Daniel Anthony Turney, Jr.
Daniel Anthony Turney, Jr. was born on March 3, 1907. He was the son of Daniel A. Turney, Sr. and Nannie Della Ewing. He was married to Nell Mitchell who was born on March 17, 1907. She was the daughter of R. B. Mitchell and Nettie Agnes Kelly. Their child was Daniel Anthony, Jr., born July 15, 1937, in Hunt County.
Nannie Della Ewing was married to Daniel A. Turney, Sr. on August 24, 1904. She was a public school teacher and the daughter of James L. Ewing and Nancy J. Attebury.
In 1910, Daniel A. Turney, Sr., was 43 years old. He was born in Illinois and was a salesman at a hardware store. His father and mother were born in Illinois. Della was 34 (?). They had been married for five years. Della and her parents were born in Texas. Ava L. Ewing, sister-in-law, was living with them and she was a public school teacher.
Elizabeth B. Ewing, was fifty-six, and had had two children. She was born in Texas, but her father was born in Kentucky and her mother in Tennessee. It shows her father, Joseph J. Atteberry*, 78, to be living with her. He and his parents were born in Kentucky. Neighbors to the Turneys and Elizabeth Ewing were Edward Thompson and John Stone on Cockrell Street.
The 1920 Hunt County Census shows the Dan Turney family to be in JP # 2. He was fifty-five. It listed him and his parents being born in Illinois. He was a bookkeeper in a store. Della was teaching school and Dan, Jr., was twelve. Their neighbors were Dave Henslee, G. Cheatham, Ed Cardwell, Rube Stephens, and Albert Norris.
Whether Daniel A. Turney's parents are George W. Turney and Mary Turney, I do not know. But the ages and dates are a close match. In 1860, George W. and Mary Turney were in Maple Grove, Edwards County, Illinois. George was a physician with $1,000 in property. He was thirty-three and Mary was twenty-five. Their children were Oscar (7), born about 1853; Edgar (6), born about 1854; Howard (2), born about 1858; and Galen, six months, born about January of 1860. Rebecca Turney was listed as a seamstress in the household and she was forty-two. Dr. George W. Turney was born in Illinois.
The June 15, 1870 Coffee, Wabash County, Illinois census has a George W. Turney, 44, with $2,000 in property. He is listed as a physician. In addition to the children mentioned in the 1860 census, there is Julia F. Turney who is eight. Daniel A. Turney is six. Anna L. is four and Mary S. Turney is six months. All the children were born in Illinois.
The post office of record on the census page was listed as Rochester Mills, Illinois.
The Daniel A. Turney and Nannie Della Ewing Turney of Celeste, Texas are buried in Celeste Cemetery. He died on January 2, 1928, and she died January 3, 1965.
*Celeste-Kingston "Atteberry" spelled several ways.
Submitted by Sarah Swindell