The 11 Mile Lane Store
Jones County, Texas
Information and Photos by Ed Brown
The 11 Mile Lane store, filling station and
garage. Dad was a mechanic too. This store was located about 11 miles
east of Anson on 180 and what is now the road to Fort Phantom. But today
there is only a pasture there. At night we used to walk up the highway a
piece, not much if any traffic, and listen to the Coyotes make their music, and
that would make cold chills go up your back until your hair was standing on end. We had a Delco Generator
and electric lights night, very rare for that day and time in the country. Those
electric lights attracted some of the biggest grasshoppers at night than I have
ever seen. This picture was made about 1929. If you look close you
can see someone at the front of the truck and a man in overalls at the back. |