Isham Hall Williams was born December 10, 1825, in
Russell or Scott County, Virginia. He was the third
child of James Thomas Williams and Mary Hall Williams.
As a young man, Isham and three of his brothers migrated
to southwest Missouri along with neighbors, the Jonathan
Hilton family. They settled in Benton County, Missouri,
initially. Isham had a number of adventures as a young
man, including going to California to seek his fortune
as a gold miner, and taking a voyage around the world.
Isham returned to Missouri where he met and married
Sarah Elizabeth Feaster on May 25, 1852. Between 1852
and 1870, the Williams had eleven children. One of the
children, Grace Marion Williams, died at about fourteen
months of age. The remaining ten children grew up,
married and had children of their own.
Two of the older daughters are found living in Texas in
1880. A third daughter gave birth to her first child in
Hunt County on August 24, 1884. There is a handed down
story that the Williams family first came to Texas in
1877, but returned to Missouri. Some documents tend to
support this theory.
The remainder of the family migrated to Hunt County
around 1888-1889 and settled in the area south of
Greenville and east of Caddo Mills. In addition to Isham
and Sarah, their children Margaret Jane Williams Hughes,
John William Williams, Elbert Sovier Williams, James
Wiley Williams, Frances Elzada Williams Judy, Jasper
Lafayette Williams and Charles Gilmer Williams all lived
in the same area in southwest Hunt County. Sikes Grove

Front Row:
John William Williams b. 30 Sept. 1860 d. 16 Nov 1921 m.
Arizona Wilson 31 July 1884 (Barry Co MO)
Elbert Sovier Williams b. 22 Jan 1863 d. 19 Aug 1947 m.
Wakely Dudding 10 Sept 1894. (Hunt Co TX)
Second Row:
Margaret Jane Hughes b. 25 Nov. 1859 d. 24 Oct. 1850 m.
Richard Milton Hughes 8 Oct. 1879 (Lawrence Co. MO)
Sarah Angeline Dickson b. 8 Nov 1855 d. 4 Oct 1939 m.
David Rhudyard (Lawrence Co MO) 4 Sept 1873 m. John D.
Dickson 1881 (Hill Co TX)
Frances Elzada Judy b. 24 Jun 1872 d. 1 Jan 1960 m.
Allphin Alexander Judy 30 Dec 1887 (Lawrence Co MO)
Third Row:
Jasper Lafayette Williams b. 7 Apr 1879 d. 25 Jan 1973
m. Emma Elizabeth Tanner 17 May 1903 (Hunt Co, TX)
Charles Gilmer Williams b. 20 Jan 1870 d. 1 Jan 1940 m.
Martha Ida Gray 22 Aug 1901 (Hunt Co TX)
Back Row:
James Wiley Williams b. 1 Sept. 1860 d. 7. Feb 1937 m.
Jessie May Williams 5 Nov 1885 (Lawrence Co MO) m. Ida
Mae Stafford 28 May 1896 (Hunt Co TX)
It is possible that this family photo was made when the
family gathered for the funeral of Isham Williams in
February 1907. One of the sisters lived in Panhandle,
Texas and another lived at Muenster, Texas.
Submitted by: Larry Wilson, great, great grandson of
Isham, great grandson of James and grandson of Gertie
Read more at ISHAM WILLIAMS Family Genealogy on Facebook..
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