1930 Henderson County, Texas Census Index
Pages 01-01a to 01-22b
Note: I have tried to transcribe the names as best I could. Sometimes the names were very hard to read. I regret any errors. Peggy Trammell Allen dixie95@mycvc.net
If there are any corrections that need to be made please send them to
Images for 1930 census:http://www.usgwarchives.net/tx/henderson/hendertoc.htm
Name Abernathy, G.R. Adams, Joe Adams, Lee Alexander, Viola Adriam, Emma Albright, B.N. All?se, Mary Allen, Gary Allen, L. Allen, Neal Allen, Ricard Allen, T.G. Allison, ?mie Alverson, F.G. Amos, James Anderson, ? A. Anderson, Carrie Andeson, M. Andeson, Will Arthur, Archie Ashworth, Alton Attaway, Mrs. A.T. Austell, George Ave?le, L.T. Bain, B. Baker, C. Baker, Joel Baker, Tom Ballow, Essie Banks, Lee Bardley, Hayden Barker, ? Barker, ?ox Barker, Claude Barker, M. Barker, Tom Barkley, J. Barkley, L. Barnett, Calvin Barnett, Ed Barrett, Mariha Barron, ? H. Barron, H.S. Barron, Lizzie Barton, Earnest Basham, D. Bates, B. Belisly, ? Bell Walter Bell, Eddie Bell, J.H. Bell, L.B. Bell, Louis Bell, Mae Bell, Mary Bentley, A.P. Benton, ? B. Black, Jessie Black, Tom Blanton, Andrew Blanton, B. Blayton, L.S. Blythe, H.C. Boman, Bonnie Borgal, Steve Bosley, Harry Boston, Alex Box, Loy Boyd, R.C. Bradley, ? Bradley, P. Brewer, L. F. Bridges, Ida Bright, Nancy Brock, A.L. Brookins, Bennie Brown, Allen Brown, Clyde Brown, E.D. Brown, H.L. Brown, Henry M. Brown, L. Brown, Lorine Brown, Pete Brown, V. Brown, W.F. Brown, Will Browning, Oscar H. Brownlow, Ethel Buckner, A. Bullard, Ida Burrow, Julia Buston, ? Butler, James Byers, J.A. Calhoun, Chester Calhoun, Lonnie Caloway, John Calton, D.M Calwell, Auby Calwell, Bettie Calwell, Carter Calwell, Julia Camble, Edna Camp, ? Campbell, ? A. Carlise, Jake Carmicheal, John Carr, Lucy Carroll, Ben Carroll, Joe Carter, C.A. Carter, Lois Cass, Bertha Caton, Clyde Chafer, Amy Chambers, R.C. Chancelor, J. Chaney, L. Chase, Georgia Childen, C.R. Choa?mon, John Christian S.W. Clark, Oran Coker, A.B. Coker, C.J. Cole, R. Collins, John Collins, M. ? Colton, George Comes, Earl Conditt, Charlie Conger, Jimie Cook, Belle Cook, L.C. Cooper, Jessie Cooper, L. Corley, Namie Corter, Oliver Cotton, F.O. Coulton, Frank Cox, Cecil Cr?ich, C.L. Cramer, Bee Crimer, Earl Crimer, Henry Crimer, Ned Cronah, J. Cronah, John L. Cross, Ross Cum?, Mollie Cumby, Artie Cumby, Plea M. Cummings, Mary L. Cumwell, Jessie Curtis, Ray D ?, W.D. Daniel, C.L. Daniel, C.W. Daniel, Ora Daniels, Alice Darringardner, Ellen Davidson, John Davis, ?. B. Davis, Amos Davis, Arthur Davis, G.A. Davis, George Davis, George Davis, J.R. Davis, Lee Davis, Lillie Davis, Lon Davis, Louis Davis, Mack Davis, T.B. Davison, C.P. Dean, Allen Deaver, Isak Dickerson, Louis Dillard, James Dillard, Sam Dodson, Louis Dowell, A.S. Dowell, Bunice Dowell, George Dowell, J.L. Dowell, J.M. Du?, E.H. Dugan, Carl Dunham, J.C. Dunham, John R. E ? man, Charley Edmondson, Madison Edom, Dewey Edom. H.H. Edwards, Will Fagan, Ralph Farris, Lizzie Featherston, C.W. Fergason, ? Ferguson, A. Fisher, C.C. Fisher, Cory Fitzwater, A.C. Fletcher, Will Floyd, B.C. Ford, James Ford, Joe Ford, Lacky Ford, Tom Foreman, George Foster, Arthur Foster, Eveline Foster, Robert Fowler, ? Fowler, J. Fowler, James Franklin, C.B. Freeman, Lou Fresham, H.M. Frizzell, C. Fuller, C.T. Fulton, ? Fulton, John Fulton, Luther Gainer, J. A. Gamble, Louis Gandor, B. Gann, B.C. Gann, Charlie Gardner, Olivia Garrett, Robert Gates, Robert Gaunt, J.A. Gaunt, William Gayton, Ann Gayton, Anna Gibbs, W.A. Gibson, Inez Gilbert, D.K. Gill. Angie Gilly, Henry Gilneath, Will Givins, Pheby Gott, D. W. Govan, Robert Grant, B. Graunt, N.C. Gray, Margret Grayham, Ala ? Green, B.A. Gregory, O. Grider, W.A. Grider, Walter Grider, Walter Griffin, D.L. Gugdon, Ester Gunter, Jessie Hable, C.T. Hagan, Tom Halhoun, L. Hall, ? Hall, H.B. Hamill, H.J. Hamilton, George Hamilton, Junell Hamlet, Pauline Hamlett, Lonnie Hanns, John Hardin, Bat Hardy, J.C. Harris, John N. Hart, Edwin C. Hart, Henry Hart, Henry Hasley, Alex Hawkins, S.R. Hawonah, N.A. Hayward, W.W. Henderson, ? Henderson, Robert Hendray, Ethel Henry, D.F. Herrington, May Hicks, Fred Hidman, J. Hido, W. Hightower, L.C. Hill, ? Hill, A. Hill, Fannie Hill, Will Hillman, Rafe Hodges, George Hodges, Wilie C. Holman, Robert Holt, Samuel Hood, J.M. Horton, Jimmie Houston, Gary Houston, S.A. Houston, W.W. Howard, Paul Howard, Roy Hubbard, Jimmie Hudson, Calton Hughes, Loy Hughs, J. Hughs, Roy Hunter, John Hutchins, W.L. Inmon, J. Iraland, Aley Irvin, Taylor Irving, Alvin Isham, Roy Ivey, A.C. Jackson, C. Jackson, Claude M. Jackson, Dean Jackson, J.W. Jackson, Lyn Jackson, M.R. Jackson, R.C. Jackson, R.F. Jackson, Robert Jackson, Timmie Jefferson, H. Jefferson, H.P. Jennings, Millard Johnson, Collin Johnson, G.M. Johnson, George Johnson, Homer Johnson, J. Johnson, J. Johnson, J. Johnson, J.B. Johnson, James Johnson, John A. Johnson, Kirby Johnson, Margarett Johnson, Ted Johnson, Tom Johnson, W. Johnson, Willie Jones, Emma Jones, Emma Jones, George Jones, Ward Jones, William Jordan, Alex Jordon, Henry J. Justice, H.A. Kee, L.C. Kempor, Minnie Kendrick, Roy Kidd, F. Killough, J.C. King, James Knight, Lonnie Lacy, Judson A. |
Page # 01-02b 01-08a 01-06a 01-15a 01-22b 01-04b 01-15b 01-12a 01-10b 01-08a 01-10a 01-08a 01-12b 01-07b 01-11b 01-04a 01-14b 01-17b 01-18a 01-21a 01-22a 01-02b 01-01b 01-01b 01-10a 01-11a 01-08b 01-13a 01-06a 01-20b 01-22a 01-19b 01-18a 01-18a 01-19b 01-14a 01-03a 01-03b 01-10b 01-07a 01-22b 01-07b 01-07b 01-19a 01-22b 01-13a 01-20b 01-08b 01-19a 01-09a 01-09b 01-09a 01-09a 01-18a 01-19a 01-07a 01-18a 01-04b 01-15a 01-17b 01-15a 01-05a 01-04b 01-03b 01-04a 01-11b 01-19a 01-10b 01-05b 01-17a 01-14b 01-11b 01-12b 01-20a 01-08a 01-10b 01-18a 01-05b 01-04b 01-11a 01-01b 01-22a 01-05a 01-17a 01-16a 01-05b 01-16a 01-02b 01-06a 01-13b 01-09b 01-19b 01-15a 01-16b 01-21a 01-06a 01-01b 01-22b 01-10b 01-09a 01-16b 01-16a 01-16b 01-22a 01-21a 01-01a 01-20b 01-02a 01-14b 01-21a 01-03a 01-02a 01-17b 01-13b 01-13a 01-10a 01-19b 01-07b 01-18a 01-17b 01-07a 01-13b 01-19b 01-13a 01-08b 01-03b 01-21b 01-05a 01-05b 01-03a 01-20b 01-06a 01-14b 01-09a 01-11a 01-22a 01-04a 01-08b 01-09a 01-21b 01-11a 01-12b 01-11b 01-15b 01-19b 01-09a 01-10b 01-02b 01-01a 01-03a 01-12b 01-21a 01-01b 01-03a 01-01a 01-16a 01-07b 01-06b 01-06b 01-06b 01-06b 01-08a 01-03b 01-12a 01-15b 01-07b 01-08a 01-03a 01-18a 01-07b 01-01b 01-22b 01-20a 01-07a 01-10b 01-12b 01-12a 01-16a 01-17b 01-15a 01-03b 01-11a 01-21b 01-06b 01-12b 01-01b 01-05a 01-08b 01-04b 01-05a 01-11b 01-12a 01-09b 01-19a 01-02a 01-02a 01-10b 01-11a 01-10b 01-13a 01-16b 01-14b 01-16a 01-09b 01-12a 01-15a 01-12b 01-19a 01-15a 01-19a 01-15a 01-19a 01-15b 01-01b 01-10b 01-14a 01-07b 01-10a 01-12b 01-07b 01-05b 01-08b 01-16a 01-09b 01-09b 01-11a 01-16b 01-03b 01-07a 01-08b 01-08b 01-18a 01-22a 01-10a 01-05a 01-02a 01-07a 01-20a 01-05a 01-06a 01-07a 01-07b 01-10b 01-19a 01-09b 01-03b 01-15a 01-13a 01-08b 01-06b 01-10b 01-12a 01-20b 01-06b 01-11b 01-14b 01-05b 01-17a 01-12b 01-02b 01-17b 01-19b 01-01a 01-12a 01-03b 01-10b 01-16b 01-17a 01-19a 01-06a 01-05a 01-01a 01-02a 01-06b 01-10b 01-22a 01-15b 01-12a 01-04b 01-04b 01-15a 01-10b 01-06b 01-12b 01-06b 01-03b 01-18a 01-12a 01-14b 01-16a 01-08b 01-20a 01-17b 01-15a 01-09b 01-02a 01-15b 01-20a 01-04b 01-08b 01-03a 01-06b 01-06b 01-02a 01-02a 01-03a 01-10a 01-11b 01-18a 01-17a 01-15b 01-12b 01-16b 01-03b 01-14a 01-10b 01-02b 01-04b 01-16b 01-05a 01-11a 01-12b 01-20b 01-11a 01-20a 01-19a 01-15b 01-21b 01-14b 01-14b 01-07b 01-06a 01-06a 01-19b 01-21a 01-14b 01-20a 01-22a 01-11a 01-16a 01-06a 01-01a 01-05a 01-06b 01-19a 01-13b 01-15b 01-15a 01-22b 01-08a 01-18a 01-07b 01-16b 01-07a 01-14b 01-08a 01-07b 01-13b 01-17a 01-07a 01-17b 01-04a 01-02a |
Name Laller, James Lambright, Joe Lambright, Shelby Lankford, A.D. Larkin, Mary Larkin, Tim Law, Ruth Layton, G.W. Lee, Claud Spivey Lee, Jack Lee, John Lee, Mack Lee, Porter Lee, Porter Lee, Rosie Lee, Rufus Lee, W. Leek, Harriett Lemmons, W. Lewis, ? Lewis, Eli Lindel, B. Loden, A.V. Lofton, A.F. Logan, Mathis Long, Jess Longbridge, J.R. Loper, Garlin Loper, S.B. Louis, Iva Love?, G. Lults, Ann J. Lunthaum, Hubbard Magee, Jim Major, Burl Major, Robert L. Majors, Coy Majors, Dock Majors, R.B. Mallard, Carl Mallard, O.D. Mannell, George Mansfield, Maringon, H. Martin, Charlie Martin, W.G. Massey, F. Massey, Henry Massey, Ollie Massey, T. Massey, Walter Massie, Dalton Masters, Jake Mathews, ? M. Mathis, Eli Mathis, J.W. Matnola, M. Maya, Mimmie McBurns, F. McC?, Nettie McCleman, Allice McClendon, D. McCowan, Robert McCoy, Jake McCumbie, Nettie McDonald, Carl McDonald, Millie McGilore, H.A. McH?, K. McNeal, J.A. Meador, Robert Meredith, Elisha Middleton, Bee Mildell, Hattie Miles, Vera Miller, Bill Miller, Ida Miller, Jerry Miller, Paul Milnor, Richard Milstead, Carl Milton, Douglas Milton, Oson Minor, Floyd Minyard, G. Mitchell, Ed Mitchell, Fred Mitchell, Jim Mix, Fred Moneciah, Aaron Moody, Chester Moore, Rafe Moore, Will Moore, Willie Morgan, F. Moss, ? Moss, Loy Mundy, Ida Murphy, Ed Murrill, ?. C. Nall, Ellis Nathan, William A. Neilson, Jackson Newbill, Frank Newbill, J.C. Newton, ? Nier, Hazel Nilson, Joe Ninkels, Lonnie Oaks, W. Olliver, C.M. Oneal, Walter Overton, ? P. Owen, Jack Pace, Edward Pace, George Pace, Johnnie Palmer, I.J. Parrell, Ollie Parrot, Josie Paschoff, A.T. Paton, A.J. Patterson, A.W. Patterson, John Paul, D. Payne, A.A. Penny, Addie Penough, Robert Perkins, C.H. Perry, Sid Pierce, R.P. Pilham, Shelby Pison, Dave Polk, Anna Pool, C.M. Postel, Newton Powell, Clif Powell, Ricey Price, Britton Proctor, Sarah Pugh, Fred Ramsey, James Randel, Astel Randel, Minnie Randel, Porter Rathiff, H. Ray, Frank Raye, George Reese, F.D. Reynold, C.C. Reynolds, May Richardson, ? Richardson, Ada Richardson, Billie Richardson, Catherine Richardson, Ed Richardson, G. Richardson, J.A. Richardson, J.T. Richardson, Katie Richardson, Victor Richardson, W. Richardson, W.M. Richardson, Wiley Riley, N. Riley, Rona Riner, ? Rodgers, Loy Rose, William F. Ross, James Rosvelt, Norton Royal, J.L. Royston, George B. Rush, F.J. Russle, Tom M. Sanders, Donald B. Sanders, G. Sanders, Martha C. Sansing, Mary Sawyer, James Scott, George Seal, Horace B. Secrest, W.W. Sellars, F.S. Ses ?, Emma Shanson, Mattie Sharp, Alex Shaw, Tom Shelton, Alice Shelton, J.L. Shelton, May Sheppard, R. Sherman, Henry Shofner, ? Shofner, A. Shool, Bill Shuylock, ? Simah, John Simm, Ivey Simms, Earnest Simms, I Simms, Yadia Simpson, J.W. Skinner, A.S. Sloan, H.J. Smallwood, Douglas Smith, C. Smith, F.P. Smith, Fannie Smith, H.S. Smith, Harvey Smith, J. Smith, L. Smith, Willis Smithman, A.C. Smithman. Rugus B. Smoots, S.M. Sowel, Inmon Sowel, John Sowell, James Sowell, Jane Sowell, John Sowell, Major Sowell, Tom Sowels, James Speak, N.L. Speers, Everett Spivey, S.C. Spivey, William Spurlin, N.H. Stalton, Claude Stanley, J.A. Stark, John Starr, Carrie Stayton, C.? Stegal, John Stegal, Oma Stegall, Forge Stephens, C.M. Stephens, Floyd Stewart, H.A. Stirman, Millard Stoke, N.W. Stovall, Callie Stovall, Ed Stover, L.D. Stringfield, J. Swaney, G. Swayne, Henry Talver, Sarah Taylor, Cathie Taylor, J.R. Taylor, Lena Taylor, Louis Taylor, M.M. Taylor, Morris Taylor, Oscar Taylor, W.W. Taylorcott, Robert R. Th?well, Sid Thomas, Early Thomas, Emma Thomas, J. Lee Thomas, W.R. Thompson, C.N. Thompson, Lewis Thompson, Ray L. Thompson, Rollis Thompson, Will Tilmon, Jesse Titsworth, Connie Titsworth, Ruff Tomlson, ? Townson, H.T. Tucker, George Tucker, Lucy Turner, ? Turner, Theo Vaughn, Allice Walcoth, L. Walker, Dan Walker, F.J. Walker, George Walker, Henry Walker, Henry Walker, Lillie Walker, N.W. Wallis, Ed Wallis, G.N. Walls, James L. Wallson, G.B. Walter, Julia Walton, Leonard Ward, Viola Wards, Ginnie Ware, Clyde Ware, Henry Ware, Liza Warren, D. Warren, R. Warren, W.C. Washham, Carl Washing, Will Washington, George Washington, Stella Wathers, Will Wathon, Ben Watson, Porter Watson, William Westmoreland, L. Whecle, O. White, Curtis White, Lacy Whitefield, Claude Whitley, A.A. Wilbey, Benard B. Williams, Ada Williams, B. Williams, Corley Williams, Emma Williams, G. Williams, H.T. Williams, Harold Williams, Harold Williams, Irene Williams, J.L. Williams, Jim Williams, John Williams, L.d. Williams, Mary Williams, S. Williams, Sallie Williams, T.C. Williams, Wilie Williamson, James Williamson, S. Willingham, W.C. Willis, Jackson Willis, John Wilson, Collumbus Wilson, Delma Wilson, Fay Wilson, George Wilson, George Wilson, Jim Wilson, Joe Wilson, John Wilson, Julian Wilson, Pete Wilson, W. Wofford, Bettie Wofford, Mandy Wofford, May Wood, Lillie Wood, Mason Wylie, G.P. Yardell, Hattie Young, A. Young, John N. Young, Tommie Young, Walter Young, Walter |
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