Pioneer Women
Much has been said of the fortitude and heroism of the Pioneer fathers of the earliest days. We are indeed proud that their courage and valour has been duly recorded.Yet regret is often felt that the strife and sacrifice of our Maternal ancestors have not been equally nor adequately recorded. The Pioneer Women were an important part of all the events which made up each weary and danger-filled day and night. It is only fair that the lives of these sturdy, courageous, thrifty and determined women of Texas are befittingly recognized as Pioneers.
"Weaving through all the poor details and homespun warp of circumstance, A golden wolf-thread of romance that today is Heritage. It was these Noble Women who made the home and kept the home fires burning. They spun and wove and tilled the barren soil, They met each day's return with patient trusting, And murmured not through all the weary toil."
From "Pilgrim Mothers" by Mary Noyes
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If you have a Biography or Photo of a Woman who Settled in Rockwall County - Circa 1841 to 1873 - Please submit the Info to be Posted Here - Send it to Jeff Lowe
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Jeff Lowe
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