Morning World Herald, Omaha, Nebraska - Feb 12 1897
Sent by Bunny Freeman  CC of Henderson County, Texas


Four Texans Resist Arrest and Three are Killed.

Houston, Tex. Feb 11 -- A dispatch from Menardsville tells of a desperate encounter with outlaws near that place Tuesday.  Sheriff J. L. Jones of Kimble county, with Tom Taylor, Oscar Latta, Bud Frazier and John Goodson, about daylight came across a camp near the Menard and Kimble county line.  There were four men in the camp who the officers supposed were the cattle thieves they wanted.  A command to surrender was replied to by a shower of bullets.
    A pitched battle then ensued, which lasted half an hour.  J. C. Johnson, alias R. J. Smith, and Jim Crane were killed by the posse.  Another man, named Underwood, was shot through the thigh and backbone and will die.  The fourth man, though wounded, managed to mount his horse and escape.