Fort Worth Morning Register - Oct 08 1899
Sent by Bunny Freeman  CC of Henderson County, Texas

The Six Toed Higginses

"Down in Kimble county, Tex.," said a visitor from the Lone Star state to a New Orleans Times - Democrat reporter.  "is a remarkable 6-toed family, about whom, as far as  I know, nothing has ever been told in print.  Their name is Higgins, and the family is composed at present of a grandfather who must be over 90, four middle aged sons and a drove of granchildren, numbering twenty-five or thirty.  Old man Higgins who is called "Mexican Bill' for some reason I was never able to learn, has six toes on each foot, and his wife, who is now dead was equally well provided.  They were cousins and all their sons have six toes except one, whose feet turn in noticeably at the ankle, but are otherwise normal.  All the grandchildren have at least six toes and several of them have seven, the extra one being in each case more or less rudimentary and not developed like the others.  I can vouch for this personally, as I have seen the whole tribe on a number of different occasions, and in summer time they generally run around barefooted.  "The six-toe Higginses, is the name the family is known by among all the neighbors.  Old Mexican Bill has told me that his parents were both six-toed, and that the same peculiarity existed his relatives as far back as he knows anything about.  The extra toes don't seem to bother the crowd and at first glance one would not be apt to notice anything unusual about their feet.  They are farmers and stock-raisers on a small scale and the grandchildren are above average of intelligence.  I am told by physicians that it is something very unusual for a malformation to persist in that way through three or more generations."