Hemingway Cemetery,"1847",This
cemetery is located in the northwest quadrant of Red River County,
Texas. GPS COORDINATES: Datum WGS84: 33 Deg 51.343N, 95 Deg 02.833W.
To reach this cemetery take Hwy 37 north from Clarksville to
the intersection with FM 195 just south of the Red River bridge.
Take FM 195 west about .9 miles until you reach the Nicholes
property. At a metal gate turn north or right into the pasture.
The cemetery is about .3 mile into the pasture and near the pool
dam. (Please note that this is private property and to secure
prior permission before entering.) The oldest marked grave is
that of Mary Hemingway, infant, who was born and died in 1847.
There is a permanent marker reading: 'Dedicated To The Lasting
Memory Of Snell B. Hemingway, Whose Love, Devotion and Generosity
To His Family Made These Markers and Improvements Possible'.
The bible referred to in numerous burials is that of R. C. and
L. J. Hemingway published in 1850 in New York. This bible is
in possession of Karon Covington in San Diego CA. This cemetery
was cleaned by Johnny Lee on July 21, 2003. Lawrence and Sue
Dale were also on site on this date and secured all 'beside'
information. While we were on the site we took the GPS Coordinates."