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1934 Longview High School
& Faculty

This information was taken directly from a 1934 Longview High School annual.


Alsup, Bernice           Home Economics      University of Texas
Bodenheim, Mrs Roland    Librarian           Southern Methodist Univ.
Curran, Gertrude         Spanish             Valpariso Univ.(Indiana)
Harrison, John           Science             Southwestern Univ.
Hollis, Jennie Clyde     English             North Tx State Teachers
Kein, Edith              Mathematics         Tx State College for
McCullar, Mary Ray       Civics              Tx State College for
Moody, Dwight L          Mathematics         A & M College of Tx
Parrish, Lowell          Civics              Tx Christian Univ.
Phillips, Mrs Hazel      English             Ark. State Teachers
Rosson, Mrs Virgil       Study Hall          University of Tx
Speight, R L             Principal           University of Colorado
Sudderth, Grace Pearl    Commercial          Tx State College for
Sypert, Ruth Claire      English             Baylor University
Treadway, Bertha May     History             Stephen F Austin
                                             Teachers College
Wasson, Margaret         Latin               Southern Methodist Univ.
Wilkinson, C H           Mathematics         University of Texas
Wilson, Eloise           Secretary
Wirz, Anna Lena          English             Tx State College for
Woodman, J O             History             A & M College of Texas


Class Officers:  Nick Wheeler, Pres. ; Rex Cates, Vice Pres.; Estle Matthews, Sec.; Charles Gordon, Treas.

Acker, Evelyn                McCoy, George
Adams, James                 McElroy, Marie
Alexander, Pericles          McGee, Ethel
Allen, Harold                McGrath, Bernadean
Allen, Dick                  McHaney, Nona Lynn
Ashford, John                McLandon, Robert
Barton, Hugh                 McLandon, Joe
Bassett, Irene               McPherson, Carroll
Baucum, Jane                 Markham, Princess Louise
Beasley, Marie               Martin, Marie
Bedingfield, Ray             Martin, Majorie
Beene, Beatrice              Matthews, Estle
Bennett, H C                 Maxwell, Ethel
                             Melton, Woodrow
Black, Grayce Will           Miller, Clyde
Black, John David            Mooring, Wilbur E
Brashear, Aubrey             Murphy, Durene
Brooks, Doris Marie          Nichols. JoAnn
Brunson, Mary Jo             O'Kelly, Dorothy Pat
Butter, Thomas               Pierson, Zelda
Campbell, Blakely            Plyler, Sam
Campbell, Gussie Frances     Price, Elaine
Carlisle, Grace              Pruitt, Elizabeth
Carter, Aden                 Pruitt, Frances
Carter, Thomas               Ray, Mary Alice
Cates, Rex                   Reagan, Mertice
Clemens, Mary Belle          Rivers, Wiley
Collins, Jack                Sinclair, Pauline
Cordell, James               Singletary, John
Cotton, Carolyn              Smith, Alma Ellene
Craven, Lou Ellen            Smith, Ivol
Creed, R V                   Spencer, Craig
Dagnell, Ruby                Stacy, C E
Daniel, Clairice             Still, Naomi
Davenport, Dorothy           Sundby, June
Davis, Lillian               Sutton, Chester
Denman, Jenetha              Taylor, Juanita
Dickerson, Lillian           Thomas, Azizie
Dillman, Loran               Thomas, Marvin
Eddleman, Porter             Thomas, Philip
Edwards, Jane                Treadaway, Maude
Edwards, Lois                Trogdon, Louise
Everett, Dorothy             Turner, May Dell
Finley, Luther               Wallace, Meredith
Forsguard, Lee               Welborn, Mildred
Frost, Irene                 Welch, Alfred
Frost, Marguerite            Welch, Edith
Gatewood, Inez               Wells, Lloyd
Gibson, Jesse                Wheeler, Nick
Gibson, Jewell               White, Archie
Glasscock, Don               Whitten, C L
Goode, R L                   Willard, Edna Mae
Gumm, Alma Louise            Willette, Brady
Hackett, Billie              Williams, Phil
Hardaway, J E                Wilson, Harold
Harrison, Juanita            Wyche, Elizabeth
Hart, Jack                   Zehrung, Warren
Hearne, Irene
Howard, Edith
Hunter, J D
Huff, Mary Virginia
Ingram, Chester
Johnston, Molly
Johnston, Morris
Jones, Milton
Jordan, Maxine
Keel, Homer
Killingsworth, Ike
Landers, LoRayne
Langhorne, Gilwood
Lewandowski, Margaret
Liebson, Jack
Lockett, Loyce
Lyon, Jack


Class Officers;  J C Miller, Pres.; James King, Vice Pres; Dorothy Lea Denton, Sec; Helen Whitney, Treas.

Acker, Dorothy               Lampe, Anna Lee
Alston, Marie                Leaverton, Helen
Anderson, Carroll            Matthews, Frovelia
Adams, Wilma                 Mattox, Evelyn
Andrews, John                Maxwell, William
Anders, Ellis                McCullough, Helen
Ball, Alforetta              McKinnon, Mary Martha
Bedingfield, Nelwyn          McKelvy, William
Best, Richard                Meadows, J T
Bevis, Ruth                  Mitchell, Bobbye Jay
Blackwell, Mary Nelle        Miller, J C
Bramlette, Paula             Moon, Claudia
Brannon, M J                 Mooring, Walter
Brown, Milton                Morris, Edith
Burns, Lucy Edith            Nicholson, Walter
Bruner, D J                  Nipper, Ernestine
Calk, Earl                   Nunn, Ouida
Chambers, Elmo               Oliver, Mary Ellen
Callahan, Mildred            Ottman, Lillie May
Chism, James                 Perkins, Jimmie
Cowan, Floyd                 Pruitt, LaVerne
Cox, LaVerne                 Rea. Grace Katherine
Crain, E B                   Reinberger, Betty Nell
Cross, Mildred               Scher, Ilaine
Cross, Hazel Dean            Shumate, james
Cleveland, Frankie Dean      Silverman, David
Davis, Gladys                Sloan, Ellen
Denton, Dorothy Lea          Smart Kathleen
Denton, Juddie Clyde         Smith, Lila
Derryberry, Darlene          Smith, Wilma
Devine, Evelyn               Stovall, Lola Bell
Dickson, Kathryn             Strain, Frances
Dossey, Alice Muriel         Sutherland, Ila
Doby, Nelwyn                 Smith, Claud
Dotson, Peggy                Taylor, Naomi
Eason, Roland                Temple, Robert
Evans, L D                   Thomas, Frances
Farris, Lexie Lee            Thornton, Louis
Farmer, Judith               Troop, Correne
Fausett, Martha              Tucker, Gredelle
Fisk, Glenna Bell            Tuttle, Ruth
Flatt, Doyle                 Tyra, Elton
Flewellen, Elizabeth         Tunnell, LaVon
Ferrell, Edna                Vann, Frances
Falconer, F A                Wade, Bernyce
Gambrell, Jessie             Ward, George Henry
Gaw, Durward                 Ward, Margaret Alice
Glasscock, Gus               Whatley, Lorena
Gray, Charlie                Whitney, Helen
Gunnels, Edward              Williams, Juno
Hall, Buddy                  Wilson, Dorothy Marie
Hamilton, Charles            Wilson, Ernestine
Harrelson, Earl              Wilson, Mark
Harper, Eilene               Winn, Bertha
Heaberlin, Mildred           Woods, Jeanette
Hearne, Roy                  Woods, Willard
Heim, Virginia
Henderson, Charles
Hill, Lucille
Hogue, Mozelle
Hopkins, Mary
Horton, Florence
Herren, Marguerite
Jackson, Robert
Johnson, Arlene
Johnson, Elizabeth
Johnson, James
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, Virginia
Jones, Pete
Killingsworth, Juanita
Keating, Helen
King, Mildred
King, James
Kurtz, Willard



Albright, Dorothy Marie       Moore, Juanita
Allison, Mae Elmo             McClabe, Pauline
Anderson, Beula Mae           McDonald, Hazel
Becker, Jo Allan              McKinnon, John
Bedingfield, Bernice          McMullen, Althea
Bennett, Gary                 Markham, Elaine
Bivins, Bailey                Mosely, Edith
Bivins, Jim                   Nichols, Lewis
Black, George                 Owen, Robert
Blackwell, Lawrence           Parker, Raymond
Bortle, Frances               Pond, Mary Beth
Bowen, Ruby                   Prothro, Eleanor
Brannon, Dick                 Power, Lolita
Bray, Travis                  Ragon, Ethel
Brown, Frances                Reynolds, Melvin
Cannon, Kathryn               Salmon, Betty
Clark, Helen Elaine           Sanderson, Lewellen
Coates, Louise                Shadoin, Jessie
Cox, Barbara                  Sharp, Dorothy Fay
Cragin, Lexey                 Simms, Henry
Crenshaw, Geneva              Slaughter, Johnnie
Dancer, Bernyce               Smart, Helen
Daniel, Oliver                Smith, Geneva
Davis, Mary Frances           Sneed, Evelyn
Dollins, Kathleen             Spear, Kathryn
Drake, Doris                  Spiva, Vern
Drake, Ruth                   Stewart, Kathryn
Edward, Kitty                 Southerland, Faye
Elia, Louise                  Sutton, Lee
Epsy, Elwyn                   Swiley, Tom
Farris, Ottis                 Taylor, Bill
Farmer, Olna Fay              Terrell, Jean
Felts, Terion                 Trogdon, Myrtle
Hall, Catherine               Tucker, Betsy
Hanson, Iris                  Wade, Wilma
Hardesty, Martha              Walker, Edith
Harmon, Billy                 Wall, Joy
Heidtmann, Helen              Weedman, Joe
Henry, Martha Brooks          Welch, Charles
Holton, Fay                   Whitten, Jim
Hostetter, Jeanne             Wilkinson, Clark
Horne, Hazel                  Willette, Grady
House, Viola                  Willman, Joe
Jackson, Burl                 Winn. Sidney Claire
Jamieson, Guy                 Wood, Bobby
Johnston, Jack                Woodall, Olga
Jones, Julian                 Woolley, Vivian
Jones, Maxine                 Zeller, Edward
Keating, Jo
Keller, Frances
Kline, Margaret
Lanagan, Rubye
Leaverton, Jane
Lee, Betty
Levacy, Therman

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