
From time to time information comes in that just doesn't fit anywhere else but should be helpful to fellow researchers. Those posted here may be moved later but I want you to have the information available now.

Original Headright Maps
If anyone has access to the Sabine area, they can obtain copies of the original headright maps at the Federal Ranger Station. We had seen the big one they had in the courthouse when we were there in July, but they didn't know where to get copies of it. My husband stopped at the Ranger Station and sure enough they had it and make copies of it for us. If anyone can get a "good" copy that they could scan you also put in on the page.

Our Willis Murphrey (Murphy) had one of the original headrights in Sabine. This family as well as many others we have found migrated there from Amite Co., MS around 1825.

Sue Abruscato

MARRIAGE NOTICE: appeared in MARION STAR (South Carolina Newspaper)
The following appeared in the Jan 24, 1854 issue of the Marion (S.C.) Star:

Married by the Rev. Mr. IRVIN, Mr. Robert POXLY to Miss Lucy Jane, Daughter of Mr. Edward and Mrs. Adeline PYE, all of Sabine County, Texas.

Hope someone can use this. Submitted by Bill Snipes
