Company "M" Minute Men
Lt. A.P. Lee
Muster and Pay Roll of Company "M" Minute Men, Lampasas
County.  Mustered into the service of the State of Texas on the 22
day of February 1873.
No.     Name            Rank    From (1873)     To      No.     Total Pay
                                Remarks         (1873)  of days 
1       A.P. Lee        Lt.     Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
2       Geo. E. Haynie  Sgt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
3       B.C. Greenwood  Sgt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
4       A.J. Ivy        Cpl.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
5       L.F. Mitchell   Cpl.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
6       R. Fowler       Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
7       T.F. Ivy        Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
8       F.P. Moreland   Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
9       J.A. Bristor    Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
10      G.W. Bristor    Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
11      H.C. Espy       Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
12      H.T. Hill       Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
13      Wm A. Smith     Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
14      Jas. A. Smith   Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
15      E.W. Greenwood  Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
16      T.P. Dawson     Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
17      G.W. Harris     Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
18      C.A. Yoas       Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
19      A.L. Jones      Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
20      R.A. Turner     Pvt.    Mar. 9, 1973    Mar. 21 10      $20.00
                                                total           $400.00
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Muster and Pay Roll of
Company "M", Minute Men, Lampasas County, is correct, and that
the services were rendered as above stated.                     
                                A.P. Lee
Lieutenant Commanding Co. "M" , Minute Men, Lampasas County.
Station Lampasas, Tex.  Date Dec. 19."
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above Muster and Pay Roll of
Company "M", Minute Men, Lampasas County, for the sum of
$400.00/100, is a true and correct copy, the original of which is
filed in the office of the Comptroller of the State of Texas.
                                W.H. King - Adjt. Genl
Archives Division, Texas State Library