Lampasas Rifles
Lampasas June 15
Election Returns
Light infantry
27th Brigade
                                Lampasas, June 15, 1860
        Pursuant to agreement the Lampasas Volunteers company
of Light Infantry having met for the purpose of electing officers, the
following officers were elected
        T. Carter Jackson       Captain
        John H. Hancock 1st Lieutenant
        Francis M. Martin       1  2nd  "
        Wm. J. Hurley           2  2nd  "
        Number of company    members 40
                                R.G. Pidcocke
                                        1st Sargeant [Sergeant]
"Lampasas Rifles"
Election Returns for Camp Officers
June 15, 1860
27th Brig.
Reg. L Com.  July 6, 1860
State of Texas
        Lampasas County
        This is to certify that I, Williamson Jones, Chief Justice of
the County aforesaid, have examined the return for election of
officers for the light infantry company styled the "Lampasas Rifles"
and find the following officers were duly elected
        T. Carter Jackson       Captain
        John H. Hancock 1st Lieutenant
        F.M. Martin             1st 2   "
        Wm. J. Hurley           2    "  "
        Said return was made by R.G. Pidcocke, 1st Sergent
        Given under my hand and seal of office., this 20th day of
June A.D. 1860.
                                Williamson Jones
                                        Chief Justice
                                                L. C.
Archives Division, Texas State Library