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An illuminating letter telling of some thrilling exploits of a few daring Texas Rangers at the Battle of Buena Vista during the war between the United States and Mexico in 1846.

One of the rarest of historical documents in Texas, perhaps, is an original 32-page letter written and signed by the celebrated Ranger Chief and afterwards famous Confederate General, Ben McCulloch, in 1849 -- detailing in his own words the marvelous exploits and hazardous services that he, his boon comrade, Maj. George T. Howard, and a few other daring scouts performed on the eve of the great Battle of Buena Vista -- invaluable services rendered "Old Rough and Ready" Taylor; and which enabled him to win that fiercest and bloodiest battle of the entire war with Mexico. [See map and battleground detail.]

The history of this rare historical document is of itself interesting: According to Judge P. B. Clark, author of this volume, Ben McCulloch, then a Major in the U. S. Army, on the staff of General Taylor, wrote the lengthy letter to Gen. W. R. Scurry, with instructions to pass it on to Frank Clark, serving on the general's staff and who was an uncle of Judge Clark. Inadvertently the

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The History of Clarksville and Old Red River County
Pat B. Clark   1937