Hunt County Deaths 1979

                                 Date of             Marital
    Name                          Death      Sex     Status

Abbott, Leander Clarence      29-Jan-1979     M                        
Abbott, Floyd Weston          12-Oct-1979     M                        
Adair, Charlie Floyd          29-Nov-1979     M                        
Allen, Benjamin Franklin      11-Jan-1979     M                        
Allen, Taylor Parrish         29-Apr-1979     M                        
Allen, Daniel Truman          17-May-1979     M                        
Allen, Henry D                26-Jul-1979     M                        
Allison, Mattie Mae           08-May-1979     F                        
Alsobrook, Neader Ellen       23-Jan-1979     F                        
Amerman, Luther Berkeley      10-Feb-1979     M                        
Anderson, Dewey Franklin      08-Nov-1979     M                        
Anderson, Neil Wayne          21-Dec-1979     M                        
Arnold, Jesse Calvin          01-Feb-1979     M                        
Arnold, Sadie B               22-Sep-1979     F                        
Arnold, Margaret              14-Dec-1979     F                        
Askins, Robert                17-Mar-1979     M                        
Atkinson, Willie Mae          27-Jan-1979     F                        
Averitt, Mary F               15-Nov-1979     F                        
Baker, Maurice                27-Jul-1979     M                        
Ball, Anthony Graham          05-Aug-1979     M                        
Barker, Pearl Mae             10-Jan-1979     F                        
Barnett, Claude Davenport     06-Jan-1979     M                        
Bates, Murl Owen              10-Mar-1979     M                        
Bearden, Mary Nell            04-Sep-1979     F                        
Beggs, Otha                   14-Jul-1979     F                        
Bell, Mary (marian) Ann       30-Aug-1979     F                        
Bell, Maggie J                01-Sep-1979     F                        
Bell, Vera Mae                15-Oct-1979     F                        
Bellah, James Cyrus           16-Mar-1979     M                        
Bennett, Lois Lorene          08-Dec-1979     F                        
Bentley, Crenna Faybelle      23-Mar-1979     F                        
Bevill, Lester Theodore       26-Nov-1979     M                        
Billington, Thomas B          02-Jul-1979     M                        
Blackshear, Zulla Lee         13-Dec-1979     M                        
Blakely, Charles R            04-Nov-1979     M                        
Blankenship, Lillie Mae       15-Nov-1979     F                        
Blanton, Della May            14-Oct-1979     F                        
Blythe, Perry John            31-Dec-1979     M                        
Boss, Nina Florence           26-Oct-1979     F                        
Bowman, Blanch P              10-May-1979     F                        
Bramhall, Haskell Edward      14-Jun-1979     M                        
Branch, Ophelia G             27-Oct-1979     F                        
Branom, Clarine E             21-Jun-1979     F                        
Bratton, Oral Eddy            02-Mar-1979     M                        
Brewer, Carlos Eugene         16-Dec-1979     M                        
Bridges, Annie K              02-May-1979     F                        
Britt, Maud W                 03-Mar-1979     F                        
Brooks, Coy Callie            12-Jan-1979     F                        
Brooks, Charlie Allan         12-Aug-1979     M                        
Brothers, Sanford D           29-Oct-1979     M                        
Brown, Ester May              17-Jun-1979     F                        
Browning, Herman Henry        08-Mar-1979     M                        
Brummett, Wilma Hafner        28-Mar-1979     F                        
Brummett, Kermit Anthony      02-Sep-1979     M                        
Buchanan, James Welch         17-Dec-1979     M                        
Buckley, Mary Sue             13-Jan-1979     F                        
Burchett, Jess L              01-Jul-1979     M                        
Burkhalter, Amanda G          30-Nov-1979     F                        
Burns, Johnny                 19-Mar-1979     M                        
Burns, Thomas Crowell         31-May-1979     M                        
Burns, Charles Leroy          18-Jul-1979     M                        
Burt, William E               23-Feb-1979     M                        
Burton, Ola Mae               13-Dec-1979     F                        
Bush, John Kenneth            14-May-1979     M                        
Bussell, Jeremy Mark          25-Aug-1979     M                        
Butcher, Carroll M            06-Jan-1979     M                        
Butler, Timothy Thomas        05-Sep-1979     M                        
Bybee, James Madison          29-Apr-1979     M                        
Bynum, Clarence Odell         15-May-1979     M                        
Cagle, Martin, JR             26-Sep-1979     M                        
Caldwell, Ruby Lucille        19-Jun-1979     F                        
Caldwell, Lola                05-Nov-1979     F                        
Callahan, Edgar Charles       09-May-1979     M                        
Campbell, Marie               16-May-1979     F                        
Candler, Elmer Leroy          01-Dec-1979     M                        
Cargile, Ernest Freeman       06-Jul-1979     M                        
Carter, Gregory Olen          08-Sep-1979     M                        
Chamberlain, Minnie Helen     24-Aug-1979     F                        
Champion, Mack Arthur         26-Jan-1979     M                        
Chaney, Frances Knight        06-Feb-1979     F                        
Chaney, E Frank               15-Sep-1979     M                        
Chopra, Ajay Kumar            08-Sep-1979     M                        
Clark, Allie                  02-May-1979     F                        
Clayton, Mollie P             19-Aug-1979     F                        
Clayton, Harold E             16-Sep-1979     M                        
Click, Elizabeth Deford       10-Oct-1979     F                        
Colbert, Ida Bell             01-Jan-1979     F                        
Coles, Bertha Clay            15-Jul-1979     F                        
Compton, Ouida Fern           03-Mar-1979     F                        
Compton, Loyce H              11-Dec-1979     M                        
Condra, Granville J, JR       30-Jan-1979     M                        
Cook, Arthur Newton           07-Sep-1979     M                        
Cooper, Emma Mammie           05-Nov-1979     F                        
Copeland, David R             28-Apr-1979     M                        
Coppinger, Lennie Dwayne      08-Oct-1979     M                        
Cowan, Edna W                 20-Jul-1979     F                        
Cox, Lucille Nichols          20-Mar-1979     F                        
Cox, Sula W                   24-Mar-1979     F                        
Cox, Fred                     28-Aug-1979     M                        
Craddock, Henry Leon          23-Apr-1979     M                        
Cranford, Helen Marie         23-Oct-1979     F                        
Creswell, Ray                 20-Mar-1979     M                        
Cross, Robert Kyle            24-May-1979     M                        
Crow, Curtis                  10-Jun-1979     M                        
Cullors, Willie Lee           26-Aug-1979     M                        
Culver, Leonard Alfred        26-May-1979     M                        
Cunningham, Ima Sanders       23-Mar-1979     F                        
Dame, Clinton                 05-Jan-1979     M                        
Daniels, George Lester        03-Jan-1979     M                        
Daniels, Rosa Lee             27-Apr-1979     F                        
Darnell, Charles Albert, SR   26-Dec-1979     M                        
Daughety, Willie C            27-Aug-1979     F                        
Davis, Doll Ray               18-Sep-1979     M                        
Davis, Inis Mae               26-Nov-1979     F                        
Day, Dolphus Lee              21-Jun-1979     M                        
Deason, Josie L               05-Jul-1979     F                        
Decker, Troy Edison           26-Mar-1979     M                        
Deggs, Vivian R               15-Nov-1979     F                        
Denmark, Eunice Dean          16-Jan-1979     F                        
Devries, Joe Morrell          05-Aug-1979     M                        
Dinsmore, Amarette D          30-Jan-1979     F                        
Dodd, Venton Van              09-Jan-1979     M                        
Dozier, Ila M                 29-Jun-1979     F                        
Dujardin, Paul Charles        14-Jun-1979     M                        
Dupre, Martha Elizabeth       17-Mar-1979     F                        
Durling, William Edgar        01-Jan-1979     M                        
Dussau, Beryl Beatrice        27-Jul-1979     F                        
Duvall, Erby                  21-Jan-1979     M                        
Edwards, Hattie Odessa        08-May-1979     F                        
Eley, Flossie V               29-Mar-1979     F                        
Elliott, Joe Benton           17-Jan-1979     M                        
Elliott, Ethel                05-Nov-1979     F                        
Ellis, I L                    19-May-1979     M                        
Engle, Grace G                12-Mar-1979     F                        
Ensley, Herbert               25-Nov-1979     M                        
Fagala, Paul                  20-Jan-1979     M                        
Farmer, Hugh                  02-May-1979     M                        
Feezor, Annie M               07-Mar-1979     F                        
Finley, Lewis                 15-Dec-1979     M                        
Fisher, Thomas Hunter         08-Jan-1979     M                        
Fitzgerald, Emmitt B          08-May-1979     M                        
Ford, Ara B                   21-Apr-1979     F                        
Ford, Harvey                  08-Dec-1979     M                        
Foster, Lucille Swann         08-Feb-1979     F                        
Foster, Georgia L             10-Jun-1979     F                        
Frailicks, James Loyd         04-May-1979     M                        
Fugitt, Preston               16-Aug-1979     M                        
Fuller, Lynn Elliott          06-Jun-1979     M                        
Furr, Mary Tommie             01-Jun-1979     F                        
Gable, Earnest A              05-Jul-1979     M                        
Garcia, Florentino            12-Aug-1979     M                        
Garner, Pearl Lena            31-Jan-1979     F                        
Garnett, Ruth Wolfe           06-Aug-1979     F                        
Garrett, Ella Pearl           14-Jan-1979     F                        
Garrett, Mary Lou             13-Feb-1979     F                        
Garrison, Coy Herman          17-Apr-1979     M                        
Gasway, Maude Francis         08-Feb-1979     F                        
Gibson, Myrtle Fay            18-Aug-1979     F                        
Giddens, Thelma               30-Jan-1979     F                        
Giles, Gladys Lucille         27-Jun-1979     F                        
Gillispie, Jeffie Patricia    19-Nov-1979     F                        
Gilstrap, Ila C               07-Nov-1979     F                        
Glasscock, Samuel Hutchinson  25-Jul-1979     M                        
Godwin, Oliver D              30-Oct-1979     M                        
Goodman, J W                  25-Feb-1979     M                        
Goodman, Cecil                20-Dec-1979     M                        
Gover, Dorothy Louise         09-Sep-1979     F                        
Grady, Jesse C                25-Jan-1979     M                        
Grady, Lillie                 14-Aug-1979     F                        
Green, Georgia Beatrice       14-Feb-1979     F                        
Green, Bertha Jane            15-Mar-1979     F                        
Green, Jessie W               04-Apr-1979     F                        
Grimes, Rubye Faye            16-Sep-1979     F                        
Grissom, Emma Ellen           16-Jul-1979     F                        
Hackney, Benjamin F           13-Apr-1979     M                        
Hackworth, Harold Gene        09-Mar-1979     M                        
Hackworth, Mary Oma           18-Dec-1979     F                        
Hale, Era Mae                 12-Mar-1979     F                        
Hales, Ray                    13-Apr-1979     M                        
Hall, John Marshall           23-Jan-1979     M                        
Hall, Virgle Kellie           03-May-1979     M                        
Hamilton, Carter Powell       08-Jan-1979     M                        
Hammonds, Robert Taylor       30-Dec-1979     M                        
Hanes, Sam Kelley             13-Apr-1979     M                        
Haney, Claud                  05-Nov-1979     M                        
Hanson, Barney J              02-Nov-1979     M                        
Hargis, Forrest James         03-Dec-1979     M                        
Harkey, Addie Elizabeth       28-Mar-1979     F                        
Harless, Ethel Lorena         28-Jan-1979     F                        
Harrell, Richard E            21-Aug-1979     M                        
Harris, Rev Hubert            26-Mar-1979     M                        
Harris, Codle Hamby           15-Jun-1979     M                        
Harris, Nancy Viola           28-Jul-1979     F                        
Harrison, Ewell O             19-Feb-1979     M                        
Harrison, Will Walworth       24-May-1979     M                        
Hawkins, John                 02-Dec-1979     M                        
Hays, Grissom                 08-Mar-1979     M                        
Haywood, Byron Fletcher       04-Dec-1979     M                        
Heath, Larry Lorenza          04-Feb-1979     M                        
Heath, Dorothy Jean           14-Dec-1979     F                        
Hemberger, John William       12-Aug-1979     M                        
Henderson, Arthur             08-Jan-1979     M                        
Hendrix, Ora Jane             18-Feb-1979     F                        
Henry, George, SR             01-Mar-1979     M                        
Hensley, Lida Maggie          01-Jul-1979     F                        
Higgins, Eric Monroe          19-Jul-1979     M                        
Hill, Russell A               13-Feb-1979     M                        
Hines, Preston                19-Aug-1979     M                        
Hohenberger, Mary Ann         04-Dec-1979     F                        
Holley, Ivan E                19-Apr-1979     M                        
Hollis, Ruby Kate             28-Apr-1979     F                        
Hooks, Mattie Mae             09-Jan-1979     F                        
Hooten, Claudie Gwendolyn     22-Aug-1979     F                        
Hopkins, Jennie L             29-Jun-1979     F                        
Horton, Clarence Leonard      30-Apr-1979     M                        
Horton, Willie Joe            15-Aug-1979     M                        
Houser, C M                   26-Oct-1979     M                        
Howard, Essie                 22-Nov-1979     F                        
Hudson, Opal                  22-Jun-1979     F                        
Huften, James Edgar           15-Aug-1979     M                        
Hull, Ralph Willye            08-Oct-1979     M                        
Hutchins, Laura               17-Apr-1979     F                        
Hyatt, Mendall J              13-Jul-1979     M                        
Hyde, Elta Loraine            20-May-1979     F                        
Ingram, Robert Loumus         22-Jun-1979     M                        
Ivery, Rhodie B               21-Dec-1979     F                        
Jackson, Son                  05-Feb-1979     M                        
Jackson, Eunice Valeria       15-Apr-1979     F                        
Jacobs, C B                   18-Nov-1979     M                        
James, Clark Reagan           03-Jan-1979     M                        
James, John Lewis, JR         29-Sep-1979     M                        
Janes, Ethel                  19-Apr-1979     F                        
Jenkins, Mittie Wills         13-Sep-1979     F                        
Jernigan, Luceil Stephens     29-Sep-1979     F                        
Johnson, Brandon Dewayne      31-Jan-1979     M                        
Johnson, Pearline             09-Feb-1979     F                        
Johnson, Jerry Don            22-Jul-1979     M                        
Johnson, Myrtle               05-Dec-1979     F                        
Jolley, W C                   02-Dec-1979     M                        
Jones, Gertrude Sarah         24-Feb-1979     F                        
Jones, Pink                   19-Oct-1979     M                        
Jones, Lillie Tressie         26-Oct-1979     F                        
Jones, Maggie Pearl           30-Dec-1979     F                        
Jordan, Richard Wheeler       14-Jun-1979     M                        
Jordan, Daisy Cleo            16-Jul-1979     F                        
Kelley, D O                   09-Jun-1979     M                        
Kennemer, James Edward        28-Jul-1979     M                        
Kent, Bertha Stolp            23-Aug-1979     F                        
Kersey, Robert G              24-Feb-1979     M                        
Key, Victor Calvin            06-Jul-1979     M                        
Killough, Opal Viola          04-Nov-1979     F                        
Kirk, Minnie Lea Segars       15-Nov-1979     F                        
Lacroix, Lawrence             08-Aug-1979     M                        
Lacy, Robert Earl             12-May-1979     M                        
Lambert, Horace B             09-May-1979     M                        
Land, Brinson Bennett         26-Aug-1979     M                        
Landers, Lucille Anderson     02-Mar-1979     F                        
Lane, J T                     08-Apr-1979     M                        
Lanthrip, Agnes R             15-Nov-1979     F                        
Latham, Silbie J              21-Oct-1979     M                        
Lawler, Laura May             22-May-1979     F                        
Leatherwood, Sallie A         25-Aug-1979     F                        
Lee, Betty Ruth               09-Nov-1979     F                        
Lewis, Thomas Calhoun         14-Nov-1979     M                        
Lewis, Andrew Loys            30-Nov-1979     M                        
Linley, James Edgar           18-Feb-1979     M                        
Linton, Lonnie Earl           12-Dec-1979     M                        
Lisby, Grady Howard           29-Aug-1979     M                        
Loftin, Homer V               31-Mar-1979     M                        
Long, Clarence H              15-Nov-1979     M                        
Love, Morgan                  15-Feb-1979     M                        
Lowery, Coy Thomas Ray        01-Mar-1979     M                        
Lutz, Virgil Lowrey           29-Jun-1979     M                        
Lynch, Bernice H              16-Mar-1979     F                        
Lynch, Billye Carol           28-May-1979     F                        
Lynn, Willie L                18-Apr-1979     M                        
Macias, Raymond               07-Mar-1979     M                        
Maddox, Georgia Mae           09-Jan-1979     F                        
Majors, Billie Faye           21-Sep-1979     F                        
Martin, Clyde                 23-Jan-1979     M                        
Martin, Martha Turner         19-Mar-1979     F                        
Martin, John Hensley          08-Nov-1979     M                        
Massay, Vena Laverne          07-Sep-1979     F                        
May, Gladys                   25-Feb-1979     F                        
May, Lola May                 26-Oct-1979     F                        
Mays, Leta Lillian            10-Jan-1979     F                        
Mcbee, Lee                    01-Jan-1979     M                        
Mcclanahan, Gladys L          01-Jun-1979     F                        
Mcclure, Nora Pearl           25-Oct-1979     F                        
Mccullough, Willie Dickson    22-Nov-1979     M                        
Mckenzie, Joseph Ollie        14-Jul-1979     M                        
Mckinley, Ezell               22-Oct-1979     F                        
Miles, William Herschel       25-Apr-1979     M                        
Miles, Ida Faye               30-Apr-1979     F                        
Miller, Byron Burton          05-Jan-1979     M                        
Miller, Roy Lorenzo           17-Dec-1979     M                        
Miller, Nellie K              20-Dec-1979     F                        
Mills, Roger Q                26-Oct-1979     M                        
Milner, Jewel May             22-May-1979     F                        
Milton, Foy King              20-Feb-1979     F                        
Montgomery, Homer             17-Feb-1979     M                        
Montgomery, Ora Irene         09-Aug-1979     F                        
Moore, Eva Lillie             03-Apr-1979     F                        
Moran, Carrie C               10-Sep-1979     F                        
Morgan, Effie Rhodes          17-Feb-1979     F                        
Morgan, Cordie Mae            02-Apr-1979     F                        
Morgan, John W                13-May-1979     M                        
Morgan, Rosa Lee              11-Dec-1979     F                        
Morris, Norine P              18-Jan-1979     F                        
Morris, Frances Jean          28-Jul-1979     F                        
Morris, Vernon Clyde          01-Dec-1979     M                        
Morrison, Bill                14-Jul-1979     M                        
Morton, Rufus Grady           30-Dec-1979     M                        
Moyle, Phillip R              11-Jun-1979     M                        
Mulkey, Myrlte Lela           02-Jul-1979     F                        
Myre, Alva Nettie             26-Oct-1979     F                        
Myrick, Nannie Pearl          21-Oct-1979     F                        
Newland, Georgia Lee          30-Jul-1979     F                        
Nixon, Nelson Ralph           21-Jul-1979     M                        
Norris, Emmitt William        09-Feb-1979     M                        
Northcutt, Panthea Read       01-Jul-1979     F                        
Null, Virgil Avon             04-Aug-1979     M                        
Oates, Manuel Ray             02-Nov-1979     M                        
Oglesby, Robert J             13-Sep-1979     M                        
Oler, Helen G                 28-May-1979     F                        
Owens, Woodrow Wilson         07-Mar-1979     M                        
Owens, Reuben Ray             16-Mar-1979     M                        
Owens, Ermine Elizabeth       25-Apr-1979     F                        
Owens, Thomas O               08-Dec-1979     M                        
Pack, Ruby Pearl              04-Sep-1979     F                        
Parish, Charlie Joe           16-Oct-1979     M                        
Parker, John Thomas           08-Aug-1979     M                        
Parks, James Franklin         24-Dec-1979     M                        
Patrick, Margie Bell          16-Jun-1979     F                        
Patterson, Sammy              20-Oct-1979     M                        
Payne, Leroy                  04-May-1979     M                        
Peak, Fred James              16-Sep-1979     M                        
Peek, Martha Ann              21-Dec-1979     F                        
Pemberton, Eber               16-Dec-1979     M                        
Pettus, Emma Elizabeth        25-Nov-1979     F                        
Phelps, Eliza                 20-Jun-1979     F                        
Philpot, J Lee                10-Sep-1979     M                        
Pickle, Margaret Irene        09-Apr-1979     F                        
Pickrell, Paula Dott          10-Mar-1979     F                        
Pinegar, Robert Frodge        27-Sep-1979     M                        
Pollak, Clara M               04-Nov-1979     F                        
Pope, T A                     17-Nov-1979     M                        
Powell, Mack                  01-Aug-1979     M                        
Pratt, Jessie                 06-Jul-1979     M                        
Price, Earl Mac               15-Nov-1979     M                        
Prince, Sue Ann               30-Sep-1979     F                        
Prinnell, John Wesley         14-Apr-1979     M                        
Pruitt, Sherlene W            10-Feb-1979     F                        
Pugh, Oscar Weldon            22-Sep-1979     M                        
Putman, Doris Ophelia         01-Apr-1979     F                        
Radabaugh, Dewaine J          15-Nov-1979     M                        
Ragan, Earl Clifford          10-Sep-1979     M                        
Rasdall, Raymond O            12-May-1979     M                        
Reeves, Beckie Lee            08-Jan-1979     F                        
Reynolds, Spurgeon Calvin     05-Jan-1979     M                        
Reynolds, John W              12-Jun-1979     M                        
Rhodes, Otha Floy             17-Feb-1979     M                        
Riffle, Carl F                13-Feb-1979     M                        
Roberts, Lois J               27-Mar-1979     F                        
Robertson, Newton             17-Mar-1979     M                        
Robinson, Sallie              26-Jun-1979     F                        
Robinson, Caren Bernice       10-Dec-1979     F                        
Roddy, Violet                 15-Jan-1979     F                        
Rogers, Linda Mae             30-Apr-1979     F                        
Ross, Issac N                 16-Jan-1979     M                        
Row, Luther Charles           22-Nov-1979     M                        
Rowell, Mary Jeffie Lee       06-Feb-1979     F                        
Rowell, William Dee           01-May-1979     M                        
Rozell, Edith Marie           14-Nov-1979     F                        
Rucker, Martha D              30-Oct-1979     F                        
Rushing, Tommie Ruth          23-Jun-1979     F                        
Rutherford, Irma              01-Oct-1979     F                        
Sadler, Alma Frances          25-Feb-1979     F                        
Salmon, Veda Mae              18-Aug-1979     F                        
Sampson, Raymond Eugene       01-Oct-1979     M                        
Samuel, Vona Brucilla         03-Sep-1979     F                        
Sanders, Thelma Lois          02-Jan-1979     F                        
Sanders, Herbert Ray          11-Mar-1979     M                        
Sanders, Rufus H              02-May-1979     M                        
Sanders, Carl L, SR           25-Sep-1979     M                        
Saunders, Gladys              29-Jan-1979     F                        
Scott, Fred Sanford           08-Dec-1979     M                        
Selman, Bonnie Chesshier      22-Mar-1979     F                        
Shamblee, Jesse Monroe        25-Oct-1979     M                        
Shannon, Jeffrey Dean         08-Sep-1979     M                        
Sharber, Maude Estella        17-May-1979     F                        
Sharp, Clarence M             14-Dec-1979     M                        
Sheltman, Richard A           22-Feb-1979     M                        
Sims, Clyde C                 16-Jan-1979     M                        
Sinclair, Shelby, JR          27-Jul-1979     M                        
Skinner, William M            30-May-1979     M                        
Slade, Rufus Vernon, JR       14-Apr-1979     M                        
Slaughter, Richard Brooks     29-Jul-1979     M                        
Smith, Luvell Hatcher         20-Jan-1979     F                        
Smith, Amabel G               22-Jan-1979     F                        
Smith, Virgle A               02-Jun-1979     M                        
Smith, Eunice                 29-Jun-1979     F                        
Smith, Patience               03-Jul-1979     F                        
Smith, Warren R               19-Aug-1979     M                        
Smith, Comora Donnal          10-Dec-1979     F                        
Sparks, Josie Irene           18-Jan-1979     F                        
Spradling, Cleo C             21-May-1979     F                        
Stagner, Michael Mills        15-Mar-1979     M                        
Stanley, John Emmett          31-Dec-1979     M                        
Stapleton, Sam Jones          23-Jul-1979     M                        
Stapleton, Maggie Hallmark    27-Nov-1979     F                        
Stark, Herbert                26-Jan-1979     M                        
Stark, Elmer Scott, JR        14-Jun-1979     M                        
Stephenson, Askell            02-Jun-1979     M                        
Stephenson, Allie O           20-Oct-1979     F                        
Stewart, John Henry           10-Jan-1979     M                        
Stewart, John P               23-Dec-1979     M                        
Stidham, Hester Lee           07-Dec-1979     F                        
Stockton, Clyde Junior        10-Nov-1979     M                        
Stone, Luther                 25-Dec-1979     M                        
Story, Harriett Ann           18-Mar-1979     F                        
Stratton, Ila M               23-Jan-1979     F                        
Sutherland, Hattie            18-Dec-1979     F                        
Sykes, Joseph                 02-May-1979     M                        
Talley, David Steven          20-Mar-1979     M                        
Tanner, Nelle Cannedy         04-Jan-1979     F                        
Tanner, Walter Thomas         07-Jun-1979     M                        
Tapp, Clarence O'neal         06-Apr-1979     M                        
Terry, Jessie M               17-Nov-1979     F                        
Thomas, Nellie A              26-Jun-1979     F                        
Thompson, William Benton      25-Mar-1979     M                        
Thompson, W J                 26-Dec-1979     M                        
Tillery, Virtis Roy           08-Jan-1979     M                        
Tillery, Zenith Mayes         12-Feb-1979     F                        
Timberlake, Lura E            12-Jan-1979     F                        
Tipton, Claud Othell          17-Jul-1979     M                        
Tischmacher, William Adolph   05-Dec-1979     M                        
Todd, Michael E               12-Oct-1979     M                        
Traeger, William Velde        24-Jun-1979     M                        
Tredway, Carrie Lela          05-Dec-1979     F                        
Vann, Ruth M                  23-Jun-1979     F                        
Vest, Eric Otto               05-Jan-1979     M                        
Vickers, James Thomas         10-Aug-1979     M                        
Virgin, James Hamilton, SR    30-Jan-1979     M                        
Walker, J C                   21-Jan-1979     M                        
Walker, Carrie A              03-Oct-1979     F                        
Walker, Beattress             06-Oct-1979     F                        
Walker, Ernest Virgil         30-Dec-1979     M                        
Wallace, Martha E             17-May-1979     F                        
Walls, George Aaron           27-Mar-1979     M                        
Walsh, Harry Grattan          16-Feb-1979     M                        
Ware, Raymond Ray             10-Oct-1979     M                        
Warren, Leon W                02-Nov-1979     M                        
Washington, Olvan Ann         14-Jul-1979     M                        
Weatheread, Addie Mae         16-Jan-1979     F                        
Wedemeyer, Marion L           10-Oct-1979     F                        
Wendt, Wanda Jean             19-May-1979     F                        
West, Annie Mae               04-Aug-1979     F                        
White, Grace Miller           21-Jan-1979     F                        
White, Mary                   25-Feb-1979     F                        
White, M L                    20-Apr-1979     M                        
White, Thelma Loreta          20-Jun-1979     F                        
Wilkinson, Charlie James      06-Nov-1979     M                        
Williams, Lorene              20-Feb-1979     F                        
Williams, Marcus Delayne      15-Jul-1979     M                        
Williams, Margie Elizabeth    23-Oct-1979     F                        
Williams, Harriett Gates      04-Nov-1979     F                        
Williams, Alma Roxie          19-Nov-1979     F                        
Winniford, Nancy Lynna        01-Mar-1979     F                        
Winston, Noma                 17-Jun-1979     F                        
Wisdom, Delia Ester           10-Jan-1979     F                        
Wood, Cecil Stewart, JR       06-Mar-1979     M                        
Woodard, Baxter Joseph        26-Dec-1979     M                        
Worthen, Fairy Mae            24-Sep-1979     F                        
Wrice, Luellar                24-Jul-1979     F                        
Wrigge, Frances J             03-Nov-1979     F                        
Wright, Carl E                27-Feb-1979     M                        
Wright, Lonnie W              09-Mar-1979     M                        
Wright, Mary Lucile           29-Jun-1979     F                        
Yarbro, Jannie Greer          04-Jan-1979     F                        
Young, Mae Morris             21-Dec-1979     F                        

Copyright 2004-2012 Shirley Cullum

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