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by the side of the road and killed a girl. The driver was riding on one of the horses, as was customary when driving a four-horse team. The horse fell on him, but he was not seriously hurt. He was a white man named Mitchell Wadkins, who was coming to Texas with us. This occurred near Black River near the Missouri line. After stopping a day or two to bury the girl, just this side of Black River, the train moved slowly onward without any more serious accidents.

On one occasion, while crossing a swollen river, the water entered the wagon bed and floated out a box of northern flower cuttings and plants. They were recovered, however, and planted in Texas.

While crossing a creek in which the water was deep and swift, Patty was riding Mother's grey mare. When Patty saw that the swift current was gradually bearing the mare down stream, she cried out with tears streaming down her checks, "I'm gone, Miss Rinie, I'm gone." But she came through safe.

I remember crossing the White River, the Arkansas, and the Little Missouri, Little River, and Red River. At Little River I was frightened because of the bad road and steep banks, We had to ford it.

Ten miles this side of Little Rock Pa stopped to spend the night with his friend, Allen Martin, who formerly lived in Missouri. Martin was anxious to have Pa locate there, and told him of a place offered as a bargain. But Aunt Columbia

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The History of Clarksville and Old Red River County
Pat B. Clark   1937