Jefferson County TXGenWeb
Welcome to Jefferson County Texas. This county is up for adoption. Billy & Carla Clifton are fostering this county until you or your society decides to adopt it. This is a website that we have developed for you. Please feel free to send any material you'd like to contribute for use on this site - old photos, histories, articles, memorabilia or if you'd like to volunteer to do lookups, transcribe a census, or in general help out other researchers, please let us know. Jefferson County depends on you.
If you have any comments, problems, or suggestions pertaining to this website please contact the us.
you enjoy "surfing" the
TXGenWeb county websites
and have a few extra hours
available each month?
Check the volunteer
page for more
information on joining the
surfing committee.
If you are interested in
adopting a county, please
check out the Orphan page.
If you or your genealogy group would like to sponsor this county or any orphaned county, please contact Carla Clifton.
Nominate Jefferson County as County Of The Month