Kimble County, TX - Newspapers: Hunting story-1953 Monday, September 25, 2000 Submitted by: (Frederica Wyatt) ************************************************************************* USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************* The Junction Eagle, Dec. 4, 1953 Used with permission PORE OLE UNLUCKY BUDDY NORTON! To the department of "it'll happen every time" belongs Buddy Norton's Thanksgiving Day hunting story. On the way back to his car from a duck hunt Thanksgiving afternoon, Buddy and Elmire came upon a big flock of turkeys. They could have killed their limit except for the fact that he was carrying a gun in one hand and a fishing pole in the other and she had two Greenhead Mallards in one hand and three big bass in the other. The fish were caught on a "sorry" bait with which Buddy was trying to fish one of the ducks out of the river after he shot the two. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Downs Offers Hunters Prizes Totaling $100 New Year's Day, W. R. Downs at 1215 West Main Street here pays $100 in cash to the most successful hunters as a climax to the deer season in Kimble County and eastern half of Sutton County. At 9 p.m., Jan. 1, 1954, Downs will award $25 each for the deer with the widest antlers, the one with the most points, and the one weighing the most. The additional $25 will be to some person selected at the awarding. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floyd Boatright Buried in Harper Funeral services for Floyd Boatright, 66, who died in his home in Harper Monday, were held Tuesday at 4 p.m. from the Harper Baptist Church with Rev. Carlos Parker officiating. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Basic Training Completed Marion F. Bollier, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bollier, is completing his AF basic airmen indoctrination course at Lackland AFB, San Antonio. His basic training is preparing him for entrance into Air Force technical training and for assignment in specialized work. The course includes a scientific evaluation of aptitude and inclination for following a particular vocation and career. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------