Kilgore Memorial Cemetery is just over the Gregg County line a mile or so, into Smith County. It is located on Hwy 31 just outside of Kilgore, between Kilgore & Tyler. This is a relatively new cemetery as it was started in 1979.
Andrews, Elizabeth "Liz"
age 71 Delashaw, Elizabeth
obit; age
95 Elliott, Clarance
age 87 Freeman, Dalancia Malai
Infant d/o Lance & Danetta Shonda Bell Freeman Harris, Arnold Babbit
Age 86 Harris, Betty Jane
DS with Nat Euell; m. Jan 6, 1949 Harris, Charles J
age 87; h/o Tomy; US Army WWII - Purple Heart Harris, Carl Delos
DS with Ora Belle; m. Apr 28, 1946 Harris, Grady Cole Harris, Nat Euell
DS with Betty Jane; m. Jan 6, 1949 Harris, Ora Belle
DS with Carl Delos; m. Apr 28, 1946 Harris, William
obit; age 71;
h/o Beverly Holley, Sue
age 86; w/o Ed; d/o Doyle & Bonnie McClain Taylor, Otis
obit; age
75 |
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