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Newspaper Abstracts

Submitted by: Nancy Connally

Fort Worth Daily Gazette

Vol 7, No 303, Ed 1

Saturday, November 3, 1883


Pg 2



Suicide of the Defaulter Anderson – District Court Items

Special to the Gazette

Colorado City, November 2 – News has been received here of the suicide of Joe M. Anderson, the defaulting postmaster and county clerk of Howard county, which occurred in Chihuahua, Mexico, on the 29th ult. He was placed under arrest by a government detective, and while awaiting the issue of the neccesary [sic] papers fo rhis return, took a large dose of morphine with fatal result.

            In the district court to-day, John Crockett was acquitted of a charge of theft of cattle, and Henry Rose sentenced to two years for robbery. Henderson, charged with poisoning Runnells, a sheep herder, on Clayton’s ranch, was released on habeas corpus.


Pg 6

T.H. Erst of Colorado City was in town yesterday.


Pg 8


Clark & Smallwood

Attorneys-at-Law and Real Estate Agents

Colorado City, Texas

References: Ex-Gov. Jas. D. Porter, Nashville, Tenn.; Hon. J. D. C. Atkins, Paris, Tenn.



Fort Worth Daily Gazette

Vol 7, No 304, Ed 1

Sunday, November 4, 1883


Pg 5



            Society life has been dull indeed in Colorado during the week past. On Monday night a large audience was drawn to the opera-house to listen to the sweet strains of Iolanthe, given as a farewell performance to the St. Quentin troupe, but with that exception everybody has been in doors since. Not a hop, not a dance, candy party, not even a candy pulling. During the coming winter several socialables are spoken of to meet from house to house – a pleasant and enjoyable amusement.

            Capt. Bassett has returned from his trip East.

            F.S. Ewing, Esc. “His Honor” the mayor of Pecos City, spent the day with his many friends here on Wednesday. He depicts the prospects of the coming metropolis in glowing terms.

            G.C. Cotman, a solid citizen of Comanche county, has been hobnobbing here with some of his old chums.

            Mr. Crosby spent several days here this week.

            Perry Bartholomew is in town going the rounds and “holding up to his end.”

            Dr. Lee of Sweetwater ran up yesterday to look after some of his real estate matters.

            Mayor Martin and Capt. Morrison returned on Wednesday from their trip to Vernon and vicinity, well pleased and brown and hearty.

            Henry McCord has been in town this week shaking hands all around.

            Mrs. J.S. Rix has returned from her California trip, well pleased to get home.

            Molly Nason has been out on a ranch laying up and recuperating.

            Judge Wheeler is on the bench to-day, and although still rather weak, is able to attend to his arduous duties.

            Messrs. Ball and McCart were in town yesterday looking after some of their Texas and Pacific cases.

            Dr. Graves and Mr. Thomas are absent in Georgetown attending Methodist conference now being held in that place.

            Jas. A. Cully of Ohio was a visitor to the city, looking after his land interests hereabouts.

            The literary society still holds its own and grows in grace and favor. An active interest will be taken in its meetings by our young ladies and gentlemen during the winter.

            A wedding in high life with high contracting parties will take place on Wednesday next.





Fort Worth Daily Gazette

Vol 7, No 362

Tuesday, January 1, 1884


Pg 6


Notice to Contractors!


There will be a meeting of the commissioners court in and for Mitchell county, Texas, at Colorado City, Texas, on the 15th day of January, 1884, for the purpose of receiving plans, specifications  and bids for the erection of a brick court house, to be worth not less than [hard to read – looks like 60,000]. Parties bidding will be required to take the present stone court house, as part payment of the new one. The court reserves the right to reject and all bids. All bids on said hours to be filed with the county clerk on or before said 15th day of January, 1884.


Witness my official signature and seal of said court affixed at office in Colorado, this 16th day of December, A.D.D 1883


County Clerk, Mitchell County, Texas




Real Estate for Sale


In the city of Colorado, Mitchell county, Texas, on the 8th day of January, 1884, the following described lots now belonging to Mitchell county. All of block No. 23 and the south-half of bloc No. 24 to be sold in lots of twenty-five feet front by 140 feet deep.

Terms of Sale:

One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, one-third in twelve months and the remaining one-third in two years with interested on the deferred payments at ten per cent per annum.





Page 7

Hotel Arrivals

Metropolitan Hotel

J.R. Willett, Colorado City

M.L. Slaughter, Colorado City




Fort Worth Gazette (Fort Worth, Tex)

Vol 8, No 131, Ed 1

Wednesday, May 14, 1884


Page 8 advertisement:



Of 320 Acres of Land Cut up into


And extending up to within one hundred yards of the court-house square, on the line of the Texas & Pacific railroad, 262 miles west from Dallas. These lots are very desirably located on the west side of the city, and will be sold at public outcry, on the ground, in Colorado City, on the

26th DAY OF MAY, 1884

To the highest and best bidder, on the following favorable terms, viz.: One-third cash and the balance in one and two years, with interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum on desired payments. Parties purchasing lots to the amount of $500 [difficult to read] or upwards will have their railroad fare refunded to the amount of $25. Parties wishing to secure some


In one of the liveliest and most promising young cities in Texas, with from 4,000 to 5,000 population, where they can have the benefit of good schools and churches and all the conveniences of a city, including street railways, a race-track, fair-grounds, etc., in a locality unsurpassed for healthfulness, are here offered a splendid opportunity to secure some real bargains. Owing to the fact that this land has been in litigation almost every since the location of Colorado, it has never before been placed on the market, and the result is that some of the most valuable lots in Colorado are now for the first time offered for sale.

            Stockmen and others seeking new, pleasant homes, where they can settle their families and educate their children, should not miss this opportunity.

            Title perfect, and purchasers will receive general warrant deeds to all the lots sold.

                        J.S. DAUGHERTY, General Land Agent,

                        Box 52, Dallas, Texas.





Catalogue of Simmons College [Abilene, Texas], 1902-1903

Prizes, Medals and Honors for commencement

Medals are offered as follows:

HON. W.R. SMITH of Colorado City offers a gold medal for the best English oration


Catalogue of Simmons College, 1902 – 1903

Register of Students

Abbreviations-H. History; M. Mathematics, E. English; L. Latin; G. German; F. French; Gr. Greek; Mu. Music; A. Art; El. Elocetion [sic] and Oratory; Mil. Military; Pe. Penmanship; Ge. Geography; Ci. Civics; P. Physics; Ph. Philosophy; Hyg. Physiology and Hygiene; C. Commercial; S. Stenography


Barber, Oscar, E.L.G.M.PE., COLORADO, TEXAS

Bell, Joseph Jr., H.M.E. Pe, Hyg, Mil. Colorado, Texas

Carnes, James Leonard, H.E.L.M.P. Ph, Mil., Colorado, Texas

Donelson, Burgess A., H.E.L.M. Colorado, Texas

Handley, Dock, H.M.P. PH, Hyg, Colorado, Texas

Hines, Clyde Terrill, H.E.M.PE, MIL, Colorado, Texas

Morrow, Jasper A., H.E.L.M.Ge., Pe, Mil., Colorado, Texas

Petty, Hattie, H.E.L.M.Mus, Colorado, Texas

Smith, John R., H-M-Ge-Pe-Mil, Colorado, Texas


Pg. 12 under Literary Societies

... Congressmen Smith of Colorado City gave a $50.00 medal for the best original oration.




Fort Worth Daily Gazette (Fort Worth, Tex.)

Vol 8, No 134, Ed 1

Saturday, May 17, 1884



The San Angelo Railroad – Shipments of Cattle – A picnic – Dark Closet Politics

Correspondence of the Gazette


COLORADO, May 13 – The directors of the Colorado, San Angelo and Southern Railway company had an important meeting here last Friday, and also one to-day. It was decided not to indulge in any more talking, or ask for the subscriptions, but to begin work at once. To this end the services of a competent engineer will be secured, the route surveyed, the right of way obtained, estimates of cost of construction made, and the enterprise placed on a sure footing. Whenever these things are done, the directors have assurances of pecuniary aid to build and equip the road. From this time forward this road will not exist only in the “columns of THE GAZETTE,” but can be counted as an assured success. Colorado is not in the habit of undertaking enterprises having for their object her continued growth and prosperity, and letting them come to naught.


Her wool business is assuming large proportions. Her shipping facilities are of the best, and will number thousands of beeves, muttons, and stock cattle this year. Monday Mr. Geo. W. Waddell shipped fourteen car loads of muttons to St. Louis; Mr. J. A. Peacock has received three train loads of cattle, and expects more; the Champion Cattle Co. has shipped 1,000 steers to the Indian territory, and will soon forward 5,000 head more to the same destination. Numerous buildings are going up, and business of all kinds continues god.


Last Saturday the Methodists and Baptist Sunday-schools had a union picnic at the L.A. ranch on South Champion, seven miles from Colorado. Over two hundred children were in attendance, besides numbers of grown-up folks. The dinner is said to have been a sumptuous affair; good things in the greatest abundance, so that everybody had enough with much to spare. Games of base-ball, croquet, mumble-peg, fishing, horse back riding and courting in the most approved style were the order of the day. In fact, am told that more “dry-land fishing” was done by some of the grown-up young folks than after minnows in the creek. It is said that a couple of reverend gentlemen who were present indulged in this “dry-land fishing” to a marked extent. At picnics this is one of the natural consequences and should not be accounted at all strange.


By request, I give the following statement of a game of base ball played here last Saturday evening at Phoenix park between the Colorado Reds and C.C.C. club. The match was for the championship of Colorado and gate money. The C.C.C.’s were the winners by a score of 37 to 13. The game was witnessed by quite a crowed of visitors.


In your issue of May 12, under the caption of “A Critic Criticised,” appears an article from Colorado and signed “H.” The heading is wrong to begin with. The critic is this writer “H,” who wrote a communication to the Dallas Herald in which he criticised your correspondent here. Of course I replied to him. This article of his in THE GAZETTE is a lame attempt to vindicate (?) his own stupidity in attempting to twit me about “my lack of political training,” etc. To show that my strictures on his “game of hazard and dark-closet politics” are correct, I can prove by his own writings. He does not deny the fact as stated by me that the Republican convention was a secret affair, and run almost entirely by Hazzard. Nor does he make good his statement that he “did not get left” at Fort Worth – as witness the following from his letter to the Dallas Herald: “A resolution was unanimously adopted instructing delegates to the district convention to nominate and work for the election of Maj. M. Hazzard as a district delegate to the national convention. No further instructions were given.”


Now, Maj. M. Hazzard was the delegate from Colorado instructed to “nominate and vote for” his own election to the national convention. The records of the meeting at Fort Worth show he did not to do this. Oh, no, the “colored brudder” Cuney was boss there, and “white trash” were at a discount. Therefore my statement holds good when I repeat he “got left.” Then again I was aware of the fact that his would-be delegate to Chicago was given somewhat to the practice of wishing to be regarded as some on the muscle, though preferred with his “chin at long range.” From the appearance of his No. 13 brogans and size of his hands, I know he has the advantage of me in a “toe and fist” jollification meeting, yet when he tackled me in the post-office a few days ago about my letters to THE GAZETTE, he took especial pains not to hazzard his “toe and fist” experiment. The trouble with this would-be pugilist is that he wishes to be known as a dangerous Hazzard, but in-so-far has failed to win this coveted honor. In this respect, he is about as much a success as in getting elected a national delegate. Moral – When a person of an ambitious turn of mind wants to win fame by getting his name into THE GAZETTE, let him do his political or other work in open daylight, and not in some secret sequestered corner. I stand ready at all times to report “important events” happening in Colorado, whether political or otherwise, fairly, in the columns of THE GAZETTE. As I have no toleration for secret, dark-closed work, I do not propose to let one who engages in such proceedings berate me for not nosing in the dark after unsavory items. Therefore, this write, “H.,” has my cordial permission t try his “toe and fist” programme, assured that I will be in at the death, though he may have the advantage at the start. This plan opens up a good way for him to work off his “refuse gas,” instead of talking up most valuable space in the Daily GAZETTE. He began the work of critic, now let him face the criticism I made like a man, or choose a more direct plan of presenting them than scribbling.


The excursion train in charge of Dr. Ennis of Chicago passed here yesterday on the way to Midland. It did not stop more than ten minutes. Several gentlemen from Abilene were aboard. Parties at the head of this project anticipate good sales of lots to-day. Some of the excursionists will stop at Colorado on their return. A sale of town lots takes place on 26th inst.



 County Coordinator:
Christina Palmer
Texas State Coordinator:
Shirley Cullum
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