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He Is one of the wide-awake and active citizens of Van Zandt County, and believes in her development and a beautiful future for her. He is a grandson of Brinkley Davis, who was born in Kentucky and who later in life came to Limestone County, Texas. He landed with his family at the scene of the Fort Parker Massacre just ten days after the awful tragedy, which occurred in 1836. He was a farmer and was father of Franklin L. Davis, who was born in Indiana, but came with his father to Texas while a boy and was reared here. Miss Nancy Rasco was born in Kentucky, but reared in Limestone County, Texas. F. L. Davis and Miss Rasco were married November 11, 1858. They had two children, who were reared on the farm. One of these is our subject, H. P. Davis. He was born November 24, 1861, near Thornton, Limestone County, Texas. His father died in 1863, and his mother in 1878. Henry grew up on the farm a strong, healthy boy, and was educated in the common schools, and later in Thornton Institute, where he graduated. However, he afterwards took a post graduate course in Trinity University. He then chose the profession of teaching, which he followed until 1898. It was that year that his fellow countrymen called him to the County Clerk of Van Zandt County, which office he held with great satisfaction to the people for four years. August 29, 1886 he married Miss Mary Jane Cook of Limestone County, They have three girls and two boys, and ten years ago came to Van Zandt County, where he has lived continuously until now. He says the county has made most wonderful progress during these ten years and in his judgment it has only begun in an extraordinary development. He has been apt in public speech-making for many years, on subjects of temperance and other questions of political moment, but at last yielded to the evidences of a call to the ministry and was ordained as a Baptist preacher the first Sunday in June, 1902, by the Canton church. His services were at once in demand and he became pastor at Wills Point and other places until his entire time is occupied usefully at this time. He is a Woodman of the World. Is known and respected throughout the County and the entire section by his acquaintances.