Commerce Journal Deaths
Word has reached
here of the death of Mrs. Kerr, an erstwhile resident of
Commerce, at her home in Clinton, Ind. Mrs. Kerr had
many friends here who regret who taking away. She was an
intelligent woman who strove to make the world brighter
for her presence. Numerous friends in Commerce console
with her husband Mr. Kerr, and her daughter, Miss Maud
in this dark hour of sore affliction.
The Commerce
Journal-February 14, 1902

The Greenville Herald says at Wolfe
City last Friday night there was a gathering of negroes where beer and bad blood
flowed quite freely and ended in the fatal shooting of Bill Harper by Nannie
Moody. It is stated there was a general mixup of coons and during the confusion
Bill Harper was offended at something the woman said and struck her. She quickly
drew a 33-caliber pistol and fired at Harper, the ball entering about the pit of
the stomach and producing death a few hours later.
The Commerce
Journal-February 21, 1902

Dr. F. M.
Faught Drops Dead at Whiteworth While Singing a Solo. Buried at Denton.
Commerce was shocked
Monday morning by the intelligence of the sudden and untimely taking away of Dr.
F. M. Faught of the Bluff city drugstore.
Dr. Faught had gone to
Whiteworth to visit his daughter, Miss Nellie, who is in Grayson college there.
Monday morning he was
called upon to conduct chapel exercise and was concluding them with a solo-one
of his favorites, Calvary. He had nearly finished the first stanza when he sank
to his knees, then dropped forward and when he was reached was found to be dead.
The physician said
apoplexy was the cause of his death.
His remains were taken to
Denton and interred there Tuesday by the side of his wife.
Dr. Faught had lived in
Commerce about three and one-half years and had numerous friends here. He was a
devoted member of the Methodist church, and had been heard to remark that he
preferred to die signing.
His daughter, Miss
Nellie, has the sincerest sympathy of a large number of friends here in her sad
and unexpected bereavement.
J. W. Eaught, and wife
attended the obsequies.
The JOURNAL condoles with
the bereaved relatives.
The Commerce
Journal-March 28, 1902

Mrs. R. C. Welch was called to
Denison Friday night on account of the death of her sister, Mrs. Josie Bain, who
was taken away suddenly by heart failure.
The Commerce
Journal-April 4, 1902

Mr. Arvin Passes Away In His
Sixty-Fourth Year.
At 1 o'clock the morning
Mr. Arvin died at his home on South Roberts street after a brief illness with
pneumonia. It had been known that he was quite sick, but outside of the family
and his near neighbors little apprehensions were felt, and the news of his death
came as a surprise to many.
Five children survive
him, Dr. H. T. Arvin and Misses Ellie, Cate, Minnie and Belle, all of whom are
well known and highly esteemed. His wife died several years ago. Mr. Arvin was a
true Christian gentleman, quiet and unassuming, but genial and kind.
He belonged to the
Christian church and was one of its most devoted members. He was a member of the
Masonic fraternity but had not affiliated with the lodge here.
The funeral will take
place at the family residence at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Services will be
conducted by Rev. C. M. Schoonover. Interment at the city cemetery.
Greenville Banner.
Deceased was the father
of Miss Cate Arvin one of our esteemed public school teachers, who has the
sympathy of the entire town in her trouble.
The Commerce
Journal-April 4, 1902

E. W. Briscoe Dead
Useful citizen and faithful official
called home.
The announcement of the
death of Mr. E. W. Briscoe, county clerk of Hunt county, and one of the very
best men that the state of Texas ever produced, will be read with pain and
regret, not only in Greenville but throughout Hunt county. He passed away at
7:30 last night, after an illness of eleven days duration, having taken sick on
Saturday, April 5th, with grip, which developed into pneumonia.
E. W. Briscoe was born
near Ladonia on September 19, 1849, and was reared in Hunt county. In the 70s he
was married to Miss Mattox, sister to Mrs. T. A. Smith, John Mattox and others
of that well known family. She died in a few years, and some years later he was
married to Miss Dyer who survives him. Greenville Herald.
The Commerce
Journal-April 18, 1902

Dailey Kinkaid Dead
J. S. Kinkaid received a
telegram from his brother Lindsay, who is at Chandler, notifying him that his
brother, Dailey Kinkaid and that the body would arrive here Saturday morning at
5:30 o'clock. No particulars , and it is not known how he died.
Dailey Kinkaid left South
McAlester about one year ago to assist his brother in their work as railroad
contractors. For some time they had been busy with a contract for the Choctaw at
The deceased was a member
of I.O.O.F. and Jr. A. O. U. M. Fraternities. He leaves a wife. The funeral
will occur Saturday afternoon.-South McAlester Capital.
The JOURNAL learns from a
personal friend of the deceased here that he came to his death by the
explosion of a can of powder.
The Commerce Journal-July 25, 1902

Death of J. R. Melroy
Mr. J. R. Melroy died
Friday at his home in Sherman, having been in feeble health for several months.
The family, with his remains, accompanied by Engineer Langridge, passed thro'
Commerce Sunday for Philliphsburg, N. J., where the body will be interred in the
family burying ground.
Mr. Melroy, at the time
of his death, was engineer on Sherman passenger train, and was formerly a
citizen of this place and had many friends who will regret that he has been
called from us.

Rev. R. B. Moreland was called
last week to Cooper by the death of his mother. He and the other members of
the family will have the sympathy of the community in their affliction.
-Mrs. Mason
The Commerce Journal-July
27, 1902

Mrs. Nora Jackson of Luealla came
down Wednesday to be with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Dozier. She reached her
only a few minutes before her death.
The Commerce Journal-August 22, 1902

The four-year-old son of Monore
Burge, living four miles south of Ladonia, was scalded to death last Friday
while falling into a wash pot while its mother was washing.
The Commerce
Journal-August 22, 1902

Was Kicked To Death Ladonia Tex.,
Aug. 26-E. C. Burrell, living three miles east of this place, while crossing
a ditch on a load of wood, fell behind his team and was instantly kicked to
death. He was an ex-Confederate. family.
The Commerce
Journal-August 29, 1902

We fell sad to note the death of
Mrs. Barnes in the Sand Lapper's article for she was an old school mate of ours.
She was so very good, none knew her but to love her.
The Commerce
Journal-August 29, 1902

Little Douglas Mayo Dead
There was profound sorrow
Tuesday morning when the death of Little Douglas, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. W.
L. Mayo, was announced, and commingled with its tender sympathy with the parents
in their affliction.
She has suffered
extremely for about three weeks with typhoid fever and at last the little body
succumbed to the ravages of the disease and freed the pure spirit which wafted
its way to the bosom of Him who said "Suffer little children to come to me."
She had sported with the
flowers of seven summers, and then was called to the land of eternal springtime.
She was regarded by all
as an exceptionally bright, talented and loveable little child, and while for a
time it is a cruel loss to the family, it is but another tie to bind them to
Funeral services were
held at 3:30 p.m. at the College chapel, Revs. Hicks, Fincher, Gough and
Prof. Clark all taking part. The remains were interred in the city cemetery
and were followed to their resting place by a large concourse of friends.
The Commerce
Journal-August 29, 1902

A Sad Accident
A terrible accident
occurred Saturday morning at the Greenville oil mill by which Mr. J. A. Gentry,
night watchman at the oil mill, had his foot and leg ground to pieces as far up
as the knee, while the muscles above the knee wore torn in shreds, resulting a
few hours later in his death.
Mr. Gentry was about 63
years of age and had been an invalid for several years, suffering from an attack
of asthma. He leaves a wife and two boys, age 10 and 12 and a large number of
friends who mourn his death.
The Commerce
Journal-September 26, 1902

The little son of Mr. and Mrs.Rufus
Laird died on the 18th. Dr. Fry of Lester and Dr. Relyea of Ladonia, were almost
in constant attence and kind friends did all in their power for the little
sufferer, but he has gone where there will be no more pain or sorrow. The
remains were interred in the Ladonia cemetery. O, what memories cluster round
that little grave; what blighted hopes, what cherished joys are hidden there.
Cares, fears, anxious forebodings have found their end and been laid to rest in
the quiet of that little grave!
The Commerce
Journal-October 3, 1902

On the 25th inst the death angel
visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brewer and took their little daughter
Edith. She had been ill since the 15th of July. The remains were interred in
Hope cemetery. Mr. Charlie Brewer and family, of Hale, Fannin county, attended
the funeral.
The Commerce
Journal-October 3, 1902

Negro Killed Near Lester.
Esq. Manning was notified
Wednesday morning by phone that a negro had been killed on R. B. Laird's farm
near Lester.
He went out in company
with Deputy Sheriff Langford, and upon investigation, had one Hays Husley
(colored), arrested and jailed to await the action of the grand jury.
The testimony of three
witnesses showed that Coleman, deceased, was picking cotton for Husley who is
making a crop on Laird's farm. Husley told Coleman to go to work, Coleman
refusing, stating there was too much dew, whereupon Husley said he would make
him go and stepped into the adjoining room and got his shotgun. They met at the
partition door, Husley fired the gun which was loaded with birdshot, the entire
contents taking effect in Coleman's stomach, from which he died an hour
afterward. Husley claimed the death was accidental, however. The coroner
rendered the following verdict: " I J. W. Manning, a justice of the peace in and
for Hunt County, Texas, being informed of the untimely death of Sam Coleman,
colored, viewed the body and took the testimony of three witnesses, and do
render this as my finding under their testimony, to wit: Sam Coleman, colored,
deceased, came to his death about 7 o'clock a.m. on the farm of R. B. Laird by a
wound from a shotgun fired by Hays Husley.
The Commerce
Journal-October 24, 1902

Killed in a Runaway
The Ladonia news gives
the following particulars of the death of J. W. Kincaid, mention of which was
made in last week' Journal:
"About noon Tuesday,
while hauling a load of house blocks out to Will Cobb's place, a four mule team
drived by J. W. Kincaid was scared by a passing double header just south of A.
Gough's, became unmanageable and ran away, throwing him under the wheels of the
wagon. The wheels passed across the right side of his chest, right shoulder and
head, crushing him into the earth.
It was thought at first
that he would die immediately. He was carried to the residence of Mr. Gough,
were he received medical aid and rallied so readily that hopes were entertained
for his recovery. Wednesday afternoon it was seen that he was fast weakening,
and about 8:30 o'clock he died.
The interment took place
at the Odd Fellows Cemetery at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon. A joint funeral
ceremony was held by the Eastern Star and Masonic fraternities in the
presence of a large crowd of friends and relatives.
Deceased was a good
citizen and his loss is sincerely mourned by all who knew him. He leaves a wife
and several little children, to whom we extend our most heartfelt sympathy.
The Commerce
Journal-November 14, 1902

In Memoriam
Following is an extract
from a lengthy obituary of Miss Fannie Day, sister of Prof. A. L. Day,
superintendent of our public schools, taken from her home paper the Madisonville
Meteor. Prof. Day has the deep sympathy of his numerous friends here in his
But a few short weeks
ago, during the month of August, Miss Fannie who is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Day of this city, left us to visit her sister, Mrs. Bertha
Lindsey, at Madill, I. T. There she was stricken with typhoid fever, and
later paralysis developed, when all hope of saving her was abandoned. She
had the best of loving care and attention and medical skill, but at 8
o'clock in the evening, November 7th, her spirit passed away. Her mother and
her brother, Mr. James Day were at her bedside when the end came. The body
was properly embalmed and shipped to Bryan and reached Madisonville late
Sunday evening, which was carried to the home which she left not long ago
before a happy, promising girl. Here many friends brought lovely wreaths and
looked for the last time on her dear face, so sweet, so fair, so natural in
death. On Monday morning at 10 o'clock the funeral was held, conducted by
Elder J. D. Markett, and attended by hundreds of people. The school
suspended and pupils formed in procession and followed the body to its last
resting place. Misses Mae Viser, Bettie Middleton, Carrie Bartee, Corrie
Hibbitts, Lillian Connor and Margie Gibbs acted as pallbearers.
Deceased was a pure,
noble, Christian girl, fair as a lily and of saintly character. Her friends were
legion, and "None knew her but to love her, None knew her but to praise her."
The Commerce
Journal-November 28, 1902

from the Commerce Journal and submitted by Cynthia
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