Red River County

Wilkes Cemetery, 29 Apr
1891,"This cemetery is located in the southeast quadrant
of Red River County, Texas. GPS COORDINATES: Datum WGS84: 33
Deg 27.452N, 94 Deg 46.778W, El 416 ft. This cemetery is located
south of Avery off of FM 911 on CR 4430. From FM 911 take CR
4430 west for a little over .3 miles to a pasture gate on the
south side of the road. From the gate proceed 1/2 mile in a southwesterly
direction (compass heading 216 degres true). The cemetery is
in a half dead stand of trees and is in the pasture. Please pick
up a Texas county map of RRCo TX as this cemetery is shown. The
oldest marked burial is that of James B. Wilkes who died 29 Apr
1891. On a beautiful sunshine filled day, 19 Jan 2000, this cemetery
was surveyed by Lawrence and Sue Dale. We were accompanied by
the landowner, Nita Key, who graciously showed us the location
of this cemetery. Later contact with a G/Gs of Idabel OK fills
in the story on this couple buried here. We visited the site
again on 18 Dec 2003 and took the GPS readings."