Historical Marker Number: 11518
Marker Title: John Thomas Stark
(click on photo for a larger view)
Index Entry: Stark, John Thomas
City: Orange
Year Marker Erected: 1981
Marker Location: Evergreen Cemetery, Border & Jackson St.
Marker Text:
Patriarch of the Orange County Stark family, John T. Stark was born in Pebble County, Ohio, in 1821 and moved to East Texas in 1840. He settled in Newton County in the 1850s where he read law and ran a mercantile store. In 1861 Stark joined the Confederate forces as a private in the Texas infantry and was later elected captain. In 1874 he moved to Orange where he practiced law, served one year as Orange County judge, and was active in the old Orange First Baptist Church. Stark's three marriages produced eighteen children. He died in 1893 and is buried in this cemetery.
The information on Historical Markers
is from
The Texas Historical Sites Atlas
Photos by Elaine Stone
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