The Dallas Morning News - Jan 11 1902
Sent by Bunny Freeman  CC of Henderson County, Texas


Good Work of Mrs. J. D. Hunter of Junction, Tex. for the Reunion Fund, Although Handicapped

Charles Steinmann, chairman of the reunion finance committee, said yesterday  "While some people may be indifferent as to the importance of the reunion and only take a passing interest in it, others are deeply interested in it, and, forgetting their own troubles, are at work to assist the Reunion Association in making the coming reunion a success.  The following letter from Mrs. J. D. Hunter of Junction City, Tex., is an example of what an energetic and earnest womal will do, in spite of sickness and trouble, and it is much appreciated by the Reunion Association:
  " Junction City, Tex., Jan . 6 .  Mr. Steinmann:  Sir I have sold the five medallons of Winnie Davis, and you will find inclosed postoffice money order for $5.  I think I can sell more, at least two or three, if no more.  I have an old soldier, who is an invalid, to help up and down every day.  My Husband has been paralyzed for eight years, so you can realize what an old lady has gone through with, but I am heart and soul in the cause and will do all I can.  Yours truly,  Mrs. J. D. Hunter

The Dallas Morning News - Apr 29 1902


Big West Texas Ranchman  Is Married at Galveston.

Special To The News.
Galveston, Tex.  April 28 --
Capt. George Keith Gordon was married this evening to Miss Louisa Malim.  Mr. Gordon is a big ranchman from Kimble County.  Miss Malim came from India to meet Capt. Gordon at Galveston.  They left tonight for the West Texas ranch.