Annie Armstrong

Photo: Ed Gayle standing in front of the dug-out where Annie Armstrong lived.
Pat McHugh was the second settler in Yoakum Co. He came here in 1902, from Sligo Co. Ireland and filed on several sections of state land. He built a half dugout in 1902 and established a Post Office in 1903 and called it Sligo, Texas. Pat lived in the dugout until 1906 when he built the new house. The new four room house was built at a cost of $850.00.Yoakum Co. was established in 1907, and Pat McHugh held the office of commissioner of precinct one until he died in 1926.
Annie Armstrong was a niece of Pat’s. She was born in Sligo County Ireland and came here to cook and keep house for Pat in 1909. When Pat died in1926 the ranch became hers, which was about 12 sections. When Pat passed away Annie leased the ranch to C. L. (Big) Holler and Mr. Ross from Scotland.
Big Holler moved his wife and his son into the dugout, they had two girls and one boy that were born in the dugout. They lived there until they moved to Denver City in 1941, 14 years later.
Annie Armstrong lived on the ranch until her death in 1972. She was a fine lady, and worked hard on the place. She was on the board of directors of a Plains bank in the early years. She helped a lot to get the Catholic Church in Denver City.
Before they got trucks to haul cattle, they were driven from New Mexico to Seagraves, where they were shipped by rail. In route to Seagraves the cowboys would drive the cattle to the Armstrong Ranch and Annie Armstrong would let them put them in pens and let the cowboys stay in the bunk house.
Submitted by Connie Webb, Sligo, Texas 1903, By Ed Gayle, Denver City, Texas © Oct 1999
Part II

From the Denver City Museum, the cookstove used by Annie Armstrong
No. 34.
Annie Armstrong being duly sworn testified my name is Annie
Armstrong. I reside in Yoakum County, Texas . I have resided
in Texas Eighteen years. I am the niece of Pat McHugh,
deceased. I am the same Annie Armstrong mentioned in the
will of Pat McHugh deceased, which is now in evidence.
I have declared my intention of becoming a citizen. I have the instrument with me, this is it which I now offer in evidence as follows:
No. 153.
Form 2203
U.S. Department of Labor
Naturalization Service
United States of America Declaration of Intention
United States of America In the District Court of Northern
District of Texas the United States at Abilene
I, Annie Armstrong, aged 37 years, occupation housekeeper do declare on oath that my personal description is: Color white, Complexion Fair, height 5 feet 4 inches, weight 120 pounds, color of hair, black, color of eyes, blue, other visible distinctive marks, mole on chin, and left cheek. I was born in Cloonacool, Ireland, on the 22nd day of July. A.D. 1888. I now reside at Yoakum County, Texas . I emigrated to the United States of America from Queenstown(?), Ireland , on the vessel Oceanic. My last foreign residence, was Cloonacool Ireland . I am not married. It is my bona fide intention to renounce forever, all allegiance and fidelity to an y foreign prince, potentate, State or sovereignty, and particularly to George V, King of Great Britain and Ireland, of whom I am now a Subject. I arrived at the port of New York, in the State of New York, on or about the 8th day of January A.D. 1908. I am not an anarchist, I am not a polygamist, nor a believer in the practice of polygamy, and it is my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the United States of America, and to permanently reside therein, so help me God.
Signed Annie Armstrong.
Subscribed and sworn to before me in the office of the Clerk
of said Court, this 24th day of March, Anno Domini 1926.
George W. Parker
Clerk of the United States Court
By Ida M. James Deputy Clerk
Seal of the United States District Court
Testimony of the Witness Annie Armstrong signed in open
court on the 17th day of May 1926.
Annie Armstrong.
The State of Texas, In the County Court of Yoakum County,
Texas, May Term, A.D. 1926.
No. 34.
I, W. H. Hague Clerk of the County Court of Yoakum County,
Texas, do hereby Certify that on the 17 day of May, A.D.
1926, S. J. Dixon was duly granted by said Court letters
testamentary of the estate of Pat McHugh, deceased, and that
he qualified as such executor on the 17th day of May A.D.
1926, as the law requires.
Witness my hand and seal of office at Plains, this the 17th
day of May, A.D. 1926.
W. H. Hague
Clerk County Court of Yoakum County, Texas