Chalk Mountain Cemetery
![]() |
Latitude: |
N 32.143243 N 32 08.595 |
Longitude: |
W -97.894601 W 097 53.676 |
Elevation: | |
Interments: | ~499 |
Historical Marker | |
address 5575 County Road 2015 Glen Rose, Texas, 76043 |
DIRECTIONS: From Glen Rose, Texas. Go west on Hwy. 67 from Barnard Street. Go about 12.5 miles. Turn left on CR 198. After about 1 mile, the road curves to the left. You will come upon a cattle guard where CR 198 turns into CR 2015. After the cattle guard, follow the road for about another .5 mile to the back side of the cemetery. Turn right on the road by the cemetery and follow it around to the front entrance.
Marker #: 5143012543 |
Year Dedicated: 1991 |
Size, type: 18" x 28" |
The village of Chalk Mountain originated as a trading center before the Civil War. The earliest burial at chalk Mountain Cemetery, the only burial ground to have served this community, is that of Abigal Davis (d. 1874), but the presence of unmarked burials indicates possible earlier use.
Photos courtesy of Phyllis Medeiros