Company "M" Minute Men
Lt. E.W. Greenwood
Muster and Pay Roll of Company "M" Minute Men, Lampasas
County.  Mustered into the service of the State of Texas on the 12"
day of Sept. 1873.
No.     Name            Rank    From            To      No.     Total Pay
                                Remarks                 of days 
1       E.W. Greenwood  Lt.     Sept. 13, 1873  19"     7       $14.00
2       B.C. Greenwood  Sgt.    excused
3       G.M. Wolf       Sgt.    excused
4       W.L. Knight     Pvt     excused
5       H.C. Espy       Pvt     excused
6       C.A. Yoas       Cpl.    excused
7       R.A. Turner     Pvt.    excused
8       R.C. Turner     Pvt.    excused
9       J.A. Knight     Pvt.    excused
10      J.A. Jones      Pvt.    excused
11      T.P. Dawson     Pvt.    excused
12      L.F. Mitchell   Pvt.    Sept. 13, 1873  19"     7       $14.00
13      C.L. Frisbie    Pvt.    excused
14      L.S. Jones      Pvt.    Sept. 13, 1873  19"     7       $14.00
15      R. Fowler       Pvt.    Sept. 13, 1873  19"     7       $14.00
16      B.H. Greenwood  Pvt.    excused
17      A.J. Ivy        Pvt.    Sept. 13, 1873  19"     7       $14.00
18      J. Burleson     Pvt.    excused
19      Tom Ivy         Pvt.    excused
20      J.W. Wilely     Pvt.    excused
                                                total           $70.00
Examined & Approved (signed) Wm Steele, Adjt. Genl.
The reason so many are excused, was on account of not having
time to summon.
                        (signed) E.W. Greenwood
                        Com. Co. M, M.M. Co.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Muster and Pay Roll of
Company "M", Minute Men, Lampasas County, is correct, and that
the services were rendered as above stated.                     
                                (signed) E.W. Greenwood
Lieutenant Commanding Co. "M" , Minute Men, Lampasas County.
Station Lampasas, Tex.  Date Dec. 19."
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above Muster and Pay Roll of
Company "M", Minute Men, Lampasas County, for the sum of
$70.00/100, is a true and correct copy, the original of which is filed
in the office of the Comptroller of the State of Texas.
                                W.H. King - Adjt. Genl
Archives Division, Texas State Library