Malakoff, Texas Telephone Directory February 1945
Name Phone #
Anderson, Lutie Mrs. | 28 |
Anderson, Robert | 53 |
Ballard Funeral Home | 99 |
Bankston, John Service Station | 44 |
Bankston residence | 40 |
Bankston, Paul | 38 |
Barnett, Henry Serv Station | 66 |
Ballow, Harris | 39 |
Bartlett, T. A. Sr. | 31 |
Barlett, T. A. Jr. | 62 |
Billings, D. D. | 19 |
Boyett, W. E. Mrs. | 63 |
Brooks, Weldon Rev. | 20 |
Broyles, Edna Mrs. | 65 |
Cade, H. H. | 431 |
Carson, D. H. | 35 |
Carson, J. J. Mrs. | 42 |
Carson Lumber Co | 56 |
Chapman, Guy | 26 |
Citizens State Bank | 47 |
City Cleaners | 21 |
Cross Roads School | 412 |
Day, C. C. | 90 |
Derden, J. K. | 811 |
Dodd, M. T. | 88 |
Dodson, Co. O. | 29 |
Drane, Hugh Ise Co. | 67 |
Evans, J. L. Mrs. | 32 |
Faulk, Will | 89 |
Flagg, H. L. | 60 |
Flauncher, H. F. | 91 |
Fowler, J. A. Mrs. | 27 |
Frizzell, V. H. | 93 |
Gentry, Dodge Mrs. | 17 |
Gilmore, C. M. | 11 |
Gilreath, Leah Mrs. | 87 |
Gulf Market & Grocery | 96 |
Hall, E. A. | 803 |
Hall, S. A. | 8 |
Hardy, F. E. | 41 |
Head, James W. | 61 |
Humphries, C. N. | 25 |
Humphries, Furniture Store | 99 |
Jackson, J. A. | 57 |
Jackson, W. W. | 55 |
Johnson, Tom | 76 |
Kilman Hospital | 81 |
Kilman, P. T. Dr. | 79 |
Kinabrews Store | 404 |
Kirby, A. L. | 33 |
Kirby, Carney | 75 |
Kirby, LeRoy | 58 |
Kirby & Sons | 1 |
Lane Grocery | 402 |
Larkin, H. G. | 98 |
Lorentzen, R. M. | 12 |
Lucas, C. C. | 34 |
Malakoff Grammer School | 2 |
Malakoff High School | 4 |
Malakoff News | 45 |
Malakoff Water Co. | 64 |
Matthews, R. A. Dr. | 97 |
Meadows, W. M. Dr. | 72 |
Melton, Addie Miss | 3 |
Methodist Parsonage | 73 |
Moore, R. D. | 24 |
Murphy, J. M. | 9 |
Owen, D. B. Mrs. | 16 |
Payne, Drug Store | 18 |
Payne, M. A. Mrs. | 49 |
Payne, W. B. | 46 |
Phillips, O. A. | 5 |
Phillips, W. E. | 37 |
Pierce, E. R. | 421 |
Pirtle, Orval | 422 |
Powers Sandwich Shop | 52 |
Riddlesperger, C. A. Mrs. | 59 |
Riddlesperger, Lee | 69 |
Riddlesperger, S. J. Mrs. | 23 |
Riddlesperger, William | 411 |
Rivers, M. M. | 43 |
Roberts, Elmer | 85 |
Robertson, John | 77 |
Robertson, W. V. | 7 |
Robertsons Food Market | 14 |
Royall Chevrolet Co. | 22 |
Royall, Dan | 54 |
Schneck, Johnnie Mrs. | 30 |
Scholl, L. J. | 94 |
Skiles, R. E. | 48 |
Smith, Mary Mrs. | 82 |
Story, Bob P. | 70 |
St. L. SW Ry Co Depot | 51 |
Tanner E. A. Motor Co. | 74 |
Tanner, Richard | 80 |
Tavernale Night Club | 83 |
Texas Power & Light Co | 68 |
Texas Power & Light Co Athens Tex (Toll call) Day Emergency |
245 |
Night Sunday and Holidays Call | 265 |
If No Answer Call | 285 |
If No Answer Call | 545 |
If No Answer Call | 395 |
Tidmore, I. P. | 36 |
Truelove, O. A. | 50 |
Victory Theatre | 6 |
Weir Drug Store | 71 |
Weir, Roy I. Sr. | 78 |
Welch, I. B. | 403 |
Weller, S. O. | 802 |
Yarbrough, R. E. | 15 |
Yeager, E. W. Jr. | 92 |
Transcribed by Bunny Shumate Freeman You are ourvisitor -- thanks for stopping by!
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