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The Grapevine


Transcript of Loraine Society News Mitchell County, Texas.
From the The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Texas
January 8, 1912
Posted by: TheOldenTimes.com*]

Mrs. Blankenship is visiting in Stanton.

Mr. and Mrs.  Allon Hall have gone to Matedor.

Mrs. Met Cranfill visited in Colorado Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frost are here visiting their son, Jack Frost.

Mrs. W. F. Altman was in Roscoe the first of the week.

Miss Pea? Norman left Sunday for Westbrook to begin her school.

Miss Nellie Ketchurn spent the past weak with her sister, Mrs., Henry Howell.

Mrs. Dell King was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jim Bird, of Roscoe the past week.

Mrs. A. J. Payne of Colorado spent a part of this week here the guest of Mrs. Victor Payne.

Miss Eularill Holingworth, who has been visiting relatives here, returned to Midland Monday.

Miss Daisie Dees returned Sunday from Roscoe, where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jim Bird.

Mrs. Baff of Hico has returned home after spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Jesse Pratt.

Mrs. Malcom Blakeley of Terrell, who has been here for the past month, reurned home a few days ago.


Nancy Connally sent this article from the Fort Worth Gazette, Sat. Dec. 6, 1884

COLORADO,TEX-Dec.5 - In spite of the election of a Democratic president, and the assert of Mr. Blaine that the country is on the verge of ruin, Colorado continues to grow, prosper and invest in brick and mortar. Turn where you will, the eye rests upon evidence of substantial improvements. Instead of quarreling with would be rivals over the number of votes polled at the recent election, our citizens are bending their energies to make Colorado in fact as well as name the queen city of the West. 

In conversation with such leading firms as Mr. Jay Schrader, druggist; Gillian & Co. dry goods; Burns, Walker & Co., Joe Brown, and McCall Bros. & Co. I learn that business has improved greatly within the past thirty days. In fact, sales are reported to be unusually large. Shipments of beeves to the Eastern markets foot up many thousands for the month of November and still they are being rushed in. Col. O. J. Wiren shipped to the Eastern markets this week one hundred cars of fine, fat beeves. 

This is the largest shipping point on the Texas & Pacific road, and it is admitted and conceded that there will be 100,000 cattle shipped from here this season. Among cattlemen there are complaints of a lack of transportation. This will probably lead to suits for damages against the railroad company. 

Mr. A. B. Robertson has just returned from his ranch. He says he shipped twenty car loads of beeves from Pecos. 

I met Mr. Campbell, manager of the Matador Cattle Co., on the streets. He had recovered from his recent illness, and has been busily engaged forwarding their beeves to market. The range is reported good, and stock cattle will be in fine shape for the winter. Sheepmen say their flocks are doing well. They anticipate better prices for wool next spring. Trading in cattle and sheep is not very lively, yet a hopeful feeling exists as to the future. 

Several of our stockmen who attended the great convention at St. Louis have returned home. All say they had a royal time, and think the meeting will be productive, of good results to the cattle interests in Texas. 

The contractors are now roofing in our new county court-house. When completed it will be a handsome structure. A visit to the temporary court-house on Oak St. yesterday found county court in session with Judge R. A. Pearson residing and J. L. Hooper, the newly installed clerk, at his desk, and he looked as if he might have held said office for years. I also found that the commissioners court had made a small appropriation and workmen were quite busy in putting all the offices in a good and comfortable condition for the winter. The improvements add very much to the appearance of the houses and in a very great degree to the comfort. 

Dr. Lee of Sweetwater is erecting a large two story brick store on the corner of Second and Oak streets. When completed it will be occupied by Mr. Fred W. Brown, one of our druggists. Opposite this Mr. Geo. Major has let the contract for a large brick building. The St.James hotel is about finished and adds very much to the appearance of our city. It is finished in first-class style and will be elegantly furnished and will soon be open to the public. The Dardanelle is another new hotel, under the management of Messrs. Zack Williams and Lee Lipscomb. the Renderbrook and Pacific houses are doing an excellent business. 

From indications Santa Claus is collecting a beautiful assortment of presents for the children at Christmas. One of his agents, Mr. Jay Shrader, says he can please the most fastidious taste and has all his arrangements completed to supply all who call at his elegant store. Messrs. Preston & Newkirk, our popular news dealers, have also been commisssioned by Santa claus to have on hand any and every thing a child or grown up person can wish for. Their store is a model of neatness and beauty. The tell me THE GAZETTE continues to lead all daily papers sold here. They say for the month of November they sold 1670 copies of THE GAZETTE to 301 of the Dallas Herald and 148 of the Galveston News. Somehow the people will read THE GAZETTE in spite of its free grass record. It is now and has ever been the champion and friend of the interests of West Texas. When the legislature meets the lease-law advocates will respect its teachings and efface the iniquitous measures from the statutes. 

We have some beautiful private residences in Colorado. They tell in unmistakable terms the taste and refinement of our people. In point of elegance, of finish and other surroundings the brick cottage of Col. Winfield Scott is the most conspicuous.[There follows a lengthly description of the Scott-Majors house which is now Heritage House.] 

The Colorado Clipper man got left in his sensational race, but is still solid for free grass, wears a new Cleveland hat and will continue to labor for the advancement of Colorado and the development of the West. Commisioner Patman was the lucky man at the raffle Wednesday night at Dr. Shrader's drug store, the prize being Britania's Encyclopedia, consisting of fifteen volumes. W. F. Sminney, cashier of the Colorado National Bank, has been quite sick for several days. Mr. Wm Bently has so far recovered from his wound that he was moved to Abilene to recuperate a while.


From the Fort Worth Gazette article, Sat. Dec.13, 1884
Titled: COLORADO - The Weather Out of Joint - A Lull in the Business World-
Frank Lester Elected County Judge of Martin County

COLORADO,TEX., Dec.11-The worst weather that has every befallen the Sunny South of Western Texas is on hand now. Yesterday we were blessed with heavy rain all day long, and to day with a large snow for a Southern country. Not being accustomed to such weather, its hard for us Colorado people to content ourselves with it. Strangers visiting our city day to day would from all appearances think they were in the eastern part of the state where they say often that wagon wheels are made to look solid rolling in the black waxy, and our streets are a perfect loblolly, and the foot-crossings are nearly impassable for the pedestrians. 

Our friend and townsman Frank Lester returned yesterday from Martin County, where he had been to attend the organization of said county. At the organization and election of officers held in that county last Tuesday he was elected county judge. Frank served our county here for three years in the capacity of county attorney, and we take pleasure in recommending him to the citizens of Martin County as a gentleman in every sense of the word, of fine legal abilities and well worthy of the gift they have bestowed upon him. 

County court is still in session, this being the second week with Judge Pearson presiding. Several cases of an interesting nature have been presented. 

Business in all lines is very quiet today. The clerks are busy overhauling their stock and putting the finishing touches on them for the holiday trade. Windows are being washed, show-cases are being reversed, new signs are being hung up- in fact, a general change on the inside is what one sees going on today. 

The president of the First National Bank of this city leaves this evening for Weatherford, and Madam Rumor has it that when the colonel returns two hearts will beat as one.
[ The man's name was Winfield Scott ]


 County Coordinator:
Christina Palmer
Texas State Coordinator:
Shirley Cullum
Assistant State Coordinators:
Elaine Martin  &
Jane Keppler

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