Contributed by Jackye Penney
The Fairfield Recorder
April 15, 1887
Mr. William H. DAVID, near Mills, an old resident of our county died on Monday
of last week. He had been for many years a sufferer from a tumorous affection
and for the past few months had been gradually growing worse and death was no
doubt looked for by him as a welcome relief from his physical sufferings. The
deceased was among the early settlers of the county having come to Freestone
from Georgia in early manhood before the war. He was a hard working industrious
farmer and a good citizen, a kind father and a warm friend to those he liked.
Thus one by one the old familiar faces of the county are passing away. The
deceased leaves a large family and many relatives to mourn his loss. Peace to
his ashes.
Carroll Town Cullings Mr. Wm. H. DAVID near Mills died last night. He had long
been a sufferer with a tumorous affliction and his death had been expected by
his friends for some time past. He leaves a large family of children and
relatives and a host of warm friends to mourn his loss. Thus one by one the
early pioneer settlers of Freestone are dropping off. Mr. DAVID’s father passed
over the "silent river" quite a few months before him.