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Pioneer Days Re-lived
by 200 Early Settlers and Families

Waxahachie Daily Light,  July 28, 1938

Contributed by Jean Caddel


Pioneer days of Ellis County were re-lived Wednesday afternoon when nearly 200 early day settlers and their descendants were guests at a picnic honoring O. H. Chapman on his birthday.

The scene of the picnic was the W. A. Chapman home place, located between Ovilla and Sterrett. It was here that W. A. Chapman, who came to Texas in 1850 with his father, Phillip Chapman, settled. Married to Miss Melissa Buttler in 1861,  W. A. Chapman served in the Civil War from 1862 to the close of the conflict, when he returned to Ellis County. To him and his wife were born six children, three of whom, O. H. Chapman, Mrs. Retta Baker, and Mrs. Lillie Middleton, all of Waxahachie, were at the picnic .Another daughter, Mrs. Ollie McQuown, of Oklahoma, was unable to attend.

It was at this historic spot which has been in the possession of the Chapman family for three generations, ever since the land was first cultivated, that the pioneers gathered and discussed conditions existing before the Civil War, during that conflict, the reconstruction days, and of the turn of the century, as well as more modern conditions.

Although lumber for the first house built on the place by W. A. Chapman had been hauled 100 miles in a wagon drawn by oxen, the picnic Wednesday was held at the large home built by Mr. And Mrs. W. A. Chapman in 1882. The house  wasonly recently completely renovated and in its beautiful setting is one of the prettiest country homes in Ellis County.

The oldest pioneer present at the picnic was B. C. Lancaster, 92, who has lived in Ellis County since 1854.

Further recalling days of the past, an orchestra consisting of Chapman Middleton and Misses Laura Sue Plummer and Margaret and Mary Middleton, played songs popular generations ago. Entertainment for the children included rides in a surrey and buggy, a novel entertainment for most of them.

Preceding the serving of the picnic supper, a large birthday cake was presented to Mr. Chapman. The invocation was pronounced by the Rev. W. M. Baker.

Walter Sullivan of Red Oak expressed the appreciation of the group for the reunion, which is expected to become an annual affair.

The guest list included: Mr. And Mrs. O. H. Chapman, Lois Chapman, Dr. And Mrs. T. G. Estes and sons, John and William, Mr. And Mrs. E. B. Thompson and son, Emory, Mr. And Mrs. P. A. Keplinger and son, Robert, Mrs. S. F. Chapman, Mr. And Mrs. J. M. Webb and children, Thomas, J. M. Jr., Billie Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Farrar and children, Chapman, Sidney, Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Farrar Jr. and daughter, Dr. And Mrs. C. L. Tubb and children, Cullen Jr., James and Sarah Lillian, Mr. And Mrs. Barnett Chapman and son, William, Mr. And Mrs. Benton Chapman, Dr. and Mrs. O. S. Stafford and daughter, Dorothy Ann, Mr. And Mrs. R. F. Chapman and son, Richard, Mr. And Mrs. R. S. Middleton and children, Katherine, Margaret, Mary and Chapman, Rev. And Mrs. W. M. Baker, Mr. And Mrs. Sloan Baker and children, Sloan Hugh, Dorothy Nell, and Imogene, Mr. And Mrs. W. A. Baker, Rev. and Mrs. Roy Nunn and children, Thomas and Loretta Francis, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wilkerson and children, Vivian Caraline and D. I., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker and daughter, Robin, Rev. and Mrs. J. E. McQuown, Mr. And Mrs. R. E. Price and children, Octavia, Richard, Ollie Mae, and Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Kerr McQuown, Mr. And Mrs. Frank Whitmere, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Plummer, John Plummer, Misses Ona and Laura Sue Plummer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Plummer, Mr. And Mrs. Wayne Plummer, Miss Effie Middleton, Philip Plummer, Miss Estell Plummer, Mr. And Mrs. Heilhecker and children, John, Bobbie Sue, Dokey, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Plummer and daughter, R. M. White, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Neil White, Mr. And Mrs. Gordon Yeargon and children, Martha Mae, Gordon Jr., Mr. And Mrs. Frank Crews and family, Sam White, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Stoker, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rockett, Miss Mabel Rockett, Mr. And Mrs. Wayne Rockett, Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Griffin and children, Anna Ruth, Eugene, Mrs Myrtle McCartney, Miss Date Lancaster, B. C. Lancaster, Mr. And Mrs. J. S. Clark, Misses Nancy and Dorothy Nell Clark, Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jordan and sons, Billy and Floyd Nowlin, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Keys, Mrs. J. T. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Delk, Will Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Curry, Mr. And Mrs. Phillip Curry, Mr. And Mrs. John Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Lenord Curry, Rev. Clay Collier, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davis, V. A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bigham, Mrs. Ida Bigham Tripett and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Billingsley, Dr. And Mrs. E. S. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Stoker, Mrs. Walter Powers, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Finley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powers, Mrs. Alice Moore, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Garrett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gordon, James Gordon, Mrs. Darnell, Mr. And Mrs. T. D. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hosford, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Chapman, Mr. And Mrs. Millard Keesee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Davenport and family, Rev. and Mrs. R. R. Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moffett, Mr. and Mrs. George Moffett and Mr. and Mrs. Touchstone.

Reference: Texas Ellis County Genealogical Records, Vol. XVI, pp. 35-36; Comp by Rebecca Boyce Chapter D.A. R. Waxahachie, Texas.


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