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Miller aforesaid on the unsurveyed public lands of the United States about two miles above the Spanish Bluffs, commonly known by the name of Bears place, then lately occupied by a certain Daniel Cornelius Isaac H. Fishback, consisting of one dwelling house, out houses and about six acres of land cleared and enclosed with a rail fence and unlawfully and forcibly took possession of the said last mentioned improvement, tenements and farm of him, the said Benjamin R. Milam and yet unlawfully and forcibly detains the same from possession of the said Benjamin R. Milam contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided against the peace and dignity of the United States and to the great damage of the said Benjamin R. Milam of three hundred dollars and therefore he complains and brings his sute -- and you are to make return of this Summons with your proceedings thereon on or before the said day. Witness our hands and seals this fourth day of June, A. D., 1835.
 John Stiles,
David Myers,
Justices of the Peace.
Mary Cornelius

Filed Sept. 6th, 1837.
W. Davis, Clk.
pr M.C.C.
Benjamin R. Milam, Pltff.
John Morton, Defndt.
Forcible Entry
and Detainer

Deposition of Mary Cornelius taken by consent of the

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The History of Clarksville and Old Red River County
Pat B. Clark   1937