Grand paw Shotgun Collins....


Written By Dorris W. Grayson

John Graham Haircut

   To those few who have studied the history of the frontier days these names are revered as none others, these are the last of the greatest band of gun fighters - upholders of law and order – that ever lived. Wild Bill Hickok, Luke Short, Doc Holliday, Shotgun Collins, William Tilghman, Ben Thompson, Bat Masterson, Wyatt Earp, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid!

    Grand paw was never certain whether his legacy would be that of hero or villain. John never really understood his own story. In life, he had been on both side of the law, a boy bandit and rustler, a gunslinger and avenger, sometimes a wanderer always chasing a new opportunity. He was a man defined less by his character than by his courage. He had been reckless in his youth, but he seemed to find honor in the cow towns. He was not a man of esteemed character or dedication to a noble cause. He was not a better man than those around him; he was a braver one!

   The outgrowth of the Civil War, the gunfighter era also spawned a number of outlaws. Before his death the ghosts of his past revisited him. John tried to reclaim his given name, Abraham Gerden Graham, although his legend followed to his grave. He was shot on his birthday in the streets of El Paso Texas over a dispute and later died leaving left behind a legacy of footprints in the American Frontier of the Wild, Wild West!

   Shotgun Collins was an outlaw- hero of that era void of fear. He rode in the camaraderie of various famous outlaw saddle buddies of the Wild, Wild West, and was an outstanding frontiersman of the Old West. In his last days Grand paw advises his family never take another human life adding on it was too high a price to pay! Abe Graham died on Dec. 2, 1922 in El Paso Texas at 8 P. M.

Best Regards,
Dorris W. Grayson, wife of Howard Grayson


Howard Grayson was a son of Jessie Jane Graham Grayson. She was the
Youngest daughter of ‘Shotgun’ Collins born on Nov. 22, 1851 on Mitchell Swamp Green Sea area of Horry County, present day Loris, S. C.
He was son of Hosea Aldeton Joseph and Martha Ann Graham, Sr.
(First cousins) born on Mitchell Swamp, S. C.
Hosea was 1 of 17 children of William Bellamy and Jane Conner Graham
 Martha was a daughter of Abraham Gerden (Jordan) Graham and Delilah Grissett Floyd, daughter of Hugh Floyd and Susanna Grissett

John Collins was a Legend and he rode with Legends of the Old West.
Member of John Selman Scouts
Fought in the Lincoln County War with John Kinney Gang
Member of Billy the Kid Second Gang of Rustlers
Member of Dodge City Peace Commissioners, Dodge City Kansas
Hired by U. S. Army Calvary as a Scout
Buffalo Hunter