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Confederate Pension Applications

To obtain copies of the following applications go to
and follow directions.

Claimant Name            Application #   Co.     Husband                  Husband's App. #

Aaron, Tennessee (Mrs)   04034           Upshur  Aaron, William Henry
Adams, Mary J.           04035           Upshur  Adams, William W.
Aills, S. A.(Mrs)        25902           Upshur  Aills, Thomas Payne      04033
Aills, Thomas Payne      04033           Upshur
Allen, Mary Jane         51431           Upshur  Allen, William Green
Allred, B. K.            23153           Upshur
Anderson, M. M.(Mrs)     29502           Upshur  Anderson, George Washington
Armstrong, M. L. V.(Mrs) 39196           Upshur  Armstrong, James Watson
Arnold, Arminda          35226           Upshur  Arnold, Jordon B.        23152
Arnold, Jordon B.        23152           Upshur
Atkinson, M. C.(Mrs)     23411           Upshur  Atkinson, Richard Andrews
Bain, Benjamin           04028           Upshur
Bain, L. R. (Mrs)        12656           Upshur  Bain, Benjamin 04028
Baker, B. T.             11672           Upshur
Barton, David T.         12177           Upshur
Barton, Hiram            rej             Upshur
Barton, Mary S.          12653           Upshur  Barton, Hiram
Barton, Thomas K.        18609           Upshur
Barwick, Flora A.        04031           Upshur  Barwick, William B.
Bates, Joseph Carson     39985           Upshur
Bates, Joseph Carson(Mrs)42510           Upshur  Bates, Joseph Carson     39985
Bates, Robert F.         16829           Upshur
Beavers, L. C.(Mrs)      16827           Upshur  Beavers, William Washington
Beck, Martin Monroe Mrs) 27047           Upshur  Beck, Martin Monroe
Bennett, W. J.           05034           Upshur
Bennett, Wincy           rej             Upshur  Bennett, Leroy
Binion, E. W.(Mrs)       32429           Upshur  Binion, Milton Booker    17171
Binion, Milton Booker    17171           Upshur
Black, George Hayes      23318           Upshur
Black, O. F.             31243           Upshur  Black, George Hayes 23318
Blackmon, Sarah C.       05051           Upshur  Blackmon, Franklin F.
Blackstone, William H.   23542           Upshur
Bolles, Charles E.       05060           Upshur
Bolls, Isibelle          09520           Upshur
Bonknight, David H. E.   05052           Upshur
Bonner, Mattie F.        19550           Upshur  Bonner, William Decotor  04029
Bonner, William Decotor  04029           Upshur
Booker, William W.       rej             Upshur
Boren, Susan             41903           Upshur  Boren, William Lemmons   29794
Boren, William Lemmons   29794           Upshur
Bottoms, Reuben H.       04027           Upshur
Bouknight, E. J.(Mrs)    36023           Upshur  Bouknight, James Logan   16796
Bouknight, James L.      16796           Upshur
Bradfield, John Randolph 20059           Upshur
Bradley, Samuel J.       04030           Upshur
Branan, Emma             rej             Upshur  Branan, Jessie Turison
Briscoe, Nancie Adeline  19660           Upshur  Briscoe, William P.
Brison, G. R. A.         17213           Upshur
Brison, M. E.(Mrs)       16830           Upshur  Brison, Robert T.
Brogden, Darthula        41902           Upshur  Brogden, Hubbard
Brooks, Malcom Buie      16828           Upshur
Brooks, N. A.(Mrs)       20314           Upshur  Brooks, Malcom Buie      16828
Brothers, George         05265           Upshur
Bryce,Rebecca            31163           Upshur  Poole, Thomas Masten     24449
   Eveline Poole
Buchan, Wm Hector Sr.    29619           Upshur
Buchanan, James Wesley   23541           Upshur
Buchanan, L. J.(Mrs)     39172           Upshur  Buchanan, James Mesley   23541
Bullard, Charley Lee     22734           Upshur
Bullard, M. E.(Mrs)      40512           Upshur  Bullard, Charley Lee     22734
Bullard, Rebecca Eliz.   45375           Upshur  Bullard, William Thomas  23341
Bullard, William Thomas  23341           Upshur
Bullock, A. E. (Mrs)     40690           Upshur  Ransom Lamar, Sr.        23518
Bullock,Ransom Lamar, Sr 23518           Upshur
Burcalow, Jesse          04032           Upshur
Burcalow, Sarah E.       17170           Upshur  Burcalow, Jesse          04032
Burke, Francis M.        rej             Upshur
Burroughs, James Howard  06137           Upshur
Burroughs, S. E.(Mrs)    37479           Upshur  Burroughs, James Howard  06137
Busby, W. A.             rej             Upshur
Cabitt, John W.          rej             Upshur
Cain, A. J.              rej             Upshur
Calhoun, N. A.(Mrs)      16806           Upshur  Calhoun, Elias Washington
Calhoun, W. L.           16803           Upshur
Callaway, J. D.          23053           Upshur
Calvert, J. N.           16805           Upshur
Camp, Laura              42052           Upshur  Camp, James Daniel
Camp, M. J. Mrs)         14059           Upshur  Camp, W. S.
Campbell, Emily          31263           Upshur  Campbell, Green
Capps, Matt C. (Mathew)  04023           Upshur
Capps, S. A.(Mrs)        16804           Upshur  Capps, Mathew C.         04023
Carlile, T. J.           25536           Upshur
Carrington, Daniel       18485           Upshur
Carroll, C. E.           45020           Upshur  Thompson, Augustus L.
     Thompson (Mrs)
Carroll, Susan C.        04022           Upshur  Carroll, Stephen G.
Catlett, Benjamin L.     16802           Upshur
Catlett, J. D.           23068           Upshur
Cavitt, John W.          rej             Upshur
Chadick, S. R.           06047           Upshur
Chandler, Emma J.        39055           Upshur  Chandler, Thomas Henry   04026
Chandler, Thomas Henry   04026           Upshur
Chapman, Frank J.        16807           Upshur
Chapman, N. E. (Mrs)     26962           Upshur  Chapman, John Wesley
Christian, J. R.         29088           Upshur
Clampitt, Nancy J.       20313           Upshur  Clampitt,Elisha Galveston 12709
Clark, George Edward     16793           Upshur
Clark, Laura Ann         20089           Upshur  Clark, George Edward      16793
Cole, J. W.              16795           Upshur
Collier, John T.         11281           Upshur
Cook, Elizabeth          rej             Upshur  Cook, David
Cook, J. R.              38541           Upshur
Covey, Thomas            rej             Upshur  Covey, Thomas Jefferson
     Jefferson (Mrs)
Cox, Asberry Garrison    20705           Upshur
Cox, Ausborn P.          04024           Upshur
Cox, Mary H.             16794           Upshur  Cox, Samuel Alexander
Cox, S. J. (Mrs)         36845           Upshur  Cox, Asberry Garrison     20705
Craig, J. P.             14459           Upshur
Craton, William G.       22836           Upshur
Cravey, James M.         08808           Upshur
Crawford, James Warren   45756           Upshur
Cromer, E. A. (Mrs)      18492           Upshur  Cromer, John G.
Crow, David Franklin     18484           Upshur
Cude, George Travis      13562           Upshur
Culberson, Ovie          41809           Upshur  Culberson, James Isaac
Culpepper, Benj Franklin 23050           Upshur
Culpepper, I. F.(Mrs)    34107           Upshur  Culpepper, Benjamin Franklin 23050
Culpepper, Martha        23405           Upshur  Culpepper, Thomas Jefferson
Cumbie, Sarah E.         04025           Upshur  Cumbie, Wiley B.
Cunliffe, Henry C.       10499           Upshur
Cunningham, Angie        25009           Upshur  Cunningham, William Columbus
Daniel, Calvin B.        04040           Upshur
Daniels, Henrietta       34044           Upshur  Daniels, Robert Lafayette (daniel) 26738
Darden, Elizabeth        10770           Upshur  Darden, Robert Seaborn
Darden, M. E. (Mrs)      04043           Upshur  Darden, T. G.
Davis, C. B. (Mrs)       30049           Upshur  Davis, Jesse Augustus Lane  04038
Davis, Charles Andrew    50032           Upshur
Davis, E. N.             09355           Upshur
Davis, Jesse             04038           Upshur
    Augustus Lane
Davis, Louisa            18491           Upshur  Davis, James M.
Davis, Margaret Jenet    rej             Upshur  Davis, William Allen
Davis, Ophelia           51632           Upshur  Davis, Charles Andrew    50032
Davis, Sampson I.        04036           Upshur
Davis, William           51539           Upshur
Day, Rausel N.           04042           Upshur
Dement, Nancy            04046           Upshur  Dement, James
Demoss, William M.       17214           Upshur
Demoss, William M. (Mrs) 40320           Upshur  Demoss, William M.       17214
Denson, M. E. (Mrs)      40046           Upshur  Denson, William Byron
Denson, Madison Monroe   23269           Upshur
Denson, Mariah V.        32349           Upshur  Denson, Madison Monroe    23269
Derrick, Mary A.         28906           Upshur  Derrick, Joseph
Donovan, William A.      04039           Upshur
Dooling, Mary J.         rej             Upshur  Dooling, Pat              16798
Dooling, Pat             16798           Upshur
Dorroh, Sarah P.         29121           Upshur  Dorroh, James Madison
Dossett, John            10498           Upshur
Douglass, Robert George  19305           Upshur
Douglass, Robert         45402           Upshur  Douglass, Robert George   19305
        George (Mrs)
Douphrate, Kate          rej             Upshur  Douphrate, J. W.
Draper, Ellen Elizabeth  49547           Upshur  Draper, Joseph Leonard
Driggers, Nancy D.       04045           Upshur  Driggers, John
Duffey, S. E. (Mrs)      16799           Upshur  Duffey, George Washing
Duke, Z. P.              04037           Upshur
Duval, Rufus             04041           Upshur
Earp, Alexander          16797           Upshur
Earp, Sarah I.           36533           Upshur  Earp, Alexander           16797
East, M. A. (Mrs)        25191           Upshur  East, James Walker
Edgar, S. A. (Mrs)       27777           Upshur  Edgar, John Madison
Edwards, James           19307           Upshur
     William Cartwright
Edwards, S. E. I.(Mrs)   28885           Upshur  Edwards, James William Cartwright 19307
Eford, Mary              04048           Upshur  Eford, John A.
Eitel, Lucie             36587           Upshur  Eitel, William James      19306
Eitel, William James     19306           Upshur
Elder, Edmond Eli(Mrs)   23555           Upshur  Elder, Edmond Eli
Ennis, George W.         04047           Upshur
Ewing, Mary Harriett     40580           Upshur  Ewing, T. C.              06423
Ewing, T. C.             06423           Upshur
Fenlaw, Bertha           32515           Upshur  Fenlaw, John Alexander    12658
Fenlaw, John Alexander   12658           Upshur
Fennell, Martha E.       13561           Upshur  Fennell, Warren J.        Rej
Fennell, Warren J.       rej             Upshur
Ferguson, Permelia       04050           Upshur  Ferguson, William
Finley, Hampton Griffin  23937           Upshur
Finley, Tellie D.        33847           Upshur  Finley, Hampton Griffin   23937
Florence, E.             rej             Upshur
Florence, Mary Rebecca   rej             Upshur  Florence, Wiley E.
Florence, Wiley E.       rej             Upshur
Floyd, J. H.             rej             Upshur
Ford, S. C. (Mrs)        16823           Upshur  Ford, John Franklin
Foster, Mary Lee         rej             Upshur  Foster, Crayton
Fowler, Martha E.        16791           Upshur  Fowler, William M.
Foxworth, Liddia         rej             Upshur  Foxworth, Levi            50955
Freeman, E. T.           19900           Upshur
Fuller, Mary A.          49094           Upshur  Fuller, John James
Gaddis, William H.       13102           Upshur
Galloway, M. A.(Mrs)     22668           Upshur  Galloway, Robert James    10759
Gautney, Henderson       04051           Upshur
Gifford, Josephine       41444           Upshur  Gifford, Joseph
Gillespie, Vertina       rej             Upshur  Gillespie, Alixander T.
Glass, Hannah E.         16792           Upshur  Glass, William T.
Goodman, Josephine       rej             Upshur  Bassham, Leroy Filey
Goodwin, Sarah J.        rej             Upshur  Goodwin, J. W.
Goolsby, Lucindy C.      rej             Upshur  Goolsby, John David
Gorden, A. J.            rej             Upshur
Gorman, J. L.            12654           Upshur
Goss, Washington         16842           Upshur
Graham, Jacob Alexander  35909           Upshur
Graham, Mary E.          37672           Upshur  Graham, Jacob Alexander   35909
Green, Jacob T.          rej             Upshur
Green, S. J. (Mrs)       16831           Upshur  Green, Thomas James
Greer, Christopher C.    32929           Upshur
Greer, M. V. (Mrs)       34328           Upshur  Greer, William Moses       30547
Greer, Malinda W.        51953           Upshur  Greer, Joseph Warren
Greer, William Moses     30547           Upshur
Gregory, George C.       09519           Upshur
Grice, John J.           rej             Upshur
Grider, Sarah M.         04052           Upshur  Grider, Enos
Hail, Elias G.           16801           Upshur
Hall, Nancy Koon         rej             Upshur  Koon, John Jacob          17780
Hambright,Geo Washington 18489           Upshur
Hammans, M. E. (Mrs)     06045           Upshur  Hammans, John
Harless, Drucilla        32845           Upshur  Harless, William Thomas    05721
Harrell, Abbie S.        18710           Upshur  Harrell, Miles Thomas
Harrell, Abigail         rej             Upshur  Harrell, Miles
Harrison, Harriett H.    rej             Upshur  Harrison, Abram
Harrison, W. H.          04057           Upshur
Hart, George W.          13559           Upshur
Hart, William Allison    16800           Upshur
Hart, Wm Allison (Mrs)   40484           Upshur  Hart, William Allison    16800
Hawkins, W. M.           04054           Upshur
Hawkins, Z. A. (Mrs)     38922           Upshur  Hawkins, W. M.            04054
Hays, W. P.              24094           Upshur
Head, Thomas R.          04053           Upshur
Herron, George Thomas    35953           Upshur
Herron, Geo.Thomas(Mrs)  37391           Upshur  Herron, George Thomas      35953
Hester, Elizabeth A.     10229           Upshur  Hester, W. A.
Hester, J. B.            09662           Upshur
Hicks, Joseph Newton(Mrs)38635           Upshur  Hicks, Joseph Newton
Hindmon, Louiza E.       04059           Upshur  Hindmon, Winn J.
Hockersmith, John M.     04058           Upshur
Hodges, Benjamin Nick    35721           Upshur
Holland, Needham         04055           Upshur
Holland, W. J.           27778           Upshur
Hoover, Sarah            rej             Upshur  Hoover, George Jefferson
Hopper, M. A. (Mrs)      36818           Upshur  Hopper, Wesley Martin
Horsely, M. A. F. (Mrs)  28913           Upshur  Horsely, Green Valentine
Howell, John Wilson, Sr. 18488           Upshur
Howell, Julia            32846           Upshur  John Wilson, Sr.            18488
Howell, Nathaniel A.     14056           Upshur
Howell, Sarah            rej             Upshur
Howell, W. G.            09354           Upshur
Hudgins, P. E.           16808           Upshur
Hudson, Francis Marion   06133           Upshur
Hudson, Sarah E.         25562           Upshur  Hudson, Francis Marion      06133
Hudsputh, Susan          04580           Upshur  Hudsputh, Alexander
Huggins, Jeptha Allen    13560           Upshur
Huggins, Josephine F.    36512           Upshur  Huggins, Jeptha Allen       13560
Humphreys, D. L.         04056           Upshur
Humphreys, J. A.         16810           Upshur
Ingram, S. T.            11675           Upshur
Irby, S. F. (Mrs)        30575           Upshur  Irby, James Henry
Isbell, Richard Monroe   rej             Upshur
Isbell, Richard Monroe(Mrs) 41075        Upshur  Isbell, Richard Monroe Rej
Johnson, Jack            rej             Upshur
Johnson, R. A. (Mrs)     39694           Upshur  Johnson, John Alexander
Johnson, William J.      04061           Upshur
Johnston, J. A.          11673           Upshur
Johnston, S. C. (Mrs)    19481           Upshur  Johnston, William Isaac
Jones, George Ann        18490           Upshur  Jones, George Washington     16812
Jones, George Washington 16812           Upshur
Jones, Gideon T.         11156           Upshur
Jones, James M.          04060           Upshur
Jones, John Walter Raleigh 14058         Upshur
Jones, Lucy Cordelia     50024           Upshur  Jones, John Walter Raliegh   14058
Jones, Martha A.         04044           Upshur  Jones, John A.
Jones, T. R.             25124           Upshur
Jordan, Charley Stewart  10500           Upshur
Jordan, Eliza            06831           Upshur  Jordan, T. J.
Kay, Mary Susan          45713           Upshur  Kay, Stephen Presten
Kilpatrick, Francis M.   04062           Upshur
Kimmey, Francis D. Larue 34075           Upshur
Kimmey, Julia A.         rej             Upshur  Kimmey, Frances D. Larue     34075
King, Amanda J.          23602           Upshur  King, John Washington
King, C. V. (Mrs)        27112           Upshur  King, Adolphus Emerson
King, Florence           35894           Upshur  King, John Howard            18707
King, John Howard        18707           Upshur
Lagrone, David Randolph  13104           Upshur
Langford, Francis F.     04063           Upshur
Langford, Tennessee      rej             Upshur  Langford, Francis F.         04063
Langford, Young M.       18486           Upshur
Lankford, Young M.       rej             Upshur
Lansdale, George G.      16813           Upshur
Lansdale, Issac M.       14054           Upshur
Lansdale, Sarah Jane     rej             Upshur  Lansdale, George G.          16813
Lantrip, George W. (Mrs) 37294           Upshur  Lantrip, George W.           12693
Latch, Louis Anderson    rej             Upshur
Ledbetter, John W.       04064           Upshur
Leland, John Dudley      05050           Upshur
Leland, Laura            38558           Upshur  Leland, John Dudley          05050
Leroy, Sarah             rej             Upshur  Leroy, Gilbert
Linch, Jim L. (Lynch)    04065           Upshur
Loden, Francis           13103           Upshur
Long, John M.            rej             Upshur
Long, Mathew S.          rej             Upshur
Long, P. A. (Mrs)        16814           Upshur  Long, J. M.
Lyell, J. H.             29660           Upshur
Lyle, D. S.              22273           Upshur
Mangum, E. F. (Mrs)      21461           Upshur  Mangum, James Arthur         16811
Mangum, James Arthur     16811           Upshur
Marshall, J. M.          50563           Upshur
Martin, Julia B.         04075           Upshur  Martin, William L.
Mathis, Elizabeth        07982           Upshur  Mathis, James
Mathis, James            rej             Upshur
Matthews, M. A. (Mrs)    25684           Upshur  Matthews, Oliver
Mattox, Susan A.         36778           Upshur  Mattox, William M.          23704
Mattox, William M.       23704           Upshur
Maxwell, Robert Thomas   rej             Upshur
Mayfield, Asa            04074           Upshur
Mayfield, John F.        26100           Upshur
McClelland, L. A. (Mrs)  31136           Upshur  McClelland, William Henry
McCoy, Lavina J.         04071           Upshur  McCoy, William R.
McCullough, Hugh G.      rej             Upshur
McCullough, Mary         12652           Upshur  McCullough, Hugh Green
McCurdy, John            rej             Upshur
McGee, Joseph Holly      27362           Upshur
McGee, R. K. (Mrs)       31645           Upshur  McGee, Joseph Holly          27362
McIntosh, Charles Albert rej             Upshur
McIntosh, Mary E.        17172           Upshur  McIntosh, Charles Albert     Rej
McIntyre, Martin M.      rej             Upshur
McKinley, Thomas Robertson 04067         Upshur
McPhail, Mary            36019           Upshur  McPhail, Eli H.
McWhorter, D. J.         14456           Upshur
Mealy, Percilla E.       51868           Upshur  Mealy, William J.
Meelear, P. E. (Mrs)     rej             Upshur  Meelear, William
Melton, Carrie           14096           Upshur  Melton, Robert J.            11157
Melton, Robert J.        11157           Upshur
Metcalf, T. J.           rej             Upshur
Miller, Elizabeth        04072           Upshur  Miller, Louis A.
Mings, James H.          04068           Upshur
Mings, L. A. (Mrs)       17256           Upshur  Mings, Wesley
Mings, M. J. (Mrs)       14055           Upshur  Mings, James H.              04068
Mings, Martha            16815           Upshur  Mings, John T.
Minter, J. A.            25804           Upshur
Mitchell, E. H.          42664           Upshur
Mitchell, Larceny        31145           Upshur  Mitchell, John J.
Moberley, John           25048           Upshur
Mongham, S. P.           rej             Upshur
Montgomery, J. E.        04069           Upshur
Monts, George W.         14457           Upshur
Moody, W. H.             46082           Upshur
Moore, Aruelia           04076           Upshur  Moore, Owens
Moore, Delilah           14458           Upshur  James L., Sr.                04070
Moore, James L., Sr.     04070           Upshur
Moore, M. A. (Mrs)       25507           Upshur  Moore, Thompson A.
Moore, Mollie            29874           Upshur  Moore, Erastus Asberry
Morgan, Mattie L.        45531           Upshur  Morgan, Richard William      16817
Morgan, Richard William  16817           Upshur
Morgan, Sebern P.        38061           Upshur
Morris, Alford Steelman  16816           Upshur
Morris, Elizabeth        11671           Upshur  Morris, Hilliard
Morris, John J.          35934           Upshur
Morris, Martha Ann       20020           Upshur  Morris, Alford Steelman      16816
Morris, T. E. (Mrs)      43310           Upshur  Morris, William
Moughon, S. P.           rej             Upshur
Muller, P. E. (Mrs)      rej             Upshur  Muller, William Marion
Murrell, Alexander Stewart 04073         Upshur
Murrell, D. A. (Mrs)     28486           Upshur  Murrell, Alexander Stewart   04073
Murrell, George W.       rej             Upshur
Nation, C. S. (Mrs)      28385           Upshur  Nation, William Anderson     04078
Nation, William Anderson 04078           Upshur
Nelson, N. N. (Mrs)      33436           Upshur  Nelson, Wiley B.             14460
Nelson, Wiley B.         14460           Upshur
Nicholson, Alexander Wm  24369           Upshur
Nickolson, Hannah E.     04077           Upshur  Nickolson, Neil
Norman, Sarah E.         04079           Upshur  Norman, John B.
Norris, Martha J.        04080           Upshur  Norris, John A.
Norwood, William Henry   06046           Upshur
Oden, Elias              04081           Upshur
Oden, Martha E.          14057           Upshur  Oden, Elias
Oliver, A. J.            32595           Upshur
Oliver, Nancy            rej             Upshur  Oliver, James Bryant
Orsburn, Elizabeth J.    rej             Upshur  Orsburn, William H.
Parker, Harris           rej             Upshur
Patterson, S. J.         28547           Upshur
Patterson, Susan         16833           Upshur  Patterson, Andrew S.
Peteet, J. S. (Mrs)      42649           Upshur  Peteet, Terrell Monroe
Peteet, Richard          rej             Upshur
Petty, Henry             18487           Upshur
Petty, J. E. (Mrs)       20312           Upshur  Petty, Henry                  18487
Phillips, A. P.          16826           Upshur
Phillips, Benj. Franklin 18483           Upshur
Phillips, James W.       16825           Upshur
Phillips, Mattie J.      43104           Upshur  Phillips, Benjamin Franklin   18483
Pilgrim, G. W.           23895           Upshur
Poole, Thomas Masten     24449           Upshur
Porter, Ella             40714           Upshur  Porter, George Washington     24867
Porter, Geo. Washington  24867           Upshur
Price, Elizabeth         rej             Upshur  Price, George Washington
Price, Mary              16824           Upshur  Price, Charles Thomas
Pridgeon, Lenora         27573           Upshur  Pridgeon, Ward Taylor
Prothro, Laura           46216           Upshur  Prothro, James Madison        17264
Pruitt, R. A. (Mrs)      39726           Upshur  Pruitt, Adoniram Judson       14263
Rabe, Julia A.           06132           Upshur  Rabe, James B.
Ragsdale, Fredrick Losset 25064          Upshur
Ragsdale, L. C. (Mrs)    11674           Upshur  Ragsdale, M. J.
Ragsdale, S. V. (Mrs)    35596           Upshur  Ragsdale, Fredrick Losset     25064
Ramey, Martha J.         29112           Upshur  Ramey, Stephen Barton
Rape, Belle              rej             Upshur  Rape, William David
Rape, W. D.              28746           Upshur
Ray, Henry Smith         04082           Upshur
Ray, Rebeca L.           04091           Upshur  Ray, John W.
Ray, T.                  04084           Upshur
Read, Christopher Columbus 06136         Upshur
Read, Lemuel M.          23426           Upshur
Read, Sarah E.           22413           Upshur  Read, Christopher Columbus    06136
Revill, Henry Martin     16820           Upshur
Revill, Martha           16821           Upshur  Revill, Madison L.
Revill, Matt L.          rej             Upshur
Revill, S. E. (Mrs)      34061           Upshur  Revill, Henry Martin          16820
Revill, William A.       05033           Upshur
Reynolds, E. F. (Mrs)    29965           Upshur  Reynolds, Christopher Columbus
Roberts, M. C. (Mrs)     04083           Upshur
Roberts, Oba E.          21473           Upshur
Robertson, Jeffersonia   23001           Upshur  Robertson, James Douglass
Robinson, James Polk     25710           Upshur
Robinson, M. E. (Mrs)    28996           Upshur  Robinson, James Polk          25710
Robison, Eliza           28681           Upshur  Robison, Thomas Jackson
Rodgers, Phillip         rej             Upshur
Rogers, John Thomas      28267           Upshur
Rogers, L. J. Davis (Mrs)38512           Upshur  Davis, William
Rundell, Mary Jane       rej             Upshur  Rundell, Samuel
Runnels, Elizabeth       43984           Upshur  Runnels, John Calvin          14357
Rutledge, N. P. (Mrs)    32849           Upshur  Rutledge, Nathan Franklin     24792
Rutledge, Nathan Franklin24792           Upshur
Salter, Susan R.         06588           Upshur  Salter, Samuel C.
Sanders, S. C. (Mrs)     24022           Upshur  Sanders, Jacob Wright
Sansom, James L.         04138           Upshur
Sasser, L. E. (Mrs)      32451           Upshur  Sasser, James Lunsford
Sasser, W. P.            24144           Upshur
Sauls, Elizabeth         04090           Upshur  Sauls, Clem J.
Seay, Albert Washington  04087           Upshur
Seay, Susan L.           28384           Upshur  Seay, Albert Washington       04087
Sewell, Henry L. (Mrs)   47147           Upshur  Sewell, Henry L.
Sewell, S. M. (Mrs)      20323           Upshur  Sewell, Pinckney Andrew       16335
Shannon, Bitha           47118           Upshur  Shannon, James H.
Shaver, J. W.            29186           Upshur
Shaver, Jasper           09570           Upshur
Shields, N. A. (Mrs)     27289           Upshur  Shields, Thomas Jefferson
Shrum, Elisha            16822           Upshur
Shrum, J. A.             22275           Upshur
Shrum, Mollie A.         39465           Upshur  Shrum, Elisha                16822
Slater, Joseph Alexander 42550           Upshur
Slater, Sarah Jane       46512           Upshur  Slater, Joseph Alexander     42550
Smart, M. J. (Mrs)       20475           Upshur  Smart, Silas A.
Smart, Martha J.         rej             Upshur  Smart, S. A.
Smart, Nathanial         rej             Upshur
Smart, Silas Americus    rej             Upshur
Smith, Beverly Lafayette 27363           Upshur
Smith, E. J. (Mrs)       34064           Upshur  Smith, Beverly Lafayette     27363
Smith, Gerome Monroe     16818           Upshur
Smith, Isaiah            04085           Upshur
Smith, Isie              35621           Upshur  Smith, Gerome Monroe         16818
Smith, Nathanial         rej             Upshur
Smith, Pulaski           16819           Upshur
Smith, Sarah             20815           Upshur  Smith, Isaiah                04085
Smith, Tabitha           06134           Upshur  Smith, David
Snow, James              19304           Upshur
Snow, W. M.              39783           Upshur
Sorrells, CV Ridley Mrs  36057           Upshur  Ridley, Thomas Jefferson
Spears, M. E. (Mrs)      33752           Upshur  Spears, John Luther
Spencer, Celie           05048           Upshur  Spencer, Samuel
Spencer, William M.      16809           Upshur
Sproles, Elizabeth       04049           Upshur  Sproles, Soloman
Stanley, D. W.           20802           Upshur
Stanley, M. E. (Mrs)     04089           Upshur  Stanley, W. H.
Stanley, Sarah           07676           Upshur  Stanley, G. W.
Starr, Isibell           04088           Upshur  Starr, William
Steele, Thomas           04086           Upshur
Steelman, B. G. (Mrs)    49832           Upshur  Steelman, Giles Wilson
Stegall, Martha          24523           Upshur  Stegall, Hensley Zachariah
Stephens, Alexander B.   08502           Upshur
Stephenson, James Ray Mrs 45635          Upshur  Stephenson, James Ray
Stevens, Jennie E.       37363           Upshur  Stevens, William H.           23691
Stevens, L. D. (Mrs)     27987           Upshur  Stevens, Julius Honesta       10668
Stevens, William H.      23691           Upshur
Stewart, Frances C.      04092           Upshur
Stewart, Letha           rej             Upshur  Stewart, R. A.
Stracener, George Thomas 47807           Upshur
Stracener, Hiram Winston 12657           Upshur
Stracener, Hiram Winston Mrs 43143       Upshur  Stracener, Hiram Winston     12657
Stracener, Lizzie        52012           Upshur  Stracener, George Thomas     47807
Stracener, M. E. (Mrs)   39208           Upshur  Stracener, William Henry
Strange, W. M.           rej             Upshur
Swan, Martha Sophia      49403           Upshur  Swan, George Buckner
Swinney, Olander V.      22110           Upshur
Taylor, Annie            41946           Upshur  Taylor, James Franklin       40946
Taylor, H. C.            27364           Upshur
Taylor, James Franklin   40946           Upshur
Taylor, John Milton      18481           Upshur
Taylor, M. M. (Mrs)      35422           Upshur  Taylor, Richard Lafayette    29016
Taylor, Minerva A.       20477           Upshur  Taylor, John Milton          18481
Taylor, Richard Lafayette 29016          Upshur
Thomas, Cora             30069           Upshur  Thomas, Jacob Armstrong
Thomas, Isaac Ward       51427           Upshur
Tillman, Green B.        04094           Upshur
Todd, John Morgan        39135           Upshur
Todd, M. P. (Mrs)        47281           Upshur  Todd, John Morgan           39135
Tramell, Young Franklin  04093           Upshur
Trowell, Sarah A. G.     07983           Upshur  Trowell, Y. F.
Truitt, Analiza          16839           Upshur  Truitt, Elija R.            12651
Truitt, Elija R.         12651           Upshur
Tucker, Frances          27524           Upshur  Tucker, William Jefferson
Tucker, J. M.            22458           Upshur
Tucker, Simeon J.        rej             Upshur
Tuel, Mary               39384           Upshur  Tuel, William Henry         06135
Tuel, William Henry      06135           Upshur
Turner, John W.          12655           Upshur
Turner, William Theodore 25125           Upshur
Underwood, Andrew Jackson08503           Upshur
Vaughan, G. L.           rej             Upshur
Victory, James Thomas    16841           Upshur
Victory, Mary Ann        39358           Upshur  Victory, James Thomas       16841
Vinson, Martha D.        16840           Upshur  Vinson, Addison H.
Walker, Andrew Dorroty   09116           Upshur
Walker, James L.         04095           Upshur
Walker, M. A. (Mrs)      04098           Upshur  Walker, Austin
Walker, Sarah            rej             Upshur  Walker, Robert W.
Wallace, J. P.           39691           Upshur
Wallace, Roland L.       12178           Upshur
Walsh, Elizabeth Ann     16835           Upshur  Walsh, Rufus Franklin
Warren, Areetta          16834           Upshur  Warren, Gustavus
Watson, William          04096           Upshur
Watts, Eliza Augusta     45547           Upshur  Watts, John S.             25780
Watts, John S.           25780           Upshur
Weatherby, Green Malone  16838           Upshur
Weatherby, M. A. (Mrs)   19545           Upshur  Weatherby, Green Malone    16838
Weatherby, S. A. (Mrs)   26600           Upshur  Weatherby, Seaborn
Weaver, John Thomas      rej             Upshur
Weems, Red               09760           Upshur
West, Mary A.            20476           Upshur  West, Jacob
White, A. E. (Mrs)       34177           Upshur  White, William Augustus    13045
White, Charles B.        rej             Upshur
White, F. W. (Mrs)       05032           Upshur  White, David
White, M. E. (Mrs)       07981           Upshur  White, C. B.
Whiteley, James Edward   18482           Upshur
Whitworth, A. E. (Mrs)   31483           Upshur  Whitworth, Isaac Newton
Wilcox, Mollie           rej             Upshur  Wilcox, Wash               16837
Wilcox, Wash             16837           Upshur
Willeford, Henry Clay    25334           Upshur
Willeford, N. J. (Mrs)   34833           Upshur  Willeford, Henry Clay      25334
Willeford, N. L.         35848           Upshur
Williams, Henrietta Adline 29221         Upshur  Williams, William Lafayette
Williams, Luke           05496           Upshur
Williamson, P. M. (Mrs)  42971           Upshur  Williamson, John Franklin
Williamson, W. W.        08809           Upshur
Willingham, Ann E.       40059           Upshur  Willingham, Amos Jackson     26982
Wilson, E. N. (Mrs)      25709           Upshur  Wilson, Theophilus Benjamin
Wilson, Mary Ellen       51623           Upshur  Wilson, James Carroll        32145
Witcher, Charles S.      04097           Upshur
Wolfe, Sarah             18803           Upshur  Wolfe, Tobias Washington     16836
Wolfe, Tobias Washington 16836           Upshur
Yancy, Elizabeth Madora  16832           Upshur  Yancy, Thomas W.
Young, Dan               04099           Upshur
Young, Evaline V.        rej             Upshur Young, Thomas J.


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