Kimble County, TX - Newspapers: Citizen, 1916 Sunday, August 6, 2000 Submitted by: (Frederic Wyatt) ************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************* Kimble County Citizen, Friday, January 7, 1916 Junction, Texas Wm. Baker was found dead Monday, Dec. 27th at his home on Frank Baker place across river. Interment was made in the Junction Cemetery Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock. Elder John S. Durst conducting the last rites. Mr. Baker was 68 years of age, and was an old and well known citizen of Kimble County. He had many friends throughout the Kimble country who were made sad to learn of his untimely death. He had never married and lived alone. He leaves several brothers and other relatives, some of whom reside here. The Citizen extends sympathy to the bereaved. Kimble County Citizen, Friday, October 17, 1916 Junction, Texas Mrs. Juliet M. Pullen Departed this life at 9:30 p.m. the 22d inst. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Holland, surrounded by her loved ones. Grandma Pullen was born in Alabama Jan. 29th 1824 - Came to Tex. in 1848 - married to Asa Pullen in 1851. Her husband died in 1907. Six children were born to them. Three are living. Mrs. Barksdale, Mrs. Reef (Rufe) Holland, and Mrs. Geo. Farmer. She became a member of the Methodist Church at the age of 13. The burial took place in the Junction Cemetery at 4:30 p.m. 23rd inst. Another old Kimble county friend gone to her reward. The frequency of these notices of departed friends should not harden us to its results, but should subdue our hearts to the will of the Lord and cause us to get ready for the ordeal when it shall overtake each of us. "We are waiting by the river; We are waiting, you and I; One by one our friends are crossing; We shall join them by and by." J.S.D. Kimble County Citizen, Friday, November 3, 1916 Junction, Texas An item from the Randall County News... Miss Burtie Harrison, one of the critic teachers of the Normal, died at the home of her parents at Junction on Thursday, October 12, after a long illness. Miss Harrison was greatly beloved in the Normal by both the student body and members of the faculty. She ws a member of the senior class first year of the school, and upon opening of the training school the second year, she accepted a position as a critic teacher, which position she held until her death. Two years ago she was sick much. Last year she and Miss Hibbitts were given leave of absence, and they spent the year in Peabody, but Miss Harrison became ill before the close of the year and was forced to come home. Since that time she has grown worse and finally death relieved her. Kimble County Citizen, Friday, November 3, 1916 The sudden death of Mrs. Margaret Bundy at her home near Roosevelt in Kimble County, Thursday morning October 26th was a shock to a wide circle of friends. Mrs. Bundy had enjoyed usual health to within a short time of her demise, death resulting from an acute attack of heart failure. Her body was brought to Kerrville for interment. Services were conducted by Rev. W. W. Woessner of Comfort. The body was laid to rest beside that of her husband, the late Henry Bundy. Deceased is survived by a son, Stanton Bundy. Mrs. Bundy was born in Scotland, June 26, 1849 and was 67 years old at the time of her death. She was Miss Margaret Burns before her marriage to Henry Bundy and resided in San Antonio during the early years of her life. After her marriage to Mr. Bundy the family resided in Kerrville for a time. Mr. Bundy being engaged in the ranch business in this county. A wide circle of friends of the family attended the obsequies. The pallbearers were the following friends and associates of the late Henry Bundy: H. Remschel, Geo. Morris, L. A. Schreiner, N. Herzog, A. C.Schreiner, and J. M. Hamilton. Among those who attended the funeral from Kimble County were Stanton Bundy, wife and chidlren. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Butland, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paterson, Mrs. John Renie, and Mr. Andrew Paterson. =======================================================================================