Marker Number: 11472
Marker Title: Bland-Bazzano House
(click on photos for larger view)
Index Entry: Bland-Bazzano House
Address: 601 N. 12th St.
City: Orange
County: Orange
Year Marker Erected: 1981
Designations: Recorded Texas Historic Landmark
Marker Text:
John Horace Bland and his wife Edna built this home in 1902. In 1910 John Michael Dullahan bought it and lived here with his parents until 1917. Two years later it was sold to Louis Phillip Bazzano, a local cobbler, and his wife Annie Drucilla (Wilson), leaders of the community and the First Baptist Church. They conveyed the house to their daughter Opal in 1937. Typical of other local turn-of-the-century homes, it features Victorian styling with Queen Anne influences. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1981
The information on Historical Markers is from
The Texas Historical Sites Atlas
Photos by Elaine Stone
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