The Blue Devils Den, Celeste High School
The first grade is very proud of Lawrence Roberts for
being "Neither Absent Nor Tardy" all this year. Keith
Daniels only missed half a day. Others with excellent
attendance were Terry Evans, Marvin Reed, Mike Speir,
and Mickey Colbert. The first grade enjoyed the train
ride at the park last week. They used their money from
the basketball ticket sales to ride.
Lou An Ethridge, in the second and third grades, will
have a birthday on May 17, 1972.
Cynthia Dees, fourth grade, made a high grade on her
music audition. Stephanie Daniels, fifth grade, brought
some dolls she got from Panama while studying Central
America. The fifth grade was also talking about Vietnam.
Many students brought articles about Vietnam. Kyle
Morton, sixth grade, won second in the Wolfe City Rodeo
and Jimmy Spoonemore won fourth place. The sixth grade
was sorry that Paul Gregory's mother passed away. I,
Diana Dickeson, have enjoyed writing the sixth grade
news this year. Jimmy Spoonemore has made a good
The seventh graders were studying about Industrious
Texans and Working Texans; so, Jimmy Cawthon wrote:
"Work is good for Texans, but some Texans are so lazy
that Texas quality is low and I want a product that will
last my money's worth. Most people want to work less and
get more money, but there are some Texans who care and
work hard. Because of this lack of care, more factories
are going out of business and more people out of work.
Without work nothing would get done. I need people who
care enough to take out rat hairs and bugs that get into
the boxes of food. I hope people wash their hands.
Yesterday, I found a rat hair in my cereal and when you
do, I don't eat anymore of that cereal and your money is
wasted. If the US keeps this up, people won't buy
American food and the US economy will go down."
The eighth graders were looking forward to their eighth
grade graduation on May 23, 1972, at 8:15 PM. The
freshmen were participating in Drivers Education. They
were Billie Goodman, Debra Ethridge, Rhea West, Susie
Nelson, Arlene Williams, Larry Adams, John Richard
Sanders, Gary Geiger, and Glen Williams.
The sophomores began a new chapter on "The Changing
World." The juniors were looking forward to the end of
school and receiving their senior rings.
Seniors were trying hard to finish their practice sets
in bookkeeping.
(May 19, 1972, The Celeste Courier)
Submitted by Sarah Swindell