
"Froelich Family","Cemetery","21
Feb 1998","Froelich Family","This cemetery
is located in the northeast quadrant of Red River County, Texas.
GPS COORDINATES: Datum WGS84: 33 Deg 37.977N, 94 Deg 53.155W,
El 454 ft. From English Community take FM 114 west for 1.3 miles
to the intersection with CR 3255. Take CR 3255 north or right
for 6/10 mile and the cemetery is on the left. There is only
the one burial there, that of Paul F. Froelich, but provisions
have been made for others. The marker at the gate reads, Bar
3 Ranch, To All Family and Friends, Welcome to rest here. Signed,
Paul Froelich. This cemetery was surveyed by Lawrence and Sue
Dale on 25 Jan 1999. We again visited the site on 15 Jan 2004
and took the GPS Coordinates."