Tribute to Judge Albert Langley
Waxahachie Enterprise, September 9, 1881
A called meeting of the Bar was for the purpose of passing resolutions
in honor of the memory of Judge Langley, late County Judge of Ellis County.
A. A. Kimble presoded with J. R. McMullan appointed secretary.
Judge J. W. ferris delivered a warm eulogy on the deceased; then moved
that a committee be appointed to draft suitable resolutions to express the
love and esteem felt for the departed brother. The chair appointed the following
committee: J. W. Ferris, A. Bradshaw, N. J. Nash, J. L. Cheek, B. F.
Yeagor and S. C. McCormick, with the names of E. P. Amderson and A. Rainey
added. The following resolutions were adopted:
WHEREAS it has pleased the Supreme Judge and Lawgiver of the Universe
to remove from our mdst our esteemed and honored associate and professional
brother Hon. Albert Langley, County Judge of Ellis County,
RESOLVED. That while we bow in meek submission , we sincerely regret and
deplore the the loss sustaned in his death which occurred at the home of
his parents in Mississippii Sept. 7, 1881.
RESOLVED. That from a long and intimate acquaintance with our deceased
brother in the legal profession, we can sincerely bear testimony to his honorable
upright course as a gentleman and citizen, to his courtesy, dignity of character
and integrity as an attorney; and to his faithfulness and impartial admnistration
of equity and justice while clothed in the judicial ermine; and we
profundly admire the courage and the tiring and laborious patience with which
he lingered in the field of duty even after insidious and unrelenting disease
had planted to his vitals the seeds of early and inevitable dissolution.
RESOLVED. That we truly and deeply sympathize with his aged father
and mother in this their deep bereavement, and also, with the many friends
and relatives in their irreparable loss of a true and noble friend and
RESOLVED. That a copy of these resolutions presented b y N. J. Nash,
County Attorney of Ellis County, for the Honorable District Court of said
county, with a request that they be spread upon the minutes of said District
Court records; that a copy be presented to the County Court of said count
yto be agteed upon the minutes of said court; one forwarded to his parents
in Mississippi and one furnished to each of our county papers for
In presenting the foregoing resolutions to the Bar Association N. J. Nash,
Esq., of the Waxahachie Bar, delivered warm and appropriate speeches in praise
of the virtues of our deceased brother.
After the adoption of the above resolutions it was moved and carried that
our Honorable District Judge be requested to adjourn court until Monday Sept.
12th, after which the association adjourned.
A.A. Kemble, President,
J. R. McMullan, Secretary
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