From the Lampasas Chronicle, October 1, 1859
Lampasas Guards. ______
We, the undersigned seeing and feeling the necessity of the organization of a Military Company, for the better protection of the frontier, do hereby agree and pledge ourselves to form a Military Company, to be known as the "Lampasas Guards," and adopt the following as a Constitution and By-Laws for the government of the same: Article 1. Said Company shall consist of not less than thirty-two non-commissioned officers and privates, and not more than one hundred. Art. 2. Said Company shall be officered as follows: One Captain, one first and two second Lieutenants, and one Seargant [Sergeant], and such other inferior officers as shall seem necessary, who shall be elected by a majority of the members of the Company, and shall hold their respective offices for the space of one year, and until their successor is elected and qualified. Art. 3. There shall be elected by said Company a Secretary, who shall hold his office for one year. Art. 4. The election shall be held on the 1st Saturday in July in each year, and shall be conducted by the first Seargant [Sergeant] who shall make his return of said election to the Chief Justice of the County, as the law directs. Art. 5. There shall be a Court of investigation or Court-martial held by the Commissioned officers of said Company a majority of whom, shall be necessary to form a Quorum for the transaction of business, on the first Monday's August, October, December, February, April and June in each year; for the transaction of such business may legitimately come before it. Art. 6. Said Court shall exercise such powers as are given by the Statute, and that the Secretary shall act as the Clerk of said Court, and issue all process necessary for the carrying into effect the laws of the Company.
1st. Said Company shall be divided into Squads of convenient size, whose duty it shall be to make regular weekly scouts--said scout, shall start out on Thursday of each week and return on the same day of the following week. 2nd. Should any one of said scout, at any time, when his time for scouting is regularly reached, refuse or fail to go on said scout, he shall be fined in accordance with the Statute in such cases made and provided - all reasonable excuses to be heard by the Court, which shall be the Judge of what is a reasonable excuse. 3rd. Any one failing to go on a scout may sent a scout in his stead, which shall exempt him from any fine. 4th. The regulation of scouting shall be as follows: The first officer of the Company shall make the first scout, and then according to rank, until all are exhausted, when the first officer shall again take the field. ______
Lampasas, July 6th, 1859 Upon the 4th inst., the "Lampasas Guards" held an election, which resulted in the election of H. Ryan, Captain, Moses Hughes, 1st Lieut.; Asa Langford and R.N. Jackson, 2nd Lieuts.; Mark Bean, 1st Sergeant. After the organization of the Company was completed it was divided into Scouts, as follows:
Scout No. 1 under Capt. Ryan, Composes the following persons, to wit: John Stanly, John Burleson, Sand Stanly, J.C. Haralson, Jr., Bradford Hughes, E.W. Greenwood, D.T. Guinn.
No. 2 under Moses Hughes, 1st. Lieut. L.D. Nichols, Sam Sparks, W.T. White, L.J. Townsend, F.M. Freeman, S.T. Denson, Philip Smith.
No. 3, under Asa Langford, 2nd Lieut. Henry Carter, T.T. Ragsdale, A. Witcher, Woodson Cooksey, Frank Alexander, D.J. Carter, J.W. Witcher.
No. 4, under R.N. Jackson, 2nd Lieut. G.L. Dooly, B.H. Greenwood, F.V. Hurley, Simpson Lloyd, Dave Morris, John Dunn, Andrew Morris, Sam Horrell, L.J. Dooley, J.N. Gracy.
No. 5, under Mark Bean, 1st Sergt. J.P. Gibson, Robert Carter, John Patterson, J.A. Carter, J.C. Harrelson, John Hatley, A.J. Ridge, Sam Sneed.
No. 6, under H.W. McCaleb, 2nd Sergt. D.W. Russel, Elias Creamer, C.A. Russel, Abner Scott, Leroy Lee, Issac Kolb, Frank Means, Knight, Richard Jenkins.
No. 7, under B.S. Whitaker, 4th Corp'l. H.C. Tipton, S.F. Maines, J.H. Greenwood, John Knight, J.R. Wooldridge, John Guinn, Jackson Holley.
Which Scout, according to regulations are to go out according to Numbers, under their appropriate officers, commencing on Thursday, the 7th inst., and return on the same day of the following week, and it is earnestly hoped that every individual will be prompt in action when it is his turn to Scout. If we do not catch the Indians we may keep them out of our immediate frontier. H. RYAN, Captain.