Roster of the 3rd Texas Cavalry, Co F
by Justin M. Sanders
[This list is a version of one sent to me by Douglas Hale taken from the Compiled Service Records. Dr. Hale did the preliminary identification of the men in the 1860 Census, and I have supplemented it where possible with additional information. In some cases, Dr. Hale's identification of men and mine differ.-- Justin M. Sanders]
[Men marked with a "
" are known (or thought) to be from Kaufman County. Unless otherwise noted, all men's ages are based on the original muster roll dated 13 Jun-31 Aug 1861]
Allen, J.A., 24
[K1860-499/499 J. Allen, 21, IN, Farm laborer]Allison, Patrick H.
Anderson, B.M.
Anderson, Geo. W.
Andrews, Wm. G., 16
[K1860-169/169 Wm G. Andrew, 15, GA]
Andrews, Wyatt E., 18
[K1860-169/169 Wyatt E. Andrew, 16, GA]Baker, H.C.
Barfield, C.L.
Barfield, Thos. C., Lt
Barnes, Robert E., 20
[K1860-303/305 Robert E. Barnes, 19, MS, Farmer; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Barnes, Thomas W., 17
[K1860-303/305 Thomas W. Barnes, 16, MS, Farmer; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Barnett, James, 23
[K1860-72/72 James Barnett, 22, MS]
Barnett, Wm. J., 19
[K1860-72/72 Wm J. Barnett, 18, MS]Bass, Mat
Bennett, Calvin L.
Bethel, John B.
Bevers, T.B.
Bobbitt, F.A.
Bomar, T.N.
Bowles, Hiram H.
Brisendine, F.M.
Burmister, Henry
Carmichael, R.L.
Cates, James S.
Cebelio, Antonio
Chamberlain, Reuben
Chisum, Felix R., 19
[K1860-257/257 Felix R. Chisum, 18, TX; later in Co K 2nd Texas Partisan Rangers; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Chisum, Isham, Capt, 43
[K1860-257/257 I. Chisum, 41, MS, Farmer; later Lt. Col. of 2nd Texas Partisan Rangers]
Chisum [Chisholm], John A., Cpl, 19
[K1860-308/310 John Chisholm, 18, TX, Stock keeper; K1870-281 Jno. Chisholm, 28, TN; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Chisum, John T., 16
[K1860-257/257 John Chisum, 15, TX; later in Co K 2nd Texas Partisan Rangers; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Clifton, F. Marion, 19
[K1860-130/130 Francis M. Clifton, 19, AR]Coats, Marion A.
Cole, Francis A., Sgt
Cole, L.H.
Conner, A.J.
Coomer, F.C.
Criswell, Rich. L.
Criswell, Wm. C.
Dalton, William
Dawson, Hugh
Douglass, A.M.
Dublin, Wm. C.
Dunn, Rufus F.
Dye, J.K. Polk
Flinn, A.D.
Freeman, Wm. S.
French, George W.
French, James H.
Gary, G.L.
Green, Joseph M.
Greenwood, Thos. B.
Griffin, Jacob J.
Halcrom, Zachary T.
Hanvey [Hanby], John L., 17
[K1860-262/262 John L. Hanby, 16, TX; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Hanvey [Hanby], William R., 39
[K1860-262/262 W.R. Hanby, 38, TN, Stock keeping; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]Hardigree, Joe H.
Hardin, George L., Lt, 35
[K1860-190/190 G.L. Harden, 34, TN, Stock Raiser]Hargrove, Ulysses C.
Harris, Abner
Hendricks, J.F., 30
[K1860-222/223 J.F. Hendricks, 28, NC, Farmer; K1870-853 Jas. F. Hendrick, 39, NC]Herndon, Ben F.
Herndon, F.M.
Herndon, Samuel W.
Holland, Wm. C.
Howard, John R., 20
[K1860-224/225 John Howard, 19, TX; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
James, John H., 18
[K1860-112/112 John James, 18, TN; Vanpool's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 64]Jennings, Thomas R.
Johnson, Thomas J.
Jordan, John
Jordan, R.W.H.
Lenan, Martin
Mabry, David M.
Martin, Edward Q., Sgt
Martin, Samuel H.
McDonald, John R., 21
[K1860-453/453 J.R. McDonald, 19, MO, Farm Laborer]
McDougal, Wm. J., 22
[1861 K Co Tax Roll; 1868 voter's list; K1870-731 Wm. J. McDougal 31 AL]McGee, Jason E., Cpl
McKenzie, Aaron
Miller, John
[Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]Mills, James
Mills, John
Morris, Wilson, 15
[K1860-379/379 Wm. W. Morris, 14, TX]
Morton, William C., Cpl, 41
[K1860-332/334 Wm. Morton, 36, GA, Mas Carpenter; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Murphy, Lafayette, 21
[K1860-218/218 Layfayette Murphy, 19, MO]
Murphy, Samuel A., 19
[K1860-218/218 Samuel Murphy, 18, MO]
Murphy, William, 18, 1 Oct 1862, died 11 Jan 63 at Blackhawk, MS
[K1860-218/218 Wm Murphy, 16, MO]Musgrove, B.W.
Parks, C.P., 23
[K1860-608/606 P. Parks, 22, AL, Farm laborer; K1870-138 C. Pink Park, 35, AL]
Peel, Samuel E., 20
[K1860-13/13 S.E. Peel, 28, AR, Farmer]
Peel, Thomas R., 24
[K1860-209/209 Thos. B. Peel, 23, AR, farm laborer]Plowman, John T.
Powell, B.F.
Renshaw, James, 21
[K1860-223/224 James Renshaw, 19, NC]Reynolds, J.C.
Richardson, A.C., 23
[Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Richardson, J.J.,
[K1860-413/413 J.J. Richardson, 32, AL, Blacksmith; wounded in Hood's TN Campaign]
Roberts, Wm. P., 37, 1 Mar 62
[later in Co K, 2nd Texas Partisan Rangers]
Roubidoux, Felix, enlisted 1 Mar 62, died 1 Jun 62
[Griffith's Militia Co, K Co Deed Bk I, No 33]Ryan, William
Sanders, Richard G., 15
[K1860-220/221 Richard Sanders, 14, MS; C. Wharton, "Texas Under Many Flags", vol 5, p135, Richard J. Sanders]
Sewell, Thomas, 25
Shelton, James P.
Sloan, Wm. S.
Stevenson, James D., 22
[K Co Mgs; 1868 voter list]
Stevenson, John E., 24
[K1860-465/465 John Stevenson, 23, IN, Farmer; wounded Hood's TN campaign]
Stevenson, Wm. R., 24
[K1860-131/131 Wm Stephenson, 16, AR; K1870-672 W.R. Stevenson, 33, TX; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Steward, J.W., 27
[K1860-598/596 J.W. Stewart, 26, AL, Mas Carpenter; K1870-772, 34, James W. Stewart]Stubblefield, Rod.
Taylor, Hezakiah, Lt
Teague, Henry P., Sgt, 25
[K1860-4/4 H.P. Teague, 24, SC, Lawyer]
Terrell, Simeon O., Cpl, 19
[K1860-255/255 S.O. Terrell, 18, MO, Farmer; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Terrell, J.H., 27
[K1860-255/255 J.H. Terrell, 26, KY]
Thompson, Allen, Sgt, 25
[K1860-289/291 Allen Thompson, 23, IN, Mas Carpenter; K1870-720, Allen Thompson, 33, IN; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Thompson, John, 21
[K1860-312/314 John Thompson, 20, IN; K1870-732 John Thompson, 30, IN]
Thompson, Tilman A., 18
[K1860-312/314 Tellman Thompson, 17, IN]
Thompson, Thos. M., 25
[K1860-289/291 Thomas Thompson, 23, IN, Teaming; K1870-729, 32, IN; Griffith's Militia Co, Deed Bk I, No 33]
Wade, Jacob S., 19
[K1860-217/217 J.S. Ward [Wade?], 17, KY, Farm laborer]Watson, W.J.
Whittler, T.
Williams, Cyrus A., 28
[K1860-540/538 Cyrus Williams, 29, OH; Yeary, "Reminiscences of the Boys in Gray", p797, transferred from Co G 18th TC; Johnson's Militia Co, Prec 6, Texas Archives]Williams, L.M.
Williams, Thaddeus
Wilson, F.M., 24
[1860 Tax Roll; 1861 Tax Roll; K1870-159 Francis Wilson, 33, LA]
Willson, J.D., 19, 10 Feb 64
[K1860-174/174 John D.W. Willson, 15, IN]
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This Kaufman County Civil War Roster of the 3rd TX Cavalry, Co F page was created March 10, 1999.
It was updated June 2014.