Spring 1978 Volume II Number one East Texas Family Records East Texas Genealogical Society, Tyler, Smith Co., Texas
Grantee arrived in Texas prior to Declaration of Independence.
ADAMS, J., 1-450 McALPANDO, JOSE, 1-16 ALDRICH, GEORGE, 1-120 McBERTRAN, , 1-19 ALLBRIGHT, JOHN, 1-26 McGREGOR, J., Heirs of, 1-428 ANDERSON, W., 1-802 McKEEVER, M. B., 1-146 ANGLIN, ADRIEN, 1-672 McMARTINEZ, JUNA, 1-590 ATWOOD, J. B., 1-47 McMENDOZA, JUAN, 1-5 BAKER, JOHN, 1-385 McYBARBO, JOSE, 1-173 BEASON, COLLINS M., 1-789 MEDRO, BAUTISTO, 1-45 BENGE, ALFRED D., 1-84 MELTON, A. G., 1-1192 BERTRAM, J., 1-19 MITCHELL, J. V., 1-14 BOTTOMS, Z. W., 1-431 MITCHELL, THOMAS S., 1-3 BOX, NELSON, 1-89 MORA, JOSE, 1-252 BROWN, JAMES K., 1-817 & 1-544 MOSS, SAMUEL, 1-879 BROWN, J. P., 1-33 MOSS, SAMUEL, 1-243 CALDERON, SANTA, 1-783 MURCHISON, JOHN, 1-429 CASANOVA, ESTEVAN, 1-155 MURCHISON, MARTIN, 1-395 CHEARS, SAMUEL, 1-131 Nacogdoches County School Land, CHERRY, DAVID, 1-519 1-792 & 1-768 COY, B. SANTOS, 1-755 NAVARRO, LORENZO, 1-15 CHAVANNO, GRMO, 1-18 NEILL, J. C., 1-53 CARO, THOMAS, 1-13 NEWLAND, J. A., 1-43 DAVIS, ANNA, 1-518 PALMER, THOMAS, 1-54 DOUGLAS, K. H., 1-26 PARKS, ALEX, 1-239 GARCIA, JUAN, 1-20 PARKER, DICKERSON, 1-246 GARCIA, M., 1-2 PATERSON, EDWARD, 1-248 GARNER, JOHN N., 1-59? PERES, J. Y., 1-154 GONZALES, JOSE, 1-870 RANKIN, THOMAS B., 1-387 GRACE, L., 1-274 RATCLIFF, Wm. D., 1-36 HARRIS, E. G., 1-30 RICE, JOSEPH, 1-115 HARRISON, DANIEL, 1-142? ROBINSON, S., 1-253 HEATON, R., 1-1154 RODRIQUES, JOSE, 1-42 HENDRICKS, J., 1-784 SANCHES, M. M., 1-72 & 1-12 HERNANDEZ, JUANA, 1-343? SALLY, JOHN M., 1-840 HILLHOUSE, Mrs. ELI, 1-1009 SANCHEZ, SIMON, 1-135 HOCKADAY, W., 1-701 SCHILLEN, JAMES A., 1-878 HOLMAN, S., 1-96 SIMPSON, Wm. M., 1-443 IRVINE, JANE, 1-175 SMITH, Wm. H, 1-1175 JACKSON, PHILIP, 1-211? STRODE, H. M., 1-25 JEFFREYS, HENRY, 1-422? SYLVESTER, S., 1-70 JEFFREYS, HENRY, 1-62? TATOR, JACOB, 1-113 JOHNSON, N. B., 1-8?? THOMPSON, B. D., 1-1906 JOHNSTON, G. J., 1-??? TUMLINSON, PETER, 1-158 LACY, DANIEL, 1-11 WALKER, Wm. C., 1-150 LAWSON, JOHN, 1-788 WALTERS, C. M., 1-738 LIGON, WILLIAM, 1-2?? WALTERS, G. T., 1-83 LUNA, ENCARNACION, 1-?28 WARD, JOHN, 1-242 MALONE, N. R., 1-79? WASHBURN, ELIZA., 1-75 MANCHA, J. L., 1-332 WATTS, Wm. H., 1-244 1/2 MARSHALL, I., 1-74 WEISS, , 1-410 MARTINEZ, G., 1-50 WILLIAMS, F. F., 1-54 MAR(T?)INEZ, A., 1-444 YORK, AARON, 1-645 MARTINEZ, JUAN JOSE, 1-157 McALPANDO, , 1-130
Henderson Co. Correspondent for East Texas Genealogical Society: Estelle Dixon Corder, P. 0. Box 71, Larue, Texas, 75770. Thanks to Debra Tucker for typing
Court Records Henderson Co. TX
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