
Family Reunion Date: August 13-15, 2009


Theme: "Bridges from the Past"

1860-70: First Middlebrookses arrived and settled in Woodruff County.

1870-80: Middlebrookses spread to Ashley, Grant, and Johnson Counties.

1880-84 Middlebrookses moved to Hempstead County.
  1. Meet your cousins and learn about your family heritage.
  2. Share your family history and photos.
  3. Ask questions about other family lines.
  4. Join in two family history presentations and field trips.
Hosted by: Middlebrooks Family Association Inc.
The association was founded in 2001 to preserve Middlebrook/e/s family history for future generations. Association projects include: family register updating, cemetery and military participation documentation, archiving family photos, DNA research, and helping others with family history.

Information: Henry Middlebrook Email: henrym@bga.com

Address: 4921 Colonial Drive
  Nacogdoches, TX 75965
Phone: 936-564-7742 (home)
  936-554-1424 (cell)