Kimble County, TX - Newspapers: Junction Eagle, 1927 Sunday, August 20, 2000 Submitted by: (Frederica Wyatt) ************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************* Subscribers to RockSprings Disaster, April 12th 1927 7:50 p.m. on April 12th 1927 Rocksprings wiped out by tornado Note from Frederica: (Found in journal of Frank L. Wilson. Most of these subscribers were from Kimble County.) Page 1 Kimble Co. Treasury $1,000.00 Junction State Bank 250.00 Shreiner-Hodges Co. 250.00 Kimble Co. Red Cross 200.00 P. Joseph 100.00 Junction Hdw. Co. 100.00 First Nat'l Bank 100.00 Mrs. Adam Murr 100.00 R. B. Murr 100.00 G. W. Farmer & Sons 100.00 Mrs. James Peterson 100.00 P. A. Hagen 100.00 W. R. McKee 100.00 P. S. Jones 100.00 Internat'l Shoe Co. 100.00 Phoenix Hosiery Co. 100.00 James Prentice 75.00 F. W. Allen Co. 75.00 (Continued on page 8) Felix Watson 50.00 W. W. Buck 50.00 H. W. Rieck 50.00 S. S. Bundy 50.00 O. W. Cardwell 50.00 M. Huffman 50.00 E. E. Bolt 50.00 f. Duderstadt 50.00 Wahl Bros. and Jordan 50.00 J. A. Heyman 50.00 S. H. McCaleb 50.00 W. H. Baker 50.00 B. D. Williams 50.00 M. B. Murr 50.00 R. H. Spillers 50.00 W. H. Caveness 50.00 L. R. I. & M. Co. 50.00 J. C. Graham 50.00 John Murr 50.00 Riley, Holekamp & Denman 50.00 Roy Murr 25.00 R. N. Cowsert & Sons 25.00 P. T. Hodges 25.00 Joe Watson 25.00 W. H. Nethery 25.00 E. G. Hill 25.00 Ridenhower Bros. 25.00 A. L. Mudge 25.00 Ollie Fleming 25.00 J. B. Fisher 25.00 E. H. Hanson 25.00 Gann Grocery Co. 25.00 W. B. Buster 25.00 J. M. Livingston 25.00 Terry Randel 25.00 Joe Gardner 25.00 Ross Beasley 25.00 J. L. Fleming 25.00 J. D. Cowsert 25.00 J. F. Ragsdale 25.00 West Tex. Util. Co. 25.00 J. Holt Smith 25.00 J. A. Browning 25.00 Taylor Brothers 25.00 Borden Ice Co. 25.00 F. S. Bissett 25.00 Wiggley's Drug Stores 25.00 Junction Tailor Shop 25.00 Baker Dairy 25.00 J. J. McWhight 25.00 Junction Grocery Co. 25.00 Junction Pub. Co. 25.00 A. B. Hodges 25.00 S. B. Kindrick 25.00 F. L. Wilson 25.00 John M. Hankins 25.00 L. R. Powell 25.00 Fred Burt 25.00 Jack Hubbell 25.00 W. C. Jones 25.00 Ragland Brothers 25.00 T. D. Beasley 25.00 B. Dixon 25.00 L. W. Grobe 25.00 Herkert & Meisel Trunk Co. 25.00 Rae Stix D. G. Co. 25.00 R. H. P. Wright 25.00 E. O. Dunbar 20.00 Dan Morales 20.00 I. O. Weldon 20.00 Noyes Co., Melvin 20.00 F. M. Cowsert 5.00 John Bissett 5.00 C. Hamen 5.00 J. L. Massey 5.00 C. L. Bannowsky 5.00 Albert Taylor 5.00 Stafford Thomas 5.00 Wm. McDonald 5.00 H. E. Luehrs 5.00 G. W. Vierling, Sr. 5.00 W. E. Yenzen 5.00 B. L. Smith 5.00 K. S. Stewart 5.00 Thos. Baker 5.00 D. P. Taylor 5.00 L. A. Taylor 5.00 L. F. Cowsert 5.00 R. H. Loeffler 5.00 John S. McKenna 5.00 W. B. Johnson 5.00 Cecil Craven 5.00 King Fisher 5.00 Floyd Little 5.00 R. C. Nethery 5.00 Earl Maddox 5.00 Andrew N. Wood 5.00 M. Wilkinson 5.00 C. T. Orth 5.00 Lee Craven 5.00 John B. Wilson 5.00 R. N. Weaver 5.00 Bob Ragsdale 5.00 Joe Ramsey 5.00 B. H. Dunk 5.00 P. J. Rembolt 5.00 A. W. Loeffler 3.00 W. H. Sheppard 3.00 U. D. Kindrick 2.50 C. A. Goodwin 2.50 Clarence Jetton 2.50 Dan St. Clair 2.50 Guy Cummins 2.50 Oscar Weaver 2.50 J. E. Ivy 2.50 Pierce Hoggett 2.50 H. C. Hubbell 2.50 Fred Coleman 2.50 George Caveness 2.50 Chas. Lucke 2.00 Tate Jarvis 2.00 G. H. House 2.00 Earl Glossbrenner 2.00 Nettie Brooks 2.00 Son Hodges 1.50 Jim Butler 1.50 H. E. Hass 1.25 Ed Cummins 1.00 V. L. Millsap 1.00 R. E. McKay 1.00 W. S. Pearce 1.00 Black Davis 1.00 R. J. Ruekle 1.00 Out of the ... Menard Play 18.79 G. W. Landers 15.00 M. Hatch 15.00 Walter Buck 15.00 E. Holekamp 15.00 Earl Tracy 15.00 E. O. Lowgren 15.00 L. R. Hodges 15.00 N. S. Craven 15.00 W. T. Jarvis 15.00 Joe Fritz 10.00 W. G. Moos 10.00 Mrs. Roy Williams 10.00 I. W. Myers 10.00 W. B. Adams 10.00 N. C. Patterson 10.00 W. A. Bannowsky 10.00 C. W. Fuchs 10.00 V. B. Hardeman 10.00 S. P. Bennett 10.00 Mrs. C. F. Burt 10.00 W. G. Meacham 10.00 Ran and Loss Davis 10.00 Earl Huffman 10.00 W. L. Kothmann 10.00 R. M. Burt 10.00 F. T. Spence 10.00 A. O. Lawler 10.00 W. A. Stephenson 10.00 Joe Maddox 10.00 Howell Wright 10.00 Alex J. Hamer 10.00 J. O. Wright 10.00 J. N. Hodges 10.00 Frank Surber 10.00 W. R. Eckert 10.00 J. F. Weaver 10.00 S. O. Durst 10.00 M. N. Harrison 10.00 Philip Luthringer 10.00 Hugh Spiller 10.00 W. M. Keen 10.00 Robert Hunger 10.00 J. B. Randolph 10.00 Hoy Smith 10.00 Mears & Seiker 7.50 Mrs. H. O. Patterson 5.00 Cash Joy & Son 5.00 M. V. Kirkpatrick 5.00 Alton Mason 5.00 Millard Bennett 5.00 Mrs. J. Scarborough 5.00 D. E. Zepinnack 5.00 Terry Cowsert 5.00 =================================================================