Live Oak County
TXGenWeb Project
Volunteers Needed...
If you have been
helped by free genealogy information on the internet, please consider volunteering
to contribute new information to the Live Oak County TXGenWeb. You just
may have that missing information someone has been searching for. You
may wish to transcribe public records or a cemetery, or send in some family
document, letter, or some other information you may have on your family's
history. Here are a few of the areas to which you may want to contribute:
- Biographies or Family Histories
- Cemetery transcriptions (one gravestone
or a complete cemetery)
- Census Records
- Church Histories and Church Records
- Probate Records: includes Probates, Wills, Deeds
- Family Group Sheets
- Any history you may have on Live Oak County
- Information or photos of Historical County Landmarks
- Letters and/or Articles
- Newspaper clippings and articles
- Photos of family, landmarks, etc
- Stories
- Surnames you are researching and Family Genealogies
- Any Veterans you may know who served in any branch of the armed
- Vital Records: including Births, Deaths, Marriages, and
As you can see, there are many ways you can
contribute to this project. If you have information that you would
like to submit to Live Oak County, please send it by email to

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The TXGenWeb Project
All rights reserved.
All information/material on this website is provided for and may be used by
individuals who are researching Refugio County history or the genealogy of
Refugio County residents. The information may be freely used by
non-commercial entities, libraries or genealogical societies as long as this
copyright notice appears on the copied material. Commercial use of this
information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. The
electronic pages on this site may not be reproduced in any format for profit or
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