The Scott Street Civic Club Athens, Texas Organized August 1, 1913
Work: To have Scott Street clayed. Study: Civic Attractiveness Club Flower: Goldenrod Club Colors: White and Yellow Motto: The mercy that is warm and true Must lend a helping hand, For those who talk, yet fail to do, Will forever pull thru sand. Time of meeting: Thursday Members: Mrs. James O. ADAMS Mrs. Thomas H. BARRON Mrs. J. B. BISHOP Mrs. William BISHOP Mrs. Ollie MALLARD Mrs. Fred S. McBURNEY Mrs. Charles A. RICHARDSON Miss Mattie WALKER Mrs. Walter McDONALD Mrs. Billie WALKER Mrs. M. STIRMAN Miss Mabel STIRMAN Mrs. Archie WOOD Mrs. Robert GAUNTT Mrs. Walter SCOTT Mrs. Dessie HALL Mrs. E. M. BRYANT Mrs. R. B. MALLARD Mrs. J. L. COPPERAL OFFICERS: Mrs. William Richardson BISHOP, President Mrs. Millard STIRMAN Vice-president Miss Mabel STIRMAN, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Charles A. RICHARDSON, Recording Secretary Miss Mattie WALKER, Treasurer Mrs. F. S. McBURNEY Critic Mrs T. H. BARRON Press Reporter PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Mrs. Ollile MALLARD Mrs. OLIVER Mrs. Billie WALKER Mrs. J. O. ADAMS Provided by Addie CRABTREE WOODS
Historic Clubs of Henderson County
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