============================================== Name Birthdate ============================================== Haas, Elizabeth Ann 11-18-1934 Hamilton, Dortha Nell 6-24-1934 Hamilton, Jimmie Ray 4-5-1934 Hammonds, Sharon Frances 9-8-1934 Hammonds, Teddie Joe 11-4-1934 Hanes, Gretta Jean 2-14-1934 Haney, Frank 3-19-1934 Hansford, Vonda Larue 9-8-1934 Hardig, Ernest Wayne 12-15-1934 Harp, Bettie Janice 1-15-1934 Harper, Mary Helen 2-17-1934 Harrell, Dorothy Ann 1-18-1934 Harris, Billy Ray 5-25-1934 Harris, Martha Louise 6-16-1934 Hart, Wanda Nell 3-27-1934 Hartley, Manuel Beryel Inf Of 6-2-1934 Harvey, Elmer Lynn 10-29-1934 Haskin, Lowarn 4-6-1934 Hatchet, Leta Mae 4-19-1934 Hawkins, Johnie Eula 6-24-1934 Hawkins, Nancy 8-21-1934 Hayes, Peggy Jean 11-21-1934 Heade, Marshall 7-7-1934 Henderson, Earl Douglas 10-25-1934 Henderson, Melba Louise 6-19-1934 Henry, Nancie Ann 1-2-1934 Henson, Betty Marie 11-19-1934 Henson, Daisy May 11-14-1934 Hervey, Kate Frances 5-27-1934 Higgins, Erick M Inf Of 2-10-1934 Hill, Joyce 2-4-1934 Hill, Lawrence Ray 9-13-1934 Hill, Nelda Joye 8-2-1934 Hill, Richard 3-26-1934 Hockett, Dewey Lee Inf Of 1-22-1934 Hodges, Billy Joe 4-25-1934 Hoffberger, James Jack 10-12-1934 Holder, Alan Gresham 3-16-1934 Holder, Floyd Davidson 9-12-1934 Holley, Imer Lou 1-5-1934 Holley, Norman Dewitt 1-22-1934 Hollis, Arthur Dalton 1-15-1934 Hollis, Marry Elizibeth 3-27-1934 Holloway, Cecil Earl 8-4-1934 Hones, Harry Edwin 1-27-1934 Hood, Gladis 10-22-1934 Hood, Vela Estell 2-13-1934 Hooten, Edward C Inf Of 1-7-1934 Hoover, Aubrey Joe 7-24-1934 Horne, Joe Henry 1-18-1934 Horton, Herman 2-20-1934 Horton, Opal Lorena 10-21-1934 Hubbard, Hardis 3-1-1934 Huckaby, Roy C. Inf Of 10-22-1934 Hukill, James Edward 10-16-1934 Hulsey, Carroll Gene 9-10-1934 Humphrey, Ava Ruth 7-14-1934 Humphries, Geraldine 6-27-1934 Humphries, Riley Wayne 5-31-1934 Hurdle, Lafayette Washington 6-24-1934 Hurndon, Harold 7-27-1934 Hurndon, Wandie Elan 7-7-1934 Hurst, Elizabeth 9-5-1934 Ingram, Charles Herman 6-5-1934 Ingram, Charles Lewis 12-13-1934 Isham, Ruth 8-5-1934 Isham, Wayne Edwin 1-25-1934 Ivey, Billy Joe 5-28-1934 Ivey, Doretha 12-1-1934 Ivey, Laura Jean 5-9-1934 Jackson, Elmer Inf Of 7-15-1934 Jackson, Louie Inf Of 1-27-1934 Jackson, Otha Lee 5-3-1934 Jacobes, Ferrell Eli 5-15-1934 Jacobs, Sarah May 3-16-1934 Jenkins, Dorthia Vernell 10-22-1934 Jetton, Annie Maureen 8-9-1934 Johnson, Albert Inf Of 7-15-1934 Johnson, Billie Ray 6-13-1934 Johnson, Gerald W. 4-5-1934 Johnson, Janet Olive 8-6-1934 Johnson, Joe Carroll 8-4-1934 Johnson, John Howard, Jr 6-26-1934 Johnson, Rabon 1-10-1934 Johnson, Vida Sue 9-28-1934 Johnson, Virginia Lou 1-27-1934 Johnston, Charles Claud 9-25-1934 Jones, Annie Louise 2-17-1934 Jones, Barbara Jean 9-22-1934 Jones, Frankie Deloris 8-8-1934 Jones, Inez 10-2-1934 Jones, Jesse Lee 1-21-1934 Jones, Melvin Ray 8-30-1934 Jones, Ray Inf Of 8-19-1934 Jordan, Jewell 1-29-1934 Jordan, Joise 1-29-1934 Jordan, Wylon Ruth 8-12-1934 Jordon, Nancy Jean 9-1-1934 Jumper, Milton Ray 8-4-1934 |