
over each face.
Mr. J.J. McClelan of Corsicana passed thro' Ennis Wednesday morning. He
says the oil well drilling machinery has nearly all been shipped from Corsicana
to Beaumont.
[News from] GARRETT
Auntie Rife is building an addition to her house.
Miss Annie Miller was "at home" to her friends Saturday night.
Mr. Chas Davis is in the city. Charlies, why did you blush when that young
lady asked you to buy some dishes? Look out for Hanah J. next time.
Mr. Ross Campbell nearly sawed off his thumb Monday evening.
Little Claude Groves was kicked in head by a horse. A doctor was called
who dressed the wound and took several stitches.
I want to ask a certain young man if it was heads or hearts going wrong
Saturday night. Please answer soon.
Mrs. Rose Campbell is on the sick List.
Mr. Aldridge made a business trip to Dallas.
There is a boy here who is always bragging about a red-headed, freckle
faced,cross-eyed girl. Trot her out, or shut up. We are tired waiting to
see her.
We have had much needed rain.
Miss Gladys Gallagher has an attack of the grip.
T.H. Campbell started to Mexico Sunday, but he stopped at Ennis. Feb 7.
Grand Jury Adjourns [Waxahachie Light]
After 38 days labor, completed its work Saturday afternoon.
To Hon J.E. Dillard, Judge of the 40th Judicial District of Texas ....we
examined 634 witnesses, and returned 314 true bills, there being of that
number 30 for felonies and 284 for misdemeanors. We as a body visited the
county jail, the county farm, and the road gang.
Crockett Jennings, Foreman Grand Jury
The Courts List of Convictions - 35 divorces
Joe Crayton, burglary; 2 yrs in reformatory
Joe Perrin, theft of horse, 2 cases; 2 yrs in one case and 3 in other
C.C. Nash, passing forged instrument, two cases; two yrs in each case
James Hillburn, colored, forgery, 2 yrs
Will Walton, colored, robberty five years
Will Bruce; murder 2 yrs
Jim Browning, theft by force 2 yrs
Dud Thomas, burglary 4 yrs
Jim Bonny, colored, robbery 5 yrs
Jesse McKnight col, murger 2 years
(No appeals were taken in any of the above cases and the penitentiary
agent came Tuesday to gather in the harvest)
The court also gratned 35 divorces, leaving 70 cases still on the
Since we have our new building at Leli Completed, we feel more like giving
you the news.
Pro. Moore is being very successful with his school and our schoolhouse
is a better one than most communties have.
We have organized our singing Next Sunday ev at this place, and wish all
that are or want to help build up their neighborhood and have a good interest
in music, will come and take part with us next Sunday at Oak Grove. There
will also be a Sunday school organized and Rev. Champ will fill his regular
[NOTE: Leli was small community west of Alma and Quinlin on branch of
Cummings Creek. H.J. Ruffin was Trustee on the School Board 1897-1898
(Loli School #44)
It is generally understood that the smallpox now so prevalent throughout
this country is of so mild a form that nobody should dred it, but when a
few people with it, public sentiment may change. The News learns from Dr.
McCall that Dr. McDonald, a colored physician at Waxahachie died at 4 o'clock
Sunday evening with smallpox, and a man named Darmion three miles south of
Milford on the Cook place, died with the disease last Friday. He was sick
only four days. People should be more careful than theretofore and help control
the dangerous pest.
Local Briefs
Mrs. A.L. Vines of Templeton Springs died Thursday night of consumption.
Mr. J.H. Whittington, of the Telico community, has moved to Samford. Mr. Kirkpatrick is also at Stamford prospecting.
Mr. O.C. Somers of Marlow, I.T. and Miss Pearl Turner of Ennis, were married
here Tuesday evening at the brides' home. Rev. Penrod officiating.
Lom Brow has sold his interest and the Royal Palace to his partner, Doug
Mr. Jesse Herd held the lucky number which drew the wagon at Pace's drawing
on Dec 26. He came in last week and got the wagon.
Mr. S.T. Earls was in Ennis Tuesday and gave the Local a substantial
The Methodist revival continues. As a result of the meeting several additions
to the church.
The First Baptists have postponed their musical entertainment until Feb
W.C. Bryant was granted a new trial in his suit against the Central
The Ennis Chapter U.C.D. held their monthly meeting last Saturday at K.
of P. hall.
Miss Mamie Brown, a charming lady from Dallas, visited in Ennis last Sunday
as the guest of Mrs. R.T. McDuffie
The 15 year old son of Antone Nekuza, living on Waxahachie creek west
of Ennis was shot in the right shoulder with a target rifle and badly hurt,
but the wound is said to be not dangerous.
The Rustler says Palmer is needing a bank mighty bad. The editor might
deposit his surplus coin with safety in the Ennis banks.
The people of Italy recently presented Rev. Angus Johnson with a new suit
of Clothes. He was 92 years old and preaches three sermons some Sundays.
Rev. R.T. Phillips addressed the men's meeting at Y.M.C.A. building Sunday
evening and it was indeed an appropriate talk. The association now has over
150 members and is moving forward in a satisfactory manner.
Mr. S.L. Cook dropped in Saturday and donated a dollar on his subscription
to the Local.
Mrs. Boerner and daughter, Nellie, of Kansas City who visited last week
returned home Monday.
C.M. Banner places his announcement in the columns of this issue of theLocal
for re-election to office of City Secretary and ex-officio Assessor and
The people of Ennis are invited to call and investigate the Ball-Bearing Spring Motor machine. Next to Calhoun's drug store, Knox
Mr. T.S. Lane of Palmer was married Tuesday at Farmerville to MissMattie
Clark of Lone Oak. Tom is well and favorable known here, having beenreared
in Ennis. Miss Clark is an amiable and attractive young lade,it having been
our pleasure to know her for quite a while. The Local extends congratulations
to the happy couple.
Dr. G.M. Hackler and Miss Hortense Alexander of Waco were married at the
home of the bride Thursday evening. Dr. Hackler is one of Ennis leading
W.D. Farris is having his barn rebuilt on his ranch that was destroyed
by fire a short time ago.
The Ennis Daily News
Wed. Feb 12, 1901
Vol IV No 129
J.S. Hardy, Editor, J.P. Chambless, Manager
Issued daily except Sunday in first floor of the City Hall Corner Dallas
and Brown Streets
Election Tuesday April 2, 1901
City Secretary and Ex-Officio Assessor and Collector
Joe Hawkins
C.M. Banner
A.D. (Lon) Brown
City Treasurer, John M. Loggins,
City Marshal, Tony Crowell.
Alderman Ward 3, Dan McCarty
Alderman Ward 4, J.w. Neal
P.J. Hemphill
E.S. Overhiser (re-election)
The Daily News attention has been called to the destitute condition of
an old Confederate soldier who lives at the corner of Preston and Waco Streets.
Charitable institutions should take notice.
Mr. J.M. Chapman went to Waxahachie today.
Miss Eliza Kefoot is visiting J.W. Craig and family in axahachie this
O.R Kirkpatrick is moving today to the Mershon property on East Milam
Leo Foster is moving to the property recently purchased from Mr. L.O.
Atwood on east Crockett street today.
Mr. Tate McDuffie in attempting to couple a car near Hearne, his hand
was caught in between the cars and mashed very badly.
Messrs. H.T. Moore and E. K. Atwood are attending the Cattlemen's convention
in Ft. Worth
Gibson Grocery Co has rented the building recently vacated by J.A.Clarke
and brother, and will soon have it stock with groceries.
Mr. M.D. Hunter of Kankakee, IL is in the city for a few daysprospecting.
Mr. Hunter is a breeder of fine stock and thinks he will locate in Ennis.
Mrs. A. Efron and Mrs. J.L. Blumenthal are visiting today in Corsicana.
Nita, the little daughter of Mr. W.W. Bradley, is reported quite sick
For Sale
Small farm 47 acres four miles east of Ennis. Apply to J.A. Pace
The school girl who took the black mitten at the post office this morning,
will please leave same with Miss Robertine Wheless at money order window.
Have Cramer photograph your residence.
Mr. J.W. Mundell left today to visit in New Mexico.
The trumpet corps boys will meet tonight at the Royal Palace to discuss
organization. There are now 43 names on the list.
This is our off year on electing a mayor, but our neighboring city,Waxahachie,
has a contest on, and a great clamor by some for a change. While we have
no disposition to meddle in the policies of other towns; we look with pride
to the progress that has been made in Waxahachie during the last two years.
She is just about to open her cotton mill;' she launched the Chautauqua,
besides many other enterprises of great worth to the town. Her business men
are all having the best trade in her history. Why this clamor for change!
To the Knights of the Maccabees
all members of Ennis Tent No 3 are urgently and especially requested toattend
the review on next Thursday night as important business andbusiness concerning
every member and interest of the Maccabees generallywill come before the
T.H. Collier, Commander
W.V. Fisk, Rec Keeper
[NOTE:The Knights of the Maccabees were a fraternal and benevolent"legal
reserve society." Families of deceased members received benefits in the
form of legal-reserve insurance. All white persons of sound health and good
character, from birth to 70 years of age, were eligible formembership. Their
name comes from the Biblical Maccabees. The order was founded in London,
Ontario in 1878 and reorganized in 1883. Before 1914,it was known as the
Knights of the Maccabees. Subsequent to 1914, ithas been simply been called
"The Maccabees."]
The Ennis Weekly Local
Feb 16, 1901
Vol XVI No 7
J.P. Hemphill, Publisher
The rain has stopped all farm work and nearly all the men are sitting
around stoves telling what they would do if they could "just run this government
of ours".
Joe Cave and family spent Sunday with his Mother.
Mrs. S. Tidwell is spending the week with her many friends.
The third grade gave a nice entertainment Friday. The little folks did
splendid and much praise is due Miss Willie Stirman, their teacher.
The babe of M. H. Corbin is quite sick.
Little Ethel Jones has the grip.
The young folks enjoyed a party at Mr. Jones' Saturday night.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Coates, Feb 10, a bouncing baby girl.
Earnest and Mamie are so "stuck up" about the new comver that they don't
know their old friend.
Chas. Gallagher has the grip.
Feb 13 Marriage License
T.M. Browning and Alta Keller
F H Sanguinett and Cora Kemble
Joseph Allen and Mary McBicker
Isaac Austin and Annie Kero
JH Ledbetter and Mary B. Kidd
J E Keyworth and Katie Carroll
W W Taber and Myrtle Montgomery
J E Olson and Dora Faulkner
CREECHVILLE [NOTE: four miles east of Ennis]
We have had the long looked for rain and it came in a propicious time;all
the cisterns were dry and everybody doing as they used to --hauling water,
but that has stopped now, and a great many are alreadysquealing "so much
rain". But the greatest drawback is the mud.
Our little village is seriously afflicted with measles. Mr. Creech'sfamily
are down with them; also Mrs. Cryer's and Mr. Whitbeck's family.
Mr. Orvill has been very low with pneumonia in connection with the measles
and was not expected to live, but he is now some better.
Then Mr. Tom Derden's folks have measles as well s Mrs. Juli Derden's
family, C.W. Phelph's, Mr. Galegly's, J.P. Darden's, Mrs. Duncan's, Mr.
Lipscombs', Mr. Mason's and Mr. Ray's folks are all afflicted with the disease.
I don't think there is another community that can furnish a report equal
to this for measles. All cases are doing well except Miss Elsie Phelps. She
is very sick but is not considered dangerous.
Our proficient teacher, Mr. Morgan, is getting along nicely with his school
at this place, but the attendance last week was slim on account of the
Misses Bertha Kirkpatrick and Carry Hogge made a flying trip to Telico.
I wonder if there isn't some other attraction over that way besides the
big new schoolhouse.
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